Mobius Maxi 4K Action Camera / Dashcam

Thanks for the suggestion. Tried a different SD card and same results.

The real problem is I can't change the parameter to turn on with external power. It's currently set to off. I tried a hard reset with the small button..but the same results.
Try disconnecting your battery or super-capacitor for 30-60 seconds and then plug back in. Sometimes this will accomplish what a hard reset cannot.

Also, make sure your battery or capacitor are functioning properly in the first place.
Try to manually set the parameter in the config file, don't forget to rename it.
I have two Mobius cameras. One for the front and back. For some reason, the rear camera is not saving the parameters I set up on MSetup.exe
Which Mobius camera? I assume the 4K? I had a pre-release MM4K that became stuck on a particular FW version. It does not let me change any parameters, and I cannot upgrade or downgrade the FW.

I also have a retail MM4K which does not behave this way.

I suggest contacting Mobius for advice.
Correct, Mobius 4K.

I'll reach out to mobius for help thank you.

I will also try and change the parameters inside the parameter files.
Took a part my camera and it doesn't look like I can disconnect the camera.

Also, I could not find the parameter file...would I have to download the sysconfig file and drop it in the camera?

Thanks for the support guys, really appreciate it.

Took a part my camera and it doesn't look like I can disconnect the camera.

I recommended disconnecting the super-capacitor/battery fix-it because you originally posted about your problem in the Mobius 1 support thread on Saturday before posting the same question again yesterday in this thread. In the original Mobius 1 (and all other Mobius models except the Mobius 4K ) the battery and capacitor have plugs that allows them to be swapped or replaced and this technique can sometimes repair glitches and freezes such as you describe.

For future reference, it's best to determine the appropriate thread to post a question in the first place and to avoid multiposting the identical question in several threads hoping more people will see it. This just creates confusion.
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drop the configuration file into your mirco-SD card (top directory).
mine is attached since your camera (and mSetup) didn't make one.
this will help rule out a fault in mSetup.

3. Save the file back to the memory card, and then rename the config file by deleting ".BAK" suffix in the name, leaving the file named "SYNC_PARA.CFG".

4. Finally, with the camera turned off and the memory card and it's revised config file in the card root folder, simply turn the camera, turn the camera on and you're done!
The camera will detect the renamed config file and load in the parameters when it turns on, and will write a new ".BAK" file to the memory card confirming the settings have been loaded (check to be sure this file is there). Leave this file on your card for future reference or changes. The file is rewritten every time the camera boots, so there's nothing gained by deleting it.
NOTE! There are some settings that can conflict with others or the camera cannot accept due to hardware limitations! In those cases the camera FW will change the invalid setting to a valid alternative when the file is loaded into the camera, and the revised settings will show in the config .BAK file that is written out to the SD card. If your expected settings are not working you can check the .BAK file to see the change. The Windows mSetup.exe programming software will not accept these invalid settings, so use it to make trouble-free configuration changes if you have a Windows PC.

Alternate Manual User Configuration Setting Procedure Via Camera's Video Out OSD

The M4K also has an On Screen Display (OSD) mode that can display/change its configuration settings via the camera buttons, but it's only available when the camera is connected to a TV, FPV display, or other system that accepts old NTSC or PAL analog video input. This method is a bit unwieldy navigating through the various menus to toggle settings, but there are times when this might be the only method available. You must have the M4K USB-C Video Out cable with phono plugs to feed the OSD video to your display hardware. More details on this are in Isoprop's User Guide linked above.


There should be a configuration text file SYNC_PARA.CFG.BAK on the card at all times. The camera automatically updates this with the current settings every time it is turned on.

If you amend any parameters on a PC using a text editor, save the file, then remove the .BAK extension, the camera should read in the new parameters the next time you turn it on.
On ebay site there is ''sold out'' message for Maxi 4k, they are not listed anymore (2.7k still available though)
Is it dead already?
On ebay site there is ''sold out'' message for Maxi 4k, they are not listed anymore (2.7k still available though)
Is it dead already?

When the Mobius 1 disappeared from eBay it turned out that they were preparing to introduce the Mobius 1S. Perhaps there is a new version of the M4K coming out?

On the other hand the Mobius 4K was not a great seller AFAIK so perhaps they killed it off after all?
I was also a bit surprised they have the 4K out of stock for a long time now.
MM4K not a good seller?? pretty good camera from my experience.
Maybe they need to do a bit of advertising.

They are working on a new camera, one with better low-light abilities.
Not sure what its specs though. maybe its going to be an improved version for MM4K / successor ?
I was also a bit surprised they have the 4K out of stock for a long time now.
MM4K not a good seller?? pretty good camera from my experience.
Maybe they need to do a bit of advertising.
I like using my MM4K for general purpose video, just not as a dashcam
They have never done any advertising

They are working on a new camera, one with better low-light abilities.
Not sure what its specs though. maybe its going to be an improved version for MM4K / successor ?
It's not a MM4K successor
I am using three mobius cameras simultaneously as forward, rear and side facing race cameras to record my 35-minute Spec Miata races.

One is a Mobius Maxi 4k and the other two are original Mobius cams. All set to start recording at external power on . The original mobius cams run the entire length of my ~35 minute races, one file. The Maxi does not, it divides up video even though record length is set to "max".

Maxi 4k settings are: power on auto record external only, video resolution 1920 x 1080 (1080p) 30fps, medium quality, Video clip length "Max." Samsung 32gb Evo plus class 10 Micro SDHC 95mb. The videos divide at 22:07 minutes, so I end up with two files. The second file, a continuation, is in the range of 9 to 11 minutes, depending on when I shut down the video recording system.

Any clue why this is happening?

I don't have experience with recording file at Max.
First thing that comes to mind is whats the generated file size ? And card file system?
The second question is why does it bother you? Except for not working as intended, whats the practical problem? Do you need it to be a single file for like uploading purpose or something?
I don't have experience with recording file at Max.
First thing that comes to mind is whats the generated file size ? And card file system?
The second question is why does it bother you? Except for not working as intended, whats the practical problem? Do you need it to be a single file for like uploading purpose or something?
File size of truncated video is always 3,907,xxx to 3,908,xxx. Bothers me because yeah, not working as intended. it then has to be stitched together when I combine the cams into one Multiview all inclusive video that I upload to YouTube and save. Card size is 32gb. The card was 25gb used and 5gb free. FAT32 format.

Anyone here have something specific? Not questioning why this bugs me?
Anyone here have something specific? Not questioning why this bugs me?

I'm not clear why you are shooting 1920 x 1080 (1080p) 30fps of a 4K camera at medium quality. I'm sure you have your reasons.

The first thing I would try is a different memory card perhaps at least 64 GB or even 128 GB and use something other than the EVO PLus. The Maxi 4K may not like the Samsing EVO PLUS. This may be more than you need but it "may" fix your problem.

Then I would try different settings. Have you tried shooting at different resolutions? You should. See what happens. Try the default 4K the camera was built for, for example, and then other resolutions. Same with video quality. Troubleshooting is a process of elimination, so try one step at a time and then change the next parameter.