Mobius Maxi Support Thread

When auto record is on, the camera is programed to start video recording immediately after fully booting up. The system even checks within a few seconds to make sure it is recording video. If not, it will try again.
If you press the Mode button too early, it could trigger the syscfg read / write process (as TonyM advised), which ocassionally happened according to your previous posts;
If you press the Mode button a bit later while it's already recording, then you could not turn the wifi on.
I believe you press the Mode button when the system is trying to do memory card checking and it's about to start a recording. That's why you see the 0 KB files, and the system thinks it as a card failure, and it stops trying. That's why you delete the 0 KB files, it starts to record again.
I have to say it's amazing how you can press the button so right on time. It takes very short time for the system to check the memory card.

With auto record set on, please wait until it's fully booting up and starts to record, and then please let it record a few seconds of videos successfully to put ease on its determined mind.
at the moment, i don't have any other way to turn wifi on besides how i do it right now with exact timing on startup.
as i already mentioned here before , if i click the shutter button after the camera starts recording, it goes into standby for a second and then continue recording! so i can't turn on wifi during this 1 second.
auto record is a must feature for me, i want a dashboard camera which just works, right after i turn on the engine.
regarding wifi enable on start (on beta fw/app) , i've tested it (with auto record on power) and it didn't work.
Wifi functions are super important, also to sales of Mobius Maxi. It is a small camera with wifi. It is amazing.
"The beta firmware that I have been testing recently has an option to automatically start WiFi when the camera is turned on. "
Super great, super important featre. Autostart into wifi-mode.

When do you think the official 2.12 firmware will be released? It is silence so far. You wrote this week?
bare in mind that wifi enabled during startup feature doesn't work properly - at least in the 2 beta firmwares i've tried
Transcend SDXC Premium 128GB , there's no way to tell from the app how full is the card,
but since all the night recordings were missing (i'm using loop) , i assume it was full.
Have you got a link to which transcend card you have, some of the current models are known problem cards, if you have one of the affected models it could be the issue
Can anyone answer these questions for me. Help will be greatly appreciated.

I have confirmed my Action Cam is not a fake. I have had it for a long time and used it for dashcam and radio control stuff and am happy with it.
I have recently purchased a Maxi. How do I confirm if it is a fake or not, even though I purchased it from a reputable seller?

Looking inside I see the battery connector is plugin.
The battery looks large but is not Mobius branded.
I cannot see a way to adjust the focus. It appears the lens is glued.
Otherwise it looks well made.
An instruction manual was included.
mSetup does not complain about it, although unlike the Action Cam it starts in Webcam mode and requires a button press to connect to mSetup.

Also, there appears to be an antenna beside the pcb - two elements with 2 wires connected. What is this for?

Hoping the Mobius staff are reading this - please, please, please do NOT make your plastic mouldings with soft surfaces. They turn into a gelatinous mess after about 2 years. I just spent the better part of an entire night removing the goop from my Action Cam and was lucky to be successful. I was also successful with my Drift HD. Other items I have had less success with are Garmin Nuvi (write-off), Beats (write-off), desktop computer case (write-off). There are legions of horror stories out there on the web.
it's probably 300x then, will check for sure on the card later on today
I have a 32GB Transcend Premium 300x that I could test with if that's helpful?
if i click the shutter button after the camera starts recording, it goes into standby for a second and then continue recording! so i can't turn on wifi during this 1 second.
Are you pressing the shutter button during the camera boot up sequence? If so, as @Mobius said, the camera checks to see if it is recording and if it is not, then it will try again. That's the only explanation I can think of why the camera would start recording by itself after you have stopped it.

If you leave it for 15 seconds or so after power up to ensure it is recording normally and then press the shutter button, what happens?
bare in mind that wifi enabled during startup feature doesn't work properly - at least in the 2 beta firmwares i've tried
Auto WiFi on does work, if auto record on external power is not enabled, as I have tried to explain to you (beta FW only). Please take the time to understand the camera functions before stating that they do not work.
Auto WiFi on does work, if auto record on external power is not enabled, as I have tried to explain to you (beta FW only). Please take the time to understand the camera functions before stating that they do not work.
if one feature disables another, i would say that's a fault
Are you pressing the shutter button during the camera boot up sequence? If so, as @Mobius said, the camera checks to see if it is recording and if it is not, then it will try again. That's the only explanation I can think of why the camera would start recording by itself after you have stopped it.

If you leave it for 15 seconds or so after power up to ensure it is recording normally and then press the shutter button, what happens?
no, i don't hold the shutter button during startup
if i leave it recording and then press the shutter button, same thing happens. standby for 1-2 seconds and then it records again