Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

Hello. I am looking for a rear camera and Mobius is the first on my list. The question is: do you know if a new Mobius model will be launched soon ? Thank you.
Hello. I am looking for a rear camera and Mobius is the first on my list. The question is: do you know if a new Mobius model will be launched soon ? Thank you.
I can think you can safely buy and not worry that a new model is coming soon. The developers are still working on new firmware upgrades.

I can add my name to the list of owners, who hope that new hardware is coming, yet am more excitedly looking forward to new firmware.
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Hello. I am looking for a rear camera and Mobius is the first on my list. The question is: do you know if a new Mobius model will be launched soon ? Thank you.

GJHS beat me to posting basically what he said. Even if they come out with a new product, the current version is likely to be supported for some time to come and it is worthy of purchasing without worrying that it will become obsolete.

I have wondered about this question however. As newer more capable chips are becoming available, at some point in the not too distant future Mobius will have to consider migrating to the newer technology and their dedicated firmware development will have to start all over again or they will fall behind what newer cameras are capable of.
I don't think so, the primary market for the Mobius is the RC user, it's well spec'd for that and has a lot of life left in it I would think

I could see maybe a 1080p60 (or higher) version and maybe with WiFi being something that would suit their market but might take some time before that's doable in the small lightweight form factor they need
Thank you all for the answers. My question is answered. Stay safe and sound!
Hello. I am looking for a rear camera and Mobius is the first on my list. The question is: do you know if a new Mobius model will be launched soon ? Thank you.
Another thing to remember is that the developer is still supporting his very first camera, the #16. The #16 was recently redesigned (V3) and obviously needed new firmware. The new firmware is fully compatible with ALL previous #16 hardware versions. The developer does not want to let his previous customers down and will do his best to support previous models.
Of course the day will come when there will be a follow-up version to the Mobius, but that will take time to design, develop and test. The developer is not the type of person to jump on the first new DSP available. He carefully and thoroughly analyzes each new DSP to see if it meets his expectations. So far I'm not aware that he has found a suitable candidate to even consider!. He is not in a hurry and is currently working on the Step 3 firmware for the Mobius which is a major release and will offer many new functions. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if someone else first released a similar product with a more powerful DSP, but I would much prefer to wait a couple of months longer for a product I know I can trust. I also don't want to see the Mobius abandoned before the firmware is mature!
Thank for sharing this information. Now I know that Mobius is the right one for me. It only remains to choose between the type of lens so I'll go back to watch the comparing videos. Thank you all for willingness to give a hand to someone in doubt.
Hi gents :)

I have come to the world of mobius dashcams via my RC hobby. Having owned a couple of the old 808 keychain cams.
The mobius is a huge advance on them.
At the moment my mobius is powered from my tomtom ACC supply. Later I intend to hardwire it using a UBEC (5V RC power supply).
It is fitted to a current model Honda CRV.

I'm having a few of teething problems which I'm hoping some of you might be able to help me with.
1. Camera not always starting up from ignition.
2. 180 deg video rotate sometimes reverts to normal although the setting does not alter (may be related to above).
3. Missing files on my 32gig card. I.E only the last 10mins of a 40min journey actually saved (disc formatted using the camera)
4. Very grainy night videos with loads of glare from lights. I've seen other night footage on Utube which were all much sharper than mine.
5. Daytime footage is terrific, however loads of reflection from my dash board when driving into the sun (camera mounted adjacent rearview mirror).
6. Sometimes will not auto loop and I have to clear the card. 5min clips and loop is definitely on.

I think I have cured items 1&2 by setting my off time delay to 30s and then pausing before starting the engine (Honda takes a couple of secs for the instruments to power up which make a good queue) .
This allows the camera to fully start up before the power dips, and then the battery carries it through.

Item 5, I may need a dash mat.

Thanks in advance.
Hi gents :)

I have come to the world of mobius dashcams via my RC hobby. Having owned a couple of the old 808 keychain cams.
The mobius is a huge advance on them.
At the moment my mobius is powered from my tomtom ACC supply. Later I intend to hardwire it using a UBEC (5V RC power supply).
It is fitted to a current model Honda CRV.

I'm having a few of teething problems which I'm hoping some of you might be able to help me with.
1. Camera not always starting up from ignition.
2. 180 deg video rotate sometimes reverts to normal although the setting does not alter (may be related to above).
3. Missing files on my 32gig card. I.E only the last 10mins of a 40min journey actually saved (disc formatted using the camera)
4. Very grainy night videos with loads of glare from lights. I've seen other night footage on Utube which were all much sharper than mine.
5. Daytime footage is terrific, however loads of reflection from my dash board when driving into the sun (camera mounted adjacent rearview mirror).
6. Sometimes will not auto loop and I have to clear the card. 5min clips and loop is definitely on.

I think I have cured items 1&2 by setting my off time delay to 30s and then pausing before starting the engine (Honda takes a couple of secs for the instruments to power up which make a good queue) .
This allows the camera to fully start up before the power dips, and then the battery carries it through.

Item 5, I may need a dash mat.

Thanks in advance.
What firmware version are you running. V1.17 was the most unstable.
#1 we've been told is being fixed as we speak. The solution is to ensure power at the 5 sec mark. Usually a problem if you don't put the key and immediately turn complete to start.
#2. Not normal, nor related to 1
#3 which card/brand are you using. Problems like that are usually related to card problems, like no name or clones
#4. There is a good amount of grain in the night time footage. Find a raw night time file to compare, not you tube. has raw files on his site.
#5 Normal, either a mat or a polarizing filter is the answer. Cheapest filter is made from movie theatre 3d glasses and the lens cap.
#6. Not normal. I know sometimes if you have photos mixed in with video, it won't loop. Again may be card related. Have you tested your card?
Thanks GJHS.
Firmware is v1.20.
I was thinking that interrupting the supply during boot up may have been screwing things up.
The card came with the camera from eletop-whatever.
I like the filter idea, cheaper than a dashmat, and I haven't been to the movies in ages. I have moved the camera closer to the glass to see if this helps.
I checked techmoan's night vid and mine is much worse, especially the glare. I think that is related to the glass reflection issue. Maybe what I perceive as graininess is actually reflection off my dash.
I'll test the card soon and keep plugging away.
There is a dead point approx. 5 seconds from the first time power is applied. The developer is working on a solution, but it's not proving easy to solve.
thats good to know, keep us updated!
can we get some info about "The developer" ? i wonder why there is no brand name yet.
I'm also interested in a solution to the powering-off-during-engine-start issue that a few people seem to be seeing. (In common with a few others my car is a diesel.) I'm not convinced the 5 second dead point is what's affecting me though, I normally leave it longer than 10 seconds before starting while I put my phone in its cradle etc. One of the video clips from such a power off for example is 23 seconds so 13 seconds before starting and then 10 seconds until shutdown after starting.

Is there any combination of settings that will help with this, or is the only option to wait for the next firmware? (I guess I could disable the auto power off and just let it run until the battery goes flat when I stop, but that seems like a bad solution.)
Möbius is the brand name

I was thinking the same thing but you posted it first. Perhaps some think of Möbius as the model name rather than the brand. One of the things I enjoy and appreciate about the Mobius, aside from the product itself and the community surrounding it is the noticeable lack of "branding" and hard core commercial promotion. The product and its approach to development speaks for itself and this is the reason for its success.
thought Mobious was the model.
I like how they are all humble too,
But still, after so many cameras no company name?
Could help with promotion.
Not sure how promoting the 'happy lucky golden tech manufactory company' or whatever would boost sales, Chinese company names don't mean a lot in the scheme of things and I think they've done quite well so far without having to do this
If the name was short and catchy, say GTMC, it would make it easier to search for their products -> boosting sales.
Thats the whole purpose of a name, its more of a marketing tool then anything else.
If the name was short and catchy, say GTMC, it would make it easier to search for their products -> boosting sales.
Thats the whole purpose of a name, its more of a marketing tool then anything else.

isn't that the point of it being called 'Mobius' though
If they had a name I could simply search it and get a list of their products.
Now I first need to somehow find the name out of nowhere, and then search for it. And even when I know their camera is called Mobious, there is nothing that hints what other products they have, which I might be intrested in.
Also when you come across a model you don't need to guess if its from the same group, or some other group.
The fact everyone knows what's Apple, Intel and Google proves it.