Mobius footage - close calls and accidents. Post your videos.

Bob, the video you uploaded to YouTube is only 720p. Is that the resolution you recorded at?
Bob, you've previously mentioned you don't use the highest bit rate settings- that could have helped in this situation.

Yes, I used the lowest bit rate assuming that even with artifacts the video would show exactly what happened. This was the case where that proved to be a bad idea. I guess is that even at the highest bit rate the plate would not be readable. However, Im' going to get a 32GB card and switch to the highest bit rate for the future.

Bob, the video you uploaded to YouTube is only 720p. Is that the resolution you recorded at?

The clip was shot at 1920 x 1080 / 30P, but I have problems editing in that mode. My MAC is a older model and can't deal with the higher resolution without bogging down too much. I always edit at 1280 x 720 to speed up the editing process.
The clip was shot at 1920 x 1080 / 30P, but I have problems editing in that mode. My MAC is a older model and can't deal with the higher resolution without bogging down too much. I always edit at 1280 x 720 to speed up the editing process.

Well, the answer is obvious Bob. You need to buy a brand new shiny Mac to go with your Mobius and that new 32GB card! That way, you'll be ready the next time something happens and in the meantime you can post lots of cool videos here at DCT. :)
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Man, the guy must have been sitting there the whole time watching the situation unfold and the aftermath but never came forward.
One of these days we'll have the resolution, sharpness and frame rates to get the plate numbers of negligent people like this and nail them!
No, he has his back up lights on. Looks like he was backing up to get to what he had dropped. Tow straps are like $5. Idiot. Sorry it happened to you Bob. Glad you're okay.
No, he has his back up lights on. Looks like he was backing up to get to what he had dropped. Tow straps are like $5. Idiot. Sorry it happened to you Bob. Glad you're okay.

Close examination of the three photos Bob posted of the guy who lost the mattress, the back-up lights are off in at least two of them as he seems to have already backed up to or nearly stopped at the spot where he dropped the mattress, as seen in the photos. Viewing the actual video, the truck appears to be essentially stationary as well, or nearly so as Bob's vehicle approaches the car that has already hit the mattress. Not that it really matters or is worth arguing over. Either way, stopped or still backing up slowly he clearly witnessed the accident and had every opportunity to come forward as having caused what happened.
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@schmendrick how is your Mobius working?
Awesome! Got some great footage of my local fox resident. Stopped to get out of the car with it and film the bald eagle that was flying around the lake. Had a close call with a wild turkey the other day. I love living in the country!

I promoted this forum and Mobius to another forum that I am a part of. The thread that started there was about dash cams and got me hunting and led me to you guys! I posted there a few weeks ago with an update that I replaced my original and got this awesome thing. Had a great discussion with those guys.
Awesome! Got some great footage of my local fox resident. Stopped to get out of the car with it and film the bald eagle that was flying around the lake. Had a close call with a wild turkey the other day. I love living in the country!

Similar experiences where I live. Just getting through "mud season" here.
I captured my first close call using the trusty Mobius yesterday when a women on a bicycle decided to push off from a Stop sign on my left as I approached.

Luckily she was able to pull up and push backwards plus the fact I was slowing down for a 40kph zone that saved her.

I have some Mobius videos saved up on my notebook as Quick Time files and was wondering if someone can suggest an easy(Read for Dummies) editing program so I may edit and shorten them.

Thx in advance :rolleyes:

Off Topic: Was watching that British program yesterday, "The Chaser" and the chaser actually got this question WRONG! :eek:

Q: On what side of the road do they drive on in Australia? o_O

A: As if you don't know. If you don't then Google it. :)
I have some Mobius videos saved up on my notebook as Quick Time files and was wondering if someone can suggest an easy(Read for Dummies) editing program so I may edit and shorten them.
I use iMovie on my Mac, presumably there is something similar available from Microsoft....

Off Topic: Was watching that British program yesterday, "The Chaser" and the chaser actually got this question WRONG! :eek:
Q: On what side of the road do they drive on in Australia? o_O
A: As if you don't know. If you don't then Google it. :)
Presumably the answer depends on whether or not you are driving a Road Train - some of those things don't seem to care which side of the road they use!:p
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Try MPEG Streamclip it's free and is available for Mac & Windows. Works a treat for removing sections.

There are tutorials around just Google for them.
I use iMovie on my Mac, presumably there is something similar available from Microsoft....

Presumably the answer depends on whether or not you are driving a Road Train - some of those things don't seem to care which side of the road they use!:p

It goes back to that old theory, "Might Has Right". :p
Sail, if all you want to do is trim (shorten) a video clip on a Mac you can use Quicktime Player to do it without having to obtain any new software.
  1. In QuickTime Player, choose Edit > Trim.
    The trimming bar appears.
  2. Use the trimming bar to select the portion of the movie that you want to keep.
    • Drag the playhead, represented by a red vertical line, to find the portions of the movie that you want to eliminate.
    • Drag the start and end of the trimming bar, using the yellow handles, to select the portion of the movie that you want to keep.
  3. Click the Trim button.
    The movie is shortened to the portion you selected.
  4. You can also add additional clips to the beginning or end of trimmed clips.

Of course, if you want to do more advanced editing iMovie is an excellent choice.
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In Australia we refer to it as 'who has right of weight'

Mine (Might has Right) came from sailing up and down the East Coast of Australia when someone on board spotted a cruise or cargo ship heading towards our 46' or smaller yacht. :eek:
After the minor accident, I've been troubled what would happen if I had had a really hard impact? The camera slipped out of the mount with just a minor hit, a major hit could cause the camera to really fly and not save the file. After a lot of thinking of how do I hold the camera in place with an improved mount I realized that the answer was just use Zip-Ties.

I found some 4 inch (100mm) Zip Ties at a local electronics store. The ties are about 1/8 inch wide (3mm) and don't block the USB connection or the memory card. If for some reason I have to take the camera off the mount, I'll have to replace the zip-ties, but given that the ties are so inexpensive, I really don't have to worry about the cost.
After the minor accident, I've been troubled what would happen if I had had a really hard impact? The camera slipped out of the mount with just a minor hit, a major hit could cause the camera to really fly and not save the file. After a lot of thinking of how do I hold the camera in place with an improved mount I realized that the answer was just use Zip-Ties.

I found some 4 inch (100mm) Zip Ties at a local electronics store. The ties are about 1/8 inch wide (3mm) and don't block the USB connection or the memory card. If for some reason I have to take the camera off the mount, I'll have to replace the zip-ties, but given that the ties are so inexpensive, I really don't have to worry about the cost.
I am hoping your Smart car's rear bumper, opps sorry that should be fender, isn't being held on using the same method!!!:p
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After the minor accident, I've been troubled what would happen if I had had a really hard impact? The camera slipped out of the mount with just a minor hit, a major hit could cause the camera to really fly and not save the file. After a lot of thinking of how do I hold the camera in place with an improved mount I realized that the answer was just use Zip-Ties.
I found some 4 inch (100mm) Zip Ties at a local electronics store. The ties are about 1/8 inch wide (3mm) and don't block the USB connection or the memory card. If for some reason I have to take the camera off the mount, I'll have to replace the zip-ties, but given that the ties are so inexpensive, I really don't have to worry about the cost.
Equally important would be to secure the SD card so it can't fly out if the car were to have a hard impact. That would mean losing the last video clip. Maybe a piece of metal or similar solid material wedged under the tie would help. RC users just tape the card in place but dashcam users most likely need a more solid solution.