Mobius Maxi Support Thread

However to specially answer your question, Linux support for setting up Maxi, will that be available?

Msetup is Windows only, you can use the txt file config method as that is platform independent, there's a convenience factor to using a GUI but I've also found it to be buggy with the Maxi at the moment
Is mSetup going to include Linux in their setup software for the MAXI camera? I read on Ebay that the Mobius 1 V-3 can now update the mSetup using Linux, therefore the question.
Is mSetup going to include Linux in their setup software for the MAXI camera? I read on Ebay that the Mobius 1 V-3 can now update the mSetup using Linux, therefore the question.

I don't know, Msetup only mentions Windows you'd have to ask @Isoprop I guess to find out if there is any Linux version or maybe the eBay ad you read was talking about something else
I just hope they realize how wide spread and growing Linux is, it will eventually take over windows software if it hasen't already in computers, it would be very foolish for the powers to be to underestimate how fast it is growing!
Linux are big for sure, not so much for the regular Joe end user, but otherwise you find linux just about everywhere you look.

I haven't tried it, but i understand it is much better than IOS and the hoops it force you to jump thru.
I just hope they realize how wide spread and growing Linux is, it will eventually take over windows software if it hasen't already in computers, it would be very foolish for the powers to be to underestimate how fast it is growing!

they own the server market, desktop market is still very small
The shortest (5cm) lens extension cable for the #16 works fine. I have also used two together (10cm) and that combination also works. The longest extension cable (38 cm) is too long and does not work. I don't have the in-between length (whatever that is) to test.
"works" also at maximum bitrate?

Mobius have tested that the 5cm extension cable is OK. They report data loss at longer lengths.
I've contacted Foss to see if I can get some Linux usage figures (World), I'll let everyone know when he gets back to me. Personally I don't even know anyone using Windows any more, most people around here just talk about Linux and the particular distro they use. Windows is still used in a lot of businesses because of it's large head start in that area and the reluctance to use something new that they fear might give them problems when the reverse is true, less problems with Linux!
Personally I don't even know anyone using Windows any more, most people around here just talk about Linux and the particular distro they use.
I've only ever used Windows at home or at work. I don't know anyone who uses Linux and haven't a clue what a distro is.
I know, a distro is the flavor of linux, there is a whole bunch of those, and it can get into a nerdoff discussing which distro/ version is the best.
I also dont know a single person using linux, not even the few true nerds i have known over time.
I know, a distro is the flavor of linux, there is a whole bunch of those, and it can get into a nerdoff discussing which distro/ version is the best.

for a beginner Linux Mint is probably the best distro to start with, I've used Linux for 20 years and lots of different distros but still use Mint the most as it just works on the most hardware without any mucking around, Ubuntu is probably the most popular desktop distro
Got my Maxi today.
Might need a little help though.
Can't seem to get MSetup to recognize the camera.

I can take a 1080/30 video, change mode to 720/60 and change mode to take a pic.
Hooked up to the computer Windows 10 recognizes the camera (Red Ring) and I can view the files in several players.
The camera connects in SD card mode, no problem. Took several short videos to focus.

Now, in Msetup, , The camera is reported as (in blue ring mode) as Mobiu -----------Unknown camera type.
Msetup knows it's a Mobius camera though.
I select it and VID=, PID=. Device not supported. Click for more infomation
Tried several ports (no hub), a couple of cables, Not going to reload Windows :) as suggested.

Tried to use as a webcam, VLC media player, selected the mobius camera, but says type not supported.
Reloaded Msetup, virus off admin mode, same.
I can watch other cameras but not the Maxi. Yet.

I'll keep playing.
OK, tried this.
Camera disconnected.
Open mSetup.
Connected camera (NO SD card).
Camera came on blue ring mode.
2 items show in mSetup, the mobiu, and Cyberlink Web Cam Filter
Selected Mobiu
Pressed M button.
Nothing different.
Shut it down.
Started mSetup, plugged in camera, Hit M button, same.
I can use the shutter button to toggle between Blue ring, Unknown camera type and
Red ring, reports drive
E: Capacity=59.45 GB (eXFAT), Free space= 50.30 GB Mobius Maxi

When I toggle back and forth watching My Computer, the E Drive comes and goes with the Red/Blue change.
I can open the drive and play videos that I recorded.


  • RedRing.jpg
    19.9 KB · Views: 13
  • BlueRing.jpg
    19.7 KB · Views: 13
NO SD card: Pressed shutter button. Camera list blanks out, comes back with same.
With SD card: Toggles between SD card and camera list.

Reading the help section of mSetup it mentions "icatch" drivers???
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when you connect it's in mass storage mode by default, press the shutter button to change to webcam mode and then Msetup can see it, I didn't try without a card in it though so not sure what difference that makes
Did that, images posted, I can toggle between mass storage mode (red ring) and webcam mode (Blue ring) and "unknown camera type.
Without SD Card the camera list blanks, refreshes, comes back the same.
I checked in Device Manager and the Mobius shows up.
I'll uninstall and start over. Thanks for the help. I'll play some more tonight and get back in the morning. DeviceManager.jpg
See how you go, my initial impression is that Msetup doesn't work that great with the Maxi, I've also found anytime after I've used it that the camera won't work until I pressed the reset button, something is still not right
Last thing for tonight :)
I extracted the camera SYSCFG to the card and read it.
I can see all the camera setting.
I'll move it off the card and not mess with it for now.
At least I have it sort of focused now. Was at about an inch when I got it :)

Well, staying up a little late :)
The mSetup will find my memory card in an adapter, in a USB card reader plugged into any USB por on my computer.
No camera connected. Just the card. I deleted some files, changed from a 32GB to a 64GB and each time mSetup would ID the card when I started it up fresh.

With the camera in mass storage mode (Red Ring) mSetup finds both cards. Drive E and F on my computer.
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