Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

i upgraded to 1.17v and my camera doesnt work anymore,just doesnt record
how do i go back to 1.13v ?
i am using the mobius program to upgrade and change the setting on the camera
how to i make on that program to go back to 1.13 firmware?
Depending on how 'compatible' your card is, you may need a different, preferably very, very old micro SD card. If you can still configure your camera from mSetup it may be possible to update/downgrade the firmware from the program, but if it doesn't work you'll need a different card and maybe a card reader. You'll also need v1.13 firmware. If you have previously updated the firmware then you may already have v1.13 on your computer. The GUI will always show you which versions are on your computer. Just press the Tools button. If v1.13 is not available, then send me a mail to (remove all underscores) stating your email address and I'll send you the old firmware. If anyone is interested in testing beta firmware to try and solve the card compatibility then they can also send me an email, but this offer only applies to people whose cards don't work in v1.17. Since I'm fairly busy, please allow up to 15 hours for a reply.
Depending on how 'compatible' your card is, you may need a different, preferably very, very old micro SD card. If you can still configure your camera from mSetup it may be possible to update/downgrade the firmware from the program, but if it doesn't work you'll need a different card and maybe a card reader. You'll also need v1.13 firmware. If you have previously updated the firmware then you may already have v1.13 on your computer. The GUI will always show you which versions are on your computer. Just press the Tools button. If v1.13 is not available, then send me a mail to (remove all underscores) stating your email address and I'll send you the old firmware. If anyone is interested in testing beta firmware to try and solve the card compatibility then they can also send me an email, but this offer only applies to people whose cards don't work in v1.17. Since I'm fairly busy, please allow up to 15 hours for a reply.
i did send you an email
dont know if you receive it but here is my email
please send me the 1.13 firmware so i can downgrade
thank you
More info from my limited experience. I wanted to fit my new super cap, but first I wanted to check my Mobius was talking to my PC, as I'm cautious like that. I found I couldn't get it to talk. :mad: Now I know it works, it's been working just fine. So I went through my different mini-usb cables and found that different cables did different things with my Mobius. I have different mount/dismount noises on my PC. (A female voice saying "I'm ready" and "Thank you", respectively, since you wondered. It freaks out people when they first hear it. ;) ) Anyway, I got all kinds of random mount/dismount noises with some cables, so I think that mini-USB cables may be a variable too when getting my Mobius talking to my PC.
Anyway I found a cable that worked okay, did my super cap replacement work, checked it still worked, updated the firmware, checked it still worked, formatted my new Integral 64GB card on my PC and checked it was found on the Mobius, then formatted it in the Mobius. Yay! :)

A bit of a faff, but hopefully with the new firmware, the memory card issues will no longer be issues. But I reckon it's worth having a few data cables to try on uncooperative Mobius units, though.
i've just changed the 32gb SD card with another one 16gb, and these 16 one works with the 1.17v firmware.
the 32gb its a sony class 10 and it doesnt work with the new firmware
More info from my limited experience. I wanted to fit my new super cap, but first I wanted to check my Mobius was talking to my PC, as I'm cautious like that. I found I couldn't get it to talk. :mad: Now I know it works, it's been working just fine. So I went through my different mini-usb cables and found that different cables did different things with my Mobius. I have different mount/dismount noises on my PC. (A female voice saying "I'm ready" and "Thank you", respectively, since you wondered. It freaks out people when they first hear it. ;) ) Anyway, I got all kinds of random mount/dismount noises with some cables, so I think that mini-USB cables may be a variable too when getting my Mobius talking to my PC.
Anyway I found a cable that worked okay, did my super cap replacement work, checked it still worked, updated the firmware, checked it still worked, formatted my new Integral 64GB card on my PC and checked it was found on the Mobius, then formatted it in the Mobius. Yay! :)

A bit of a faff, but hopefully with the new firmware, the memory card issues will no longer be issues. But I reckon it's worth having a few data cables to try on uncooperative Mobius units, though.

I had issues with cards before 1.17, however with 1.17 there are no issues and all of my cards work fine. I haven't heard of that issue with the USB wire, however USB wires are prone to failure as many are of very cheap quality so it wouldn't surprise me that there could be issues.
I had issues with cards before 1.17, however with 1.17 there are no issues and all of my cards work fine. I haven't heard of that issue with the USB wire, however USB wires are prone to failure as many are of very cheap quality so it wouldn't surprise me that there could be issues.
I had similar problems with my Contour HD2, which is a great camera apart from the fact it did the most random things and nearly drove me insane. It seemed VERY picky about which cables it would work with. Maybe there needs to be a spec for mini-USB that quality cables have to be certified to? Maybe there is, I just don't know what a good cable is and what a bad cable is. Perhaps vendors could declare "Mobius compatible!" with their cables? :)
i did send you an email
dont know if you receive it but here is my email
please send me the 1.13 firmware so i can downgrade
thank you
I did reply, but your return-to email address is incorrect so my mail was bounced. I should have looked at the source!
Never mind, I've resent the mail including a new beta version if you wish to try it. Tom has re-posted v1.13, BTW.
I had similar problems with my Contour HD2, which is a great camera apart from the fact it did the most random things and nearly drove me insane. It seemed VERY picky about which cables it would work with. Maybe there needs to be a spec for mini-USB that quality cables have to be certified to? Maybe there is, I just don't know what a good cable is and what a bad cable is. Perhaps vendors could declare "Mobius compatible!" with their cables? :)
A good cable has really thick wires, but be prepared to pay considerably more. There are even cables with gold plugs, but I wouldn't go that far! The difference in reliability between a cheap cable and a quality cable is amazing. Even if you solder your own plugs on the cheap cables they are just not reliable.
I had similar problems with my Contour HD2, which is a great camera apart from the fact it did the most random things and nearly drove me insane. It seemed VERY picky about which cables it would work with. Maybe there needs to be a spec for mini-USB that quality cables have to be certified to? Maybe there is, I just don't know what a good cable is and what a bad cable is. Perhaps vendors could declare "Mobius compatible!" with their cables? :)

I know what you mean. Cables these days really are a crap shoot. I tend to stick with ones from Amazon with high ratings or the Amazon basics line of cables as they have serve me well with no issues so far. Aside from that I also prefer lower gauge USB, meaning a thicker cable as the quality seems better than the thin ones. I like the mobius compatible idea, if only the camera were popular enough.:(

Edit: Didn't see Isoprop's post. However in reference to gold ends on cables I do believe all amazon cables have gold plated ends, and often aren't much more expensive than normal cables.
Did you get the second card from the same seller? Test them fully with h2testw.exe. They may prove to be counterfeit.
Thanks for the tip on h2testw.exe as both MicroSD cards were bad. The 'other one I have is a SanDisk 64gb card that is working fine!

Also.....I have been to the RC forums regarding this camera and my issue and got no reply at all. I posted here and within an hour I got a useful reply! Thanks!
From therau2000
* * * Android update * * *
Distribution of Android app
ExtCam Mobius AC HD
has been suspended indefinitely
because some people made
inappropriate ratings/reviews
without even having run the app.
I have also been harassed by
a few people to get firmware v1.18.
Firmware v1.18 will be released (not by me) only
after it successfully passes quality testing (if it does).
Apparently people are posting negative reviews about the app before even using it, since it requires firmware v1.18 which hasn't been released yet. This in turn is upsetting the developer of the app (no relation to Mobius developer). At the time of posting it was available in the US Play Store.
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Also.....I have been to the RC forums regarding this camera and my issue and got no reply at all. I posted here and within an hour I got a useful reply! Thanks!

I follow & it's a valuable resource for Mobius owners, particularly thanks to the expertise of Isoprop, Tom Frank, therau2000, etc.

They do dispense great advice, however, posts sometimes get overlooked in the volume of traffic, & a sympathetic response is more likely if you mention that you've read mandatory posts 1 to 8, & have used the search facility, but cannot find the solution to the problem. It's quite likely that the problem has been posted/resolved several times, but is buried in the 7,700 previous posts.

The Developer monitors & & feedback from these Forums have, to some extent, influenced development, which has resulted in additional features like Motion Detect & accessories like the Capacitor kit. plus plus regular Firmware upgrades plus an excellent camera plus a wide range of accessories add up to a total package that exceeds the sum of it's parts.
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The Developer monitors & & feedback from these Forums have, to some extent, influenced development, which has resulted in additional features like Motion Detect & accessories like the Capacitor kit. plus plus regular Firmware upgrades plus an excellent camera plus a wide range of accessories add up to a total package that exceeds the sum of it's parts.
Yes, feedback is a gold-mine for the developer, but unfortunately, now for the competition as well :rolleyes:.
Motion detection was, however, planned from the start. Other features are also planned, but development has been delayed because of the card issues that a few people are having.
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From therau2000
* * * Android update * * *
Distribution of Android app
ExtCam Mobius AC HD
has been suspended indefinitely
because some people made
inappropriate ratings/reviews
without even having run the app.
I have also been harassed by
a few people to get firmware v1.18.
Firmware v1.18 will be released (not by me) only
after it successfully passes quality testing (if it does).
Apparently people are posting negative reviews about the app before even using it, since it requires firmware v1.18 which hasn't been released yet. This in turn is upsetting the developer of the app (no relation to Mobius developer). At the time of posting it was available in the US Play Store.

Although negitave reviews arent a good thing on an app its hardly a reason to suspend its development. This has nothing against you or its development team, however to a basic end user who buys a device making a prerequisite which they cannot fulfill is very frustrating. I understand the reasons behind not releasing a firmware too soon, however you have to take into account that the general public may only know the firmware as the thing they need to run the app. Therefore if they can't have the firmware the app is useless and they assume the developer is at fault for not giving them what they need for the app. It it the right reaction? Not really, but I don't think it helps to just discontinue development. I'd say its probably better to put a message on the app saying it is in testing and will not work unless you are a tester. This might sway the average user from rating it badly due to lack of functionality.
I don't want to sway too far away from the topic; the RC group isn't always the friendliest, most accepting of mistakes or each other, group. DashCamTalk has proven more accepting of newbs, the "won't take time to search", "won't take time to read" and repeat questions crowd. It's a very friendly group in general and it really makes this a great forum.

I would also like to take a second to thank @Isoprop for being the only of the three main Mobius support group crazy kind enough to come over here and help us, even though he doesn't use a dashcam. Though I'm surprised we haven't convinced you yet :rolleyes: Also for being the calmest and most patient with answering crazy the same question 100 times. As for certain competitors, that's a different topic :p Of course Thank you Tom Frank and Therau2000 for your tireless work and all Mobius users who help.

Btw Isoprop: have you met Tom and Therau?
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I don't want to sway too far away from the topic; the RC group isn't always the friendliest, most accepting of mistakes or each other, group. DashCamTalk has proven more accepting of newbs, the "won't take time to search", "won't take time to read" and repeat questions crowd. It's a very friendly group in general and it really makes this a great forum.

I would also like to take a second to thank @Isoprop for being the only of the three main Mobius support group crazy kind enough to come over here and help us, even though he doesn't use a dashcam. Though I'm surprised we haven't convinced you yet :rolleyes: Also for being the calmest and most patient with answering crazy the same question 100 times. As for certain competitors, that's a different topic :p Of course Thank you Tom Frank and Therau2000 for your tireless work and all Mobius users who help.

Btw Isoprop: have you met Tom and Therau?

I apologize if my post was taken the wrong way. Also I didn't mean to get off topic. I really do appreciate the help from isoprop and everyone else in this forum, I was just expressing how I felt about the app being discontinued, although it isint a major issue. Also I really like the friendly nature here rather than the common forum attitude of "why didn't you search"or "google it". Being a member at the 8thcivic forum I can say from experience that this place is very different from most forums.

Btw Isoprop: have you met Tom and Therau?
They live too far away from me :). But now Tom has moved to Boston it's closer and a more familiar area. Familiar meaning that I've lost my way from/to Logan airport too many times :eek:. OT, sorry
I apologize if my post was taken the wrong way. Also I didn't mean to get off topic. I really do appreciate the help from isoprop and everyone else in this forum, I was just expressing how I felt about the app being discontinued, although it isint a major issue. Also I really like the friendly nature here rather than the common forum attitude of "why didn't you search"or "google it". Being a member at the 8thcivic forum I can say from experience that this place is very different from most forums.
Nope, yours was on topic and I agree with you. Mine not so Much.