Mobius Super Capacitor.

IMHO the Mobius needs an external battery option (ie. wired to the internal charging circuit)- so a decent sized (remotely located) super capacitor can be wired in! That would appear to possibly be a (cumbersome) fix to the problem? Locating the battery remotely would also mean it could be located in a cooler area of the vehicle, possibly negating the super capacitor requirement?
That would lead to other problems - disconnect the external capacitor/battery and the internal clock would be reset.
Some form of delayed switch would be the perfect solution. Only supply power to the camera once external power can be guaranteed stable. It would be pretty easy to design a simple circuit and build it into the car charger, for example. Maybe such a switch already exists?
Keep in mind that so long your car ignition system doesn't cut power between ~5 and ~6 seconds there is no problem.
That would lead to other problems - disconnect the external capacitor/battery and the internal clock would be reset.
Some form of delayed switch would be the perfect solution. Only supply power to the camera once external power can be guaranteed stable. It would be pretty easy to design a simple circuit and build it into the car charger, for example. Maybe such a switch already exists?
Keep in mind that so long your car ignition system doesn't cut power between ~5 and ~6 seconds there is no problem.

So, I posted the DIY circuit diagram that will do this back in post #203 but perhaps the readily available (and inexpensive) switch below would do the job? (available on eBay) (USA vendor)


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So I have been connecting the mobius after ignition and its worked for 3 days (a day longer than previously) without totally failing to start and needing a card format. But it has failed to start recording twice within that time and needed to have the power disconnected and re-connected.

I had a similar issue with my first Mobius that frustrated me for quite awhile. I would start my vehicle and the camera would do nothing. Unplugging and then re-plugging the power would sometimes get it going. It turned out to be poor contact between the miniUSB plug and the camera that was getting worse over time from vibration and movement of the cable. It needed a VERY gentle adjustment of the prongs on the female connector and some contact cleaner and the problem went away. Perhaps something similar is contributing to your problems with the capacitor?
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I have immediate power off, thats about all you need to change. The issues are that when the ignition is turned the power is cut for just a second and turns the mobius into a spin. It then over a period of two days starts getting worse and eventually wont start at all. A card format seems to work and then it all starts all over again. As the super cap cant really provide the 30 second disconnect, the only other option is 0 seconds, where a 5 seconds option would probably be fine.

So I have been connecting the mobius after ignition and its worked for 3 days (a day longer than previously) without totally failing to start and needing a card format. But it has failed to start recording twice within that time and needed to have the power disconnected and re-connected.

So even with certain allowances its still not 100% reliable and quite frankly thats more important than anything to me. Thats coming from my 3 mobius A lens, B Lens with super cap and dead A lens. So its not my first rodeo. :rolleyes:
I've explained the ~5 sec - ~6 sec gap enough so won't go into that again ;). However your 3-day limit before formatting is something else. We all know that the FAT file system can easily become corrupted, but 3 days is a very short time!
Is it possible that you have loop recording enabled (most likely) and the card is full when the camera is turned on? If this is the case, then there is indeed an issue which I hope will be resolved in a future firmware update. The developer is still away for the CNY so it will be a few days until he has the time to catch up with all the recent activity.
I installed the capacitor kit yesterday. I followed the instructions at

The battery was affixed to the case bottom by a tenacious self-adhesive pad, & took some prying off. I thought I would use it to affix the capacitor to the case bottom, however, it disintegrated as I tried to peel it off the battery, Fortunately, I had some self-adhesive pads handy, so I cut one to size.

It's probably not a good a idea to leave the capacitor rattling about loose inside the case, as it may make noise that's picked up by the microphone.

I updated Firmware from v0.53 to v1.13. Then plugged Mobius into my Anker E4 battery pack & it started recording. Let it record until it filled the card & started overwriting the oldest clip. Checked files... all good. Put Mobius back in car. Started engine & it started recording... all good.

Today I remembered I'd intended to take a photo or two, but forgot to do so! Removed Mobius from car, unscrewed case again & took photo below. Note how small the capacitor is by comparison with the old battery. Battery weighs 10g. Too late to weigh the capacitor now it's stuck to the case bottom, however, it's lighter than the battery.

It's early days, but so far so good. I'm happy that the LiPo battery's gone, even though it gave me no trouble. Come the scorching English summer (max 93deg F last year), I'll leave Mobius in the car while parked in the sunshine.

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I installed the capacitor kit yesterday. I followed the instructions at

The battery was affixed to the case bottom by a tenacious self-adhesive pad, & took some prying off. I thought I would use it to affix the capacitor to the case bottom, however, it disintegrated as I tried to peel it off the battery, Fortunately, I had some self-adhesive pads handy, so I cut one to size.

It's probably not a good a idea to leave the capacitor rattling about loose inside the case, as it may make noise that's picked up by the microphone.

I updated Firmware from v0.53 to v1.13. Then plugged Mobius into my Anker E4 battery pack & it started recording. Let it record until it filled the card & started overwriting the oldest clip. Checked files... all good. Put Mobius back in car. Started engine & it started recording... all good.

Today I remembered I'd intended to take a photo or two, but forgot to do so! Removed Mobius from car, unscrewed case again & took photo below. Note how small the capacitor is by comparison with the old battery. Battery weighs 10g. Too late to weigh the capacitor now it's stuck to the case bottom, however, it's lighter than the battery.

It's early days, but so far so good. I'm happy that the LiPo battery's gone, even though it gave me no trouble. Come the scorching English summer (max 93deg F last year), I'll leave Mobius in the car while parked in the sunshine.

View attachment 3860

Thanks for this post Russ. Glad to see another intrepid soul willing to experiment with a Mobius super-cap considering Jim's experience. It will be interesting to hear updates on this.
6th day and mine stopped working completely once again. That was record length of time.

Jim, are you SURE the problem isn't with your driving? :D

Either one of you driving a diesel car?
I'm with you in thinking the problem is in that diesel start up sequence. Well at least I kinda assume I am, since I kinda assumed you were :confused: Um ya
We had to add a startup delay option on our old model camera as some diesel cars draw a lot of current when cranking and it was causing issues
Good chance on a diesel with sky high European gas (err...petrol) prices.
I gotta get around to installing that capacitor...
Sorry, thread is way too long to read. Can a knowledgeable someone provide a quick update as to any reliability issues / problems using the super capacitor? My mobius B-lens has been perfectly fine for the past 2 months or so, but I'm worried about the heat issues come summer time. Should I purchase the capacitor now? or wait for an updated capacitor/firmware before? Thanks in advance!
Sorry, thread is way too long to read. Can a knowledgeable someone provide a quick update as to any reliability issues / problems using the super capacitor? My mobius B-lens has been perfectly fine for the past 2 months or so, but I'm worried about the heat issues come summer time. Should I purchase the capacitor now? or wait for an updated capacitor/firmware before? Thanks in advance!
Quick synopsis: don't worry, just keep it out of prolonged hot cars. If you still want the capacitor option and want "perfect" reliability wait till a few have tried and been perfectly successful. It's still a crap shoot.

In a nutshell: if it ain't broke, don't fix it (for now at least)
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Sorry, thread is way too long to read. Can a knowledgeable someone provide a quick update as to any reliability issues / problems using the super capacitor? My mobius B-lens has been perfectly fine for the past 2 months or so, but I'm worried about the heat issues come summer time. Should I purchase the capacitor now? or wait for an updated capacitor/firmware before? Thanks in advance!

I've got a Mobius that lives permanently in a vehicle that is always parked outside - usually in the full sun. The Mobius is mounted between the rear view mirror and the windscreen (ie. exposed.) This is article pretty well sums up how hot the weather has been here:
....Adelaide has set a record for its most summer days of 40 degrees Celsius or more. The previous mark had stood for 117 years.
There now have been 12 days so far this summer over 40C, with forecasters predicting the mercury will reach 43C on Wednesday.....

So, IMHO don't get too hung up on a Mobius failing in hot weather. By all reports it's not good for the battery, but if they were prone to sudden heat related failure mine should be well and truly dead. The only mod I've done is to attach two small heatsinks onto the factory heatsink surfaces.
This thread has been a little quiet lately. I've been wondering how things have been going for guys who've been experimenting with the Mobius Super-Capacitor. Jim? Russ? Anyone else? Any updates on your experiences?
Techmoan's new video where he goes whole hog with wide lens, extension and capacitor has inspired me to think about this for the rear cam on my truck when the warm weather comes around. (It was -8º Fahrenheit last night:eek:, so not a concern for the moment.)
Have you guys thought about adding a second power circuit that is attached to the super cap and keeps it charged at all times? Grab a permanent on 12V from the car, step it down using a switching converter to 3.3V, then have it go through a diode to prevent reverse flow, and hook it up to the super cap through wires running into the case. You could even add a connector to the surface of the camera case to make it detachable and optional. While the USB power is applied, the supercap is charged to ~4.2V and the diode prevents any flow back into our added circuit. When USB power is removed by the car turning off, the super cap is kept at 3.3V by our circuit. This should allow for 10s seconds of post power recording and would keep the camera's time set properly for as long as you'd need. The power draw should be very low when not recording, so there is very little risk of draining your car battery. I'm thinking of doing this. Any thoughts or suggestions?
The caps should be 5.4v total, 3.3v power supply won't help I expect
The li-po batteries operate from 3V (empty) to 4.2V (Full). I understand that you want a cap rated for a larger voltage, but there is nothing wrong with operating it at a lower voltage so long as the Mobius's low battery auto-shut off isn't triggered. I'm not sure what voltage that is set for, but I assume it is near 3V and that 3.3V will be enough. The only reason I selected a 3.3V supply is that they are mass produced and cheap. You could get a 4V supply, but there is no added benefit if the Mobius can run off of a battery that is at 3.3V.
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Still not sure a lower spec power supply is suitable, I don't know their design though, I'm not sure it's even a feasible idea anyway so the point is probably moot
I've been wondering how things have been going for guys who've been experimenting with the Mobius Super-Capacitor. Jim? Russ?

I've had the capacitor in for 18 days. Have started the engine around 60 times. Mobius has started recording every time. Have checked files to ensure that the files being recorded when the engine is switched off have been saved. All good. Early days, but I'm glad I ditched the LiPo.