Mobius footage - close calls and accidents. Post your videos.

Always meet vehicles on the wrong side of the road at this point.
Damm i thought it was only us Danes who used that term :(
There are times that I don't know what I would do without a dashcam. I was just driving home in traffic on a narrow two lane road. Somebody double parked almost blocking the whole lane and then jumped out in front of me. As I passed him the MF punches my car. There was no way to stop or turn around to confront him or check the car.

I doubted he did any damage, yet with the Mobius I could just go home, look at the video and get his plate and play the video for the insurance company. This also keeps me safe in case this was at night or an insurance scam.
I think a still image shows enough. I'm not sure why people do this, but I had to do a fast lane change to avoid doing a sudden stop.

Not realy a close call... but last Xmas eve there was severe weather conditions with fallen trees. This was one of them that I posted on YT.

The next day it made it to national television.

Close call this past weekend with a texting driver...
That way extremely close. Somebody has to fix texting in cars, too many accidents
That way extremely close. Somebody has to fix texting in cars, too many accidents
Yeah, was waaay too close for comfort - especially having my 5 month old in the back seat. You can even see the car in front of me swerved into the other lane to avoid getting hit in the rear. Here in North Carolina we have a no texting while driving law...but I have not seen much of a reduction on my commutes. You still see it every day. I am trying to make more of an effort to capture them on video with my dashcams and get them posted. Too bad there is no place to officially report them - especially when they easily could be causing harm to themselves and others like this idiot.
Yeah, was waaay too close for comfort - especially having my 5 month old in the back seat. You can even see the car in front of me swerved into the other lane to avoid getting hit in the rear. Here in North Carolina we have a no texting while driving law...but I have not seen much of a reduction on my commutes. You still see it every day. I am trying to make more of an effort to capture them on video with my dashcams and get them posted. Too bad there is no place to officially report them - especially when they easily could be causing harm to themselves and others like this idiot.
Someone in California is trying to stop them
Is it not legal to hold a mobile in a car in the US? All you have to do is touch it here and you get 3 points and a fine! Not that im complaining, its a good thing
I can speak about NY. Here it's illegal to hold your phone; hands free devices like bluetooth headsets are ok. That's why you see everyone in this fine city talking to themselves. You can't really tell the crazy people from everyone else.
I am now reading off license plates when I see them so that I can annotate them in my videos I am posting online for these bad drivers - especially the ones texting. I have a YouTube channel that I am dedicating to these bad drivers as well. One old video is from a different dashcam, but the rest are all from my Mobius. With this higher quality camera, I am catching stupid people almost daily. Hard to keep up with all of them! :P
Close call for a slow driver who I had followed for over a mile at less than 40mph in a 60mph area.

OMG your wife makes these videos what they are. Love her comments LOL!

But seriously, you guys have some crazy close calls - I thought mine were close, not anymore!
OK, this is NOT a Mobius, it's a cell phone, but trust me, just wait for the best part about 1:30 in the video.
Karma's revenge for being a jerk.

Haha, that's just brilliant. Nice find
OK, this is NOT a Mobius, it's a cell phone, but trust me, just wait for the best part about 1:30 in the video.
Karma's revenge for being a jerk.

As they say "karma's a biatch",and this imbecile bore the full brunt of it.
Serves him right for road rage and taking his eyes off the road for a good 8-10 seconds,which is an eternity on the road.