Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

the Mobius is the first one they've done where they've clearly set themselves apart from the lookalike products, it is the product these days, if they do a new one it's just as likely to be the Mobius II as anything else
question about saving file from deleting while looping:

As i read here, there is a way to protect video file from deleting while loop recording.
one press on the mode (M) button while recording video - will save that file from deleting.

Let say that the video files duration is 5 min.

If something happened, lets say on the 4:57 minute, on the first file.
and i press the mode button to save the file from deleting but i pressed it too late - few second after that incident. and now the camera is recording the second video file.
the camera will save only the second video file?
there is no "going back" on the mobius firmware and saving the previous file also?
the developers of the mobius are reading that thread and changing the firmware according to the users requests and the mobius capability?
question about saving file from deleting while looping:

As i read here, there is a way to protect video file from deleting while loop recording.
one press on the mode (M) button while recording video - will save that file from deleting.

Let say that the video files duration is 5 min.

If something happened, lets say on the 4:57 minute, on the first file.
and i press the mode button to save the file from deleting but i pressed it too late - few second after that incident. and now the camera is recording the second video file.
the camera will save only the second video file?
there is no "going back" on the mobius firmware and saving the previous file also?

Nir, it has happened to me that I locked the file and got only the end of the 5 min clip. Sometimes incidents are split on two clips. To be safe now I push the button again one minute later.

Ultimately if something vital happens you won't need to worry about locking. You will get to a computer before it loops and check all the clips. If it's that important most people won't trust the lock and risk losing the file.
1. I don't think too much when should I press the M button to lock a clip.
So to avoid possible missing clip by overwrite an important video, I have on the car a second micro SD card ready to replace the card from the camera. The both cards have the same capacity, 32GB. (32GB Class 10 cost ~ $30 and recording ~4h@1080p).
So I always switch cards depending on the situation.
Also I have an USB OTG cable with an Micro SD card reader which I can attache to my phone to copy or view clips on the site if is needed, otherwise I get the card on the home to copy/view/edit directly on my computer.

2. I have an hardware solution for the period when the card engine is started, on this topic: Unreliable Ignition On Recording. The super-caps from the "front" of the charging circuit offer power for 1 minute 30 seconds.
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Having an issue with My new Mobius

First day of dashcam duty, it recorded fine for most of the day but now the rear light blinks 3 times quickly instead of the normal recording, and the led in front is blinking blue. It only takes a 1 sec video at random parts of my drive.

Memory card isnt full and was formatted with the software.

Any ideas?
Sounds card related. Is the card confirmed to be a quality card? Has it been tested using h2testw.exe?
Having an issue with My new Mobius

First day of dashcam duty, it recorded fine for most of the day but now the rear light blinks 3 times quickly instead of the normal recording, and the led in front is blinking blue. It only takes a 1 sec video at random parts of my drive.

Memory card isnt full and was formatted with the software.

Any ideas?
Three red blinks after the camera has started recording or is in standby indicates not enough power. If you are using the internal battery make sure it is fully charged (2.5 hours with the camera turned off). If you are using external power, make sure your charger supplies 5V when the camera is recording.
What happens after the 3 red blinks? If the camera is functioning properly the camera should turn off.
It was plugged into a Cig Lighter Power Adapter I found laying in my house but it might of very well not been supplying 5 volts. I have since hardwired it and now using my DC-DC Converter and I put my Super capacitor in as well. I retested it recently and It was recording on test runs.

I will test more throughout the week
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Three red blinks after the camera has started recording or is in standby indicates not enough power. If you are using the internal battery make sure it is fully charged (2.5 hours with the camera turned off). If you are using external power, make sure your charger supplies 5V when the camera is recording.
What happens after the 3 red blinks? If the camera is functioning properly the camera should turn off.

I have a Mobius running with a super-capacitor module in my vehicle and it performs flawlessly. When I provide power, the rear LED blinks three times and the camera begins recording; the red LED then shifts to a slow blinking mode while operating. When I shut down the camera (and my vehicle) it just abruptly further blinks at all. Like I've said, no problems and the last file is always saved. Of course, I have the camera set to avoid any delay upon shutdown. The camera has been operating a couple of months like this and has proven to be extremely reliable. According to the manual, when you turn off the camera with the power button, "The red LED will blink 3 times and the camera will turn off. "Is there a different normal rear LED behavior when using a battery vs the caps or if the camera is switched off manually rather than "automatic off" after removing power?
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I have a Mobius running with a super-capacitor module in my vehicle and it performs flawlessly. When I provide power, the rear LED blinks three times and the camera begins recording; the red LED then shifts to a slow blinking mode while operating. When I shut down the camera (and my vehicle) it just abruptly further blinks at all. Like I've said, no problems and the last file is always saved. Of course, I have the camera set to avoid any delay upon shutdown. The camera has been operating a couple of months like this and has proven to be extremely reliable. According to the manual, when you turn off the camera with the power button, "The red LED will blink 3 times and the camera will turn off. "Is there a different normal rear LED behavior when using a battery vs the caps or if the camera is switched off manually rather than "automatic off" after removing power?
The camera cannot determine if it's running on a supercap or a battery so the LED blinks should be identical. Unfortunately, I misread the previous post. The three blinks (could also be one or two blinks) on the REAR LED only appear BEFORE the camera starts and indicate the battery state. Once the camera is running, the FRONT RED LED will blink three times when the camera is shutting down, no matter what caused the shutdown. The camera will automatically shutdown if the battery is too weak.
The main function of the rear LED is to indicate if the camera is recording (in parallel to the blue yellow or red LED), but it is also used to indicate the battery state at startup.
Strange front LED blinks can also be attributed to lack of battery power.
Your camera should definitely show three red LED blinks on the FRONT when you remove power. If it doesn't, then maybe it takes longer than normal to write the last file to your card and the supercap runs out before it has time to blink the LED. If that were the case, then I doubt if there would be enough power left to keep the RTC (Real Time Clock) running more than a few hours. Anyway, the main thing is that your camera works as expected.
Thanks for your explanation and clarification Isoprop. With a Mobius mounted facing out the rear of my vehicle for quite some time now I've relied on the view of the rear red LED in my rear view mirror to confirm that the camera is functioning properly.
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With a Mobius mounted facing out the rear of my vehicle for quite some time now I've relied on the view of the rear red LED in my rear view mirror to confirm that the camera in functioning properly.

Hello all, first post here... cool forum! I bought the Mobius camera to use primarily as a timelapse camera used on long trips. I tested it without issue on a few short runs: 1hr, 2hr, etc...) On my first long trip I have had some issues though and I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not so I thought I'd share.

First off I am using a 64GB Samsung Class10 card. This one to be exact: (Perhaps it is junk?)

First time issue:
  • Recorded for about 11hrs, should have been around 15GB of photos
  • Stopped recording, however I believe I pulled the power instead of shutting the camera down properly or stopping with shutter button.
  • Upon retrieving pictures found file system corruption:
    • Tried a couple "deleted file" retreival program, NG
    • Ran CHKDSK /R, which generated the found.000 directory filled with undrecovered chunks.... tried a couple "fix .chk" programs which could not recover the files either
    • Files successfully saved and .chk recovered files do total the 15GB mark I estimated. So they are saved just corrupted somehow...
Second time issue:
  • Recorded for about 6hrs
  • Stopped recording by pressing shutter button, waiting a few seconds, then powering off
  • Found corruption:
    • A total of ~15K pictures taken in two directories
    • First directory all 1..9999 pictures OK
    • Second directory 1..~3500K OK, then there is one JPEG that is only half an image and bottom half Grey, the other ~1000ish were corrupt/unreadable by irfanview
So based on what I listed above I am thinking in order of likely hood:
  • I need to wait a longer period during shutter off / camera off?
  • I need a different SD card.
  • Camera is malfunctioning.
Thoughts? Thanks in advance!
Hi, I've a problem with my Mobius with Power On - Auto Record.
When connecting to a power supply, it seems the cam is recording (blinking red light on the back, and blinking orange on the top) but it does not save anything on the sd-card.
When I disconnect the camera from the power supply it saves a file of aprox 1 second (while switching off)

- Switching from power supply doesn't help and also taking another USB-cable doesn't help.
- I did reset the cam using the reset button on the back.
- I did a new install of v1.20
- When Auto Record is off, the camera works fine.
- I tried with a 4GB class 6 and a 32GB class 10.
- The problem got worse and worse. It didn't occur once, but gradually (I'm using it as a dashcam)

So now, I don't know what to do. Is it a hardware failure?
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