Mobius Super Capacitor.

I've had the capacitor in for 18 days. Have started the engine around 60 times. Mobius has started recording every time. Have checked files to ensure that the files being recorded when the engine is switched off have been saved. All good. Early days, but I'm glad I ditched the LiPo.

Thanks for the report Russ! This is what I was hoping to hear! Wonder how Jim is coming along with his set-up. Hope he's not still on the bottom of the pool! :p
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I've had the capacitor in for 18 days. Have started the engine around 60 times. Mobius has started recording every time. Have checked files to ensure that the files being recorded when the engine is switched off have been saved. All good. Early days, but I'm glad I ditched the LiPo.

Hi Russ,

I've been looking into the super cap. Couple of questions..

Do you have a petrol vehicle?

I take it you run it off the cig lighter? If so does power shut off to cig lighter when you turn engine off and lock doors?

If not, do you leave it plugged in continuously?

Reason I'm asking these questions is because my cig lighters are constantly powered, would a super cap be better?

The only other thing I could do with my battery Mobius is disconnect it from cig lighter every time I finish my journey, but would I have to do this with a super cap anyway? Otherwise constant power will be fed...

Help :D
Do you have a petrol vehicle?


I take it you run it off the cig lighter? If so does power shut off to cig lighter when you turn engine off and lock doors?

With my car, the key is a 'lozenge' full of electronics that is inserted into a slot in the dash. This enables the stereo, etc, but not the power socket.

When pressing the starter button, the LED in the USB power adapter in the power socket illuminates immediately, however, the red LED at the rear of the Mobius doesn't quickly flash 3 times until the engine has started.

As your lighter sockets are permanently powered, perhaps it would be better if you hardwired the Möbius to the reading light circuitry?

With my car, the key is a 'lozenge' full of electronics that is inserted into a slot in the dash. This enables the stereo, etc, but not the power socket.

When pressing the starter button, the LED in the USB power adapter in the power socket illuminates immediately, however, the red LED at the rear of the Mobius doesn't quickly flash 3 times until the engine has started.

As your lighter sockets are permanently powered, perhaps it would be better if you hardwired the Möbius to the reading light circuitry?

I did look at this but thought unplugging/plugging would just be easier. I would never forget as the lighter socket is right next to me in centre. If i do take this approach would a capacitor be a better idea?
That may be why you haven had any problems then, if you dont have a gap between ACC and engine start for the power flow to the cigarette lighter.

Is your camera wired in or do you use cig lighter? You a super cap user?

Obviously eventually my battery will go so wondered if a super cap would be better for my scenario
How the other half live.... I drive around in a bright red roller skate. :oops:

I'm not sure that a Mini Cooper puts me among the other half. I think a Porsche 911 is the minimum entry requirement...
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If i do take this approach would a capacitor be a better idea?

I don't like the idea of a Li-Po powered device being permanently mounted in a car. Li-Po batteries don't belong in cars, & expensive dashcams use capacitors instead for good reason.

Only Jim & I are writing about our experience of using a capacitor in a Mobius. 100% successful for me so far, not so lucky for Jim. The sample size is far too small to be statistically valid. We need more people using capacitors with Möbius to report on their experiences.

I'm hoping for improved reliability & durability with the capacitor. Time will tell.
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Thanks guys, had a long read through entire thread :confused:

Jim, I see you take the approach I'm considering, plug/unplug the camera every time.

One thing I didn't see mentioned was using a capacitor when updating firmware. Is there enough time for the firmware to install before it looses power?

Sorry if it's been asked already, didn't see it :oops:
Jim, is there a chance that your dual port car charger is not putting out the rated amperage?

That's what I thought, I'm going to be using another socket (in rear) for the reason my other socket is used

Be good if @russ331 could confirm FW update using capacitor
I know thats not your skates DM. These are your style?
Though thanks for posing for my picture of my mechanic, its definitely your best side. :rolleyes:

I like those!

And yeah, I did happen to notice that the uniform looked familiar.
It was my pleasure to pose! :p
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You arent going to make me refer to an earlier thread are you?! Lol

Nah, its a 3.1 amp dual port.

I was one of the first to lecture people on here about making sure you have at least 1 amp for each port and that the voltage is shared in most cases between devices in use.

Tut, these newbies............ :rolleyes:

I understand, I was just wondering if it could be defective in some way and not putting out what you are expecting from it. I have a great little gadget called a Charger Doctor that I was planning to do a post about that shows the live voltage and amperage of USB ports. (with or without a load) It's been an eye opener using this thing.

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That's what I thought, I'm going to be using another socket (in rear) for the reason my other socket is used

Be good if @russ331 could confirm FW update using capacitor

I installed the capacitor, then immediately updated firmware from v0.53 to v1.13. No problem.
I installed the capacitor, then immediately updated firmware from v0.53 to v1.13. No problem.

How long after install did camera shut down?
How long after install did camera shut down?

When I clicked on 'Set Parameters' in the GUI, the firmware update was completed, then the Mobius automatically disconnected from the PC & powered-down.
When I clicked on 'Set Parameters' in the GUI, the firmware update was completed, then the Mobius automatically disconnected from the PC & powered-down.

Oh ok, so you can keep the camera plugged into PC whilst it updates?