Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

Any solution other than swapping back the battery?

to be honest it could be fixed in firmware but I'm not sure they know how, a hardware fix to work around the issue is what people have had to resort to if you want to run capacitors and you have a car that cuts power when starting
That's a neat DIY but I'm trying to reduce the number of fuse taps connected, this just adds an extra one.

Planning on powering all the dash cams using a Aukey 4 port USB car charger + cables from Amazon basics, with just one hardwired female cigarette lighter socket running to the glove box. So if the Mobius is running off the mentioned setup, the DIY won't be applicable anyway.

Any solution other than swapping back the battery?

You could hardwire the timer into the cable between the Aukey and the Mobius. If you choose the right place along the cable to splice it in you should be able to find a way to hide it or otherwise disguise it cosmetically.
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Bought my first Mobius camera last week (Wide Angle 1080p) and I was so eager to get it and start recording that I didn't do my proper digging. Turns out from what I see it isn't as simple to get started, it's actually a bit overwhelming. I guess my main issue is trying to find the right microSD card, again I was so eager I went to my local Wal-Mart across the street and bought a SanDisk 64GB (red/grey) w/o knowing to avoid SanDisk and a card with a Class 10 rating which this has.

Another thing is my Mac doesn't have an sd adapter port, so I'm guessing I'll have to spend a little more money to buy a usb sd adapter also?
Bought my first Mobius camera last week (Wide Angle 1080p) and I was so eager to get it and start recording that I didn't do my proper digging. Turns out from what I see it isn't as simple to get started, it's actually a bit overwhelming. I guess my main issue is trying to find the right microSD card, again I was so eager I went to my local Wal-Mart across the street and bought a SanDisk 64GB (red/grey) w/o knowing to avoid SanDisk and a card with a Class 10 rating which this has.

Another thing is my Mac doesn't have an sd adapter port, so I'm guessing I'll have to spend a little more money to buy a usb sd adapter also?

Having just responded to your almost identical post in another thread, I see you've posted here too. FWIW, dual cross posting isn't necessary and is often frowned upon on internet forums.

In any event, just buy an inexpensive card reader for your Mac and you should be fine.
^ Apologies. I figured with that added question about the sd adapter it was alright to post here.

Thanks for the tip.
Don't sweat it, we're always glad to help here. Every internet forum has different rules and protocols so there's always a learning curve involved ;) And welcome to DCT :D

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Thank you @Dashmellow, @SawMaster, @Gabacho for the welcome definitely a more comfortable experience here compared to other forums.

EDIT: Was reading up in this thread and formatting in the camera vs. on your computer brought some concern. All the talk there was about users with Windows. I'm on a Mac, will their be any issues? I was going to go back and follow the steps in this video I came across on YouTube.

You can format manually in the camera with no problems. You don't necessarily need a computer.

I'm on a Mac too but I use virtualization software to run Windows on my Mac so I can have access to Windows only software like mSetup. If you wanted to you could do the same thing using a free program from Oracle called Virtual Box to run Windows as a "virtual computer" inside OSX. Any old copy of Windows including XP would work fine to run mSetup.

Edit: The procedure for manually formating a memory card is in the Mobius Users Manual, which you can download HERE as a PDF if you haven't already.
You can format manually in the camera with no problems. You don't necessarily need a computer.

I'm on a Mac too but I use virtualization software to run Windows on my Mac so I can have access to Windows only software like mSetup. If you wanted to you could do the same thing using a free program from Oracle called Virtual Box to run Windows as a "virtual computer" inside OSX. Any old copy of Windows including XP would work fine to run mSetup.

Edit: The procedure for manually formating a memory card is in the Mobius Users Manual, which you can download HERE as a PDF if you haven't already.

Thank you thank you thank you! so I don't need to buy that usb sd card port anymore since I can format my micro card in the möbius with those quick steps.
my Mobius has died 2 yrs old.. need a new one,, whats besr m1 or m2?
right now the M1 is doing better video in a lot of situations, the M2 is likely to be better in the long run though
man. I just need a fit and forget camera,the m1 was great, reading reviews m2 not so good
just ordered a new Mobius from webbex. uk based its the wide angled one, just hope its as good as the old Mobius
cant be any worse than the joovuu x camera
I made a short video of the mobius, it's an overview with some basic operating instructions
I still have a problem with any card that is bigger then 32GB (64 or 128GB class 10) to work with Mobius ActionCam Lens C2.
Both of those are genuine Kingston cads working in other cameras perfectly.

The thing is that Mobius cam will write corrupted AVI and / or MOV files when using it. At the beggining 1 of 10 files are corrupted, but can be fixed with re-indexing the file. Later (when the capacity used exceeds 32GB) the files are totally corrupted and cannot be played.
I've tried FAT32, I've tried exFat, but same problem exists.

Any ideas? Or maybe someone can post a step by step manual of how I should proceed with formatting the card, setting camera options etc?
Would be greatly appreciated.

Or maybe someone can post a 128GB card that he has and it works perfectly for him ?
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So I finally started using my Möbius but there's a few issues I'm noticing.

- The one day video I recorded, the picture colour seems darker than the real life surroundings.

- Also when I rewatch my videos, the picture isn't clear quality. Not as sharp

- Anyone film video at night and have good results?
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So I finally started using my Möbius but there's a few issues I'm noticing.

- The one day video I recorded, the picture colour seems darker than the real life surroundings.

- Also when I rewatch my videos, the picture isn't clear quality. Not as sharp
Some pics would be helpful, even if it's only screen grabs.

- Anyone film video at night and have good results?
Don't expect much quality in the night video. It's the Mobius weak point.