Mobius Super Capacitor.

I was just wondering if you'd had any joy with the Super Cap after the various tests - in particular if the RTC (Time Stamp) held after you'd charged it from your laptop/PC short cable?:confused:

I purchased a Super Cap from Banggood at a similar time and haven't had any issues with it at all.

To be honest mate I've just left my Mobius as it is with time stamp off. I haven't got time to run different tests. I have a small matter of a baby coming into the world tomorrow :)

My wife is booked in for cesarean section tomorrow so been busy finishing up at work plus getting ready for that ;)
To be honest mate I've just left my Mobius as it is with time stamp off. I haven't got time to run different tests. I have a small matter of a baby coming into the world tomorrow :)

My wife is booked in for cesarean section tomorrow so been busy finishing up at work plus getting ready for that ;)
Best of luck to you both with the Baby Byr0n!:D
Thanks guys, it will be our second, already have daughter. Don't know the sex yet, hence why I called it baby :)

Will update when I'm back on :)
Congrats ByrOn! Prayers sent your way for happy healthy baby and a quick one for the misses.
Just to let you guys know we had another girl :)

Weighed 7lbs bang on and we named her Adelaide

Mother and baby doing well, now I'm off to bed :)

Great News! Congratulations to you and your wife. So glad everything went well. Yeah, get some're gonna' need it!
Just to let you guys know we had another girl :)

Weighed 7lbs bang on and we named her Adelaide

Mother and baby doing well, now I'm off to bed :)


Sorry but after reading her name I couldn't resist telling this story...

At my old club (Lawn Bowling) in Melbourne there are a couple that are lovely but she has a slight mental impairment and her nickname (Not to her face) is Adelaide.

Why? Because she is half an hour behind the rest of us! :confused:

Time Zone - Adelaide, Australia is 0:30 hours behind Melbourne, Australia.

Again apologies as apart from that isolated case Adelaide is a lovely name and well liked name here. (Down Under)

I put in my super cap yeasteday, then i whent for a 2 x 1 hour drive, and all the footage i got was the last 15 seconds of the drive home ?
I put in my super cap yeasteday, then i whent for a 2 x 1 hour drive, and all the footage i got was the last 15 seconds of the drive home ?

Sorry to hear this.

So what's the deal with the Mobius!? Some of us run them with any brand or size of memory card with no issues and some have problems. Some try a super-cap and everything works perfectly while some can't get them to work at all. Some Mobius cams shut down prematurely for various reasons. Some have poor results with a particular firmware release and others don't. My usual experience with electronics has been that all or at least most products of a particular model from a manufacturer have the same glitch or they don't. Here it's like there's a ghost in only some of the machines.

Having said that, with all three Mobius cams I've owned the only problem I've had was a cracked/loose USB port in one of them but they all have worked perfectly with class 10 SanDisk cards, supercaps, firmwares, etc, etc, (Hope I haven't just jinxed myself by saying this out loud! :rolleyes:)
hehe yeah i have no idea, when i connected in the car and it "started" to record i got multi ( 3 i think ) flashed from the LED, kinda like i did when i was experiemnting with memorycards overwriting.

i have just done a format with sdformatter 4.0 and i am off to do a Little shopping, hopefull it will record this time around.
Hmmmm that's weird. I'm planning a full conversion to super cap and extension lens so I'm curious as to what's with the inconsistencies.

Thanks Kamkar, keep us posted
Hmmmm that's weird. I'm planning a full conversion to super cap and extension lens so I'm curious as to what's with the inconsistencies.

Thanks Kamkar, keep us posted

Yes, Kamkar, please let us know.

GJHS, the only thing to do I think is to go ahead and try it. You can always put things back the way it was. :)
I put in my super cap yeasteday, then i whent for a 2 x 1 hour drive, and all the footage i got was the last 15 seconds of the drive home ?

Is this with the 64GB card with which I recall you having looping problems? Try another card?
The wierdness keep comming.
This time the camera did record both on the trip out and home.


Leaving home the camera started to record after i arrived at the "mall" parking lot, okay its not that far but still 3-4 minutes before recording started.
Now one would assume the camera would do the same on the return trip, but there it only recorded the last 5 seconds before i parked my car at home.

When i left home i turned my head to check the LED, and at that moment i did see normal 1 flash by the LED so i assumed it worked perfect.

Now i will go back to the 1.17 FW and try that when i go driving again tomorrow.

Yes it is with the 64 Gb Card, but it have performed flawless on the battery after i formatted it with sd formatter 4.0

EDIT: just desided, dident want to wait untill tomorrow to see result on 1.17 FW, so i have connected the mobius to a powersupply and it seem to record right now, or rather it Again do display the regular 1 LED flash every 2 seconds or so.
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Hmmmm connectod to a USB powersupply everything seem normal, it record at once.

It might be the 1:17 FW or my USB extension cable in the car beeing too long and not provide enuff power, but then again why not it have worked jusr fine with the battery in the car for weeks.

I will go for a short drive in a fjew minutes, just got a sudden urge for a Italian pancake ( pizzza )
Hmmmm connectod to a USB powersupply everything seem normal, it record at once.

It might be the 1:17 FW or my USB extension cable in the car beeing too long and not provide enuff power, but then again why not it have worked jusr fine with the battery in the car for weeks.

I will go for a short drive in a fjew minutes, just got a sudden urge for a Italian pancake ( pizzza )

Check to make sure the USB port on the Mobius is OK. For a period I had a lot of trouble with the Mobius turning itself off or failing to start. Then it would be fine for awhile with no explanation. It turned out that the mini USB port on the back of the camera was damaged. There was a hairline crack in the plastic inside the port sheathing and the sheathing part of the plug receptacle was slightly distorted and a bit loose. In the end I needed to buy a new circuit board and rebuild the camera. This may have been like this from the beginning or I damaged it without realizing it or perhaps it just happened by itself because I live on a sometimes very bumpy rural dirt road. Now, I make sure the cable has good support when it's attached to the camera and I've had no more troubles.
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Yeah i realized this issue too when the port on my C1 broke, not that i had a lot of wire hanging off the back of the C1, but it seem very fragile.

Never had more than 10 - 12 cm loose cable hanging off the Little cameras, and i did try to jiggle the USB plug before while on the power supply, that was no problem as camera recorded 3 x 5 minutes worth of video with no hickups.

Neways im off to the pizza baker :-)