Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

What are good settings to set the Mobius to to avoid the bright lights? At night time, the traffic lights and my own headlights are very bright and cover the cars license plates directly in front of me

I'm also having same problem as you. Been searching all threads in here hoping to find some help.
Day recordings too bright almost overexposed. Night ones worst. Oncoming headlights flares and white out almost whole screen.
I'm upgraded firmware to v2.18. most settings are at normal.
Totally Normal for dash cams, read these

If you don't mind losing all the adjustments and Motion detect, switch to firmware v0.59 which has the best low light
Thanks. I read those. What about my daytime overexposed problem? I was hoping there's some with exposure and other adjustments to fine tune and overcome these problems.
Thanks. I read those. What about my daytime overexposed problem? I was hoping there's some with exposure and other adjustments to fine tune and overcome these problems.

Small adjustments to the camera angle can have a big impact on exposure. Example...

Skip to 13mins 50secs.
Isoprop , I have two Mobius from eletoponline365 , one of them with Kingston 36 GB 4 class from same vendor (work OK ) that I have tried with the faulty Mobius -same ,,symptoms,, . I made a mistake - maybe 60-70 minutes of recordings per TOTAL , but at different moments of a day , without external power . I am surprised of the variable behaviors in same conditions , I mean: normal charging (3 hours green....)----> start cam ----> 30 min rec OK ------>stop cam-----> (10 min later ) start cam---> yellow blinking sequence with suddenly stop -----> SDformatting card -----> start cam----> properly functioning or yellow again....!( repeating testing ) and so on . In the near past I remember a little shock (down on the floor from 1 meter high , could be this contact guilty of some mechanical (responsible of variable behavior ) derangement inside ? If I will try to openthe case could I find something wrong with my newbie eyes ? ( warranty no matter ) . Thank you very much
Ah, now you tell us you dropped the camera. It's possible that one of the card contacts has become very slightly misaligned. It's also possible there's now a hairline crack in one of the solder contacts. Temperature changes could make these tiny defects come to life. I think it would be worthwhile to test your camera without a battery installed. Be careful when disconnecting the battery. I always 'hold' the board down when pulling the plug with a plastic screwdriver used for adjusting trim pots. I'm sure you won't have one of these, but you could use a wooden skewer or even a wooden toothpick should work. DO NOT use anything made of metal! Just don't use brute force to disconnect the battery! Now connect your external power supply and see if the recording still stops. If everything works as expected chances are you need a new battery. Remember your date and time will be reset.
Totally Normal for dash cams, read these

If you don't mind losing all the adjustments and Motion detect, switch to firmware v0.59 which has the best low light
I would like to try and put an end to the myth that v0.59 makes the best low light video but at present I don't have the time to make a true comparison video using two identical cameras.
During recent beta firmware testing I loaded v0.59 as the comparison firmware and quite honestly I didn't find that v0.59 performed any better in low light. On the contrary, I found the black frame issue present in v0.59 most annoying where the black frame could hide the most important scene (evidence). Like I said, I was comparing beta firmware which may have a very slightly different exposure control than v2.18.
A proper comparison can only be done with two identical cameras recording at the exact same time from the exact same position, if possible capturing number plates, road signs or adverts.
I would like to try and put an end to the myth that v0.59 makes the best low light video but at present I don't have the time to make a true comparison video using two identical cameras.
During recent beta firmware testing I loaded v0.59 as the comparison firmware and quite honestly I didn't find that v0.59 performed any better in low light. On the contrary, I found the black frame issue present in v0.59 most annoying where the black frame could hide the most important scene (evidence). Like I said, I was comparing beta firmware which may have a very slightly different exposure control than v2.18.
A proper comparison can only be done with two identical cameras recording at the exact same time from the exact same position, if possible capturing number plates, road signs or adverts.
There is no question that I am in love with the Mobius and I am a true fan all you, the development team, have done, it's simply amazing. I had mentioned that in the past that the low light performance was diminishing, especially in V2.10. Someone posted a four camera comparison here that clearly showed what I've suspected, so I made a "hey let's see" switch to V0.59 and was pleasantly surprised how well it performed at night and everything worked, so I left it. A week or so later, you introduced V2.18 and I just haven't taken the time to switch. I will try to do my own, one camera comparison in the next few days. If there is anything, I can do to help @Isoprop or test, feel free to ask.
It's just that she never complains when I want to go out, she is happy go too, she is a great listener, always watches out for me and is easy to turn on and get hot.

My friends don't understand why I need her, one day they will and secretly I think they want one just like her.
Yes , Isoprop , I will do as you told me ! Thank you again!
Before opening the case , I tried to update its firmware to v2.18 manually with the card reader method because I couldn't connect the camera in removable disk mode ! I followed the steps with the card inside the computer , I inserted the card with the firmware ".bin" file in its root in the Mobius , and I brought it to a succesful installation ( so I thought "succesfully" , because at the end , when I was expecting a CONTINUOUS yellow led signaling the normal stand-by mode , I ended up with the blinking yellow led , the old issue I had ...) What does this mean ? I can't now record with my camera and so I can't verify the new firmware. Furthermore , my initial problem hasn't ended ! Is it the case of opening the case ??
Update ! Reformatting the card ( SDFormatter ) , put the card into Mobius , power the cam , ok , start recording , OK for 2-3 minutes , suddenly stops ! Try again , OK for 8-10 seconds , stops again and so on ...
Hello Jokiin ! The card is Kingston 32 Gb 4 class , not - eBay bought . I don't know about GUI formatter . I will try this option and I will tell you . In the meantime , I have formatted again with the SDFormatter , and after this the cam was capable to record aprox 50 min without problem ( on its battery ) and stops again suddenly (maybe the battery has drained totally from last charging - I will verify ) . What is your opinion ? I would try to solve the problem home , not to return to eletoponline ( very respectable vendor ! ) because of the distance , time and my eagerness to use it . Thank you
here is the config file.
the camera I have is dated 28-2-2014 V6.3

Steps I took were to have it record by plugging into a 5V USB wall socket, lights flashing on top and back once a second for hours on end, or even an hour or 5 minutes will make the problem, time is no factor. I take off power, plugged into my computer to view recordings(still does it if you don't do this step), take off computer, leave a couple of days, plug back into 5V USB wall socket, green light lights up for about 10 seconds and that's it, it sits there dead. I unplug for a few seconds, plug in again and it starts recording automatically with lights flashing on and off every second again.

I will wait a couple of days and see how you go.
OK, 2 days and 2 hours is up. I loaded your configuration into my camera.
I made some short video clips using external power and then connected the camera to my PC to view the files. I didn't delete anything. Then I ejected the camera and pulled the plug and put the camera aside.
2 days and 2 hours later I connected my camera to external power and it started recording immediately. I let it record for about an hour and then pulled the USB plug. The camera stopped recording, as it should.
I then connected the camera to check the files. Everything perfect. No lost clips, date and time correct.
So, there is definitely something not right with your camera or your card.
If your camera's date is still correct, then the capacitor is more than likely OK. Assuming your external power supply can supply 1A and only has two wires (no data wires connected) that leaves a hardware defect or a card problem.
I can't remember if you tried different cards, but you should definitely try another card, the older the card the better!
If you have tried different cards and have the same results then it's possible your hardware is defective. Sounds strange to me, but nothing is impossible.
Mobius intermittent operation - possible cause and remedy
The silver foil used in the new case design (and maybe the old case design as well?) which is used to hold the heat sink in place and also aids in interference suppression is non-conductive on the side facing the circuit board.
Tests have, however, shown that the sides of the foil can conduct and in very rare circumstances can short a component. Such a short can lead to intermittent operation such as the firmware will appear to hang and the camera won't react to the Mode or Shutter button. In this case the camera can still be turned off by long-pressing the Power button. In other cases the camera may unexpectedly stop recording. A very small percentage of cameras may suffer from this problem although I haven't heard of any returns so far.
For those users experiencing one of the above problems I suggest opening the camera and carefully checking for any signs of wrinkled or bent foil in the near vicinity of the mainboard and/or lens assembly.
You can also remove the mainboard by first disconnecting the battery and then removing the three screws holding the mainboard in place. The mainboard can then be lifted out of the casing. The foil should lie flat on the top of the case and should not have any bends towards the circuitry. If any edges are bent towards the mainboard the edges can be insulated with thin strips of electrical tape or the foil can be removed altogether.
The developer is working on a solution for the next production run.

@maccardiolo - maybe worth checking.
OK , Isoprop , I will try . Till now , after the card formatting (SDFormatting ) last night , today I have charged completely the Mobius ( aprox 3 hours ) , currently I'm testing the new firmware (2.18 ) through continuous recording (up to a complete discharge of the battery ) . I will keep you in touch .
OK, 2 days and 2 hours is up. I loaded your configuration into my camera.
I made some short video clips using external power and then connected the camera to my PC to view the files. I didn't delete anything. Then I ejected the camera and pulled the plug and put the camera aside.
2 days and 2 hours later I connected my camera to external power and it started recording immediately. I let it record for about an hour and then pulled the USB plug. The camera stopped recording, as it should.
I then connected the camera to check the files. Everything perfect. No lost clips, date and time correct.
So, there is definitely something not right with your camera or your card.
If your camera's date is still correct, then the capacitor is more than likely OK. Assuming your external power supply can supply 1A and only has two wires (no data wires connected) that leaves a hardware defect or a card problem.
I can't remember if you tried different cards, but you should definitely try another card, the older the card the better!
If you have tried different cards and have the same results then it's possible your hardware is defective. Sounds strange to me, but nothing is impossible.
cool, I have had the battery connected to mine for 2 days and not having it powered up, went to power up this morning after 2 days and it started recording straight away. I then took battery out and put in the capacitor that's been sitting around for 2 days and the camera started recording straight away. I set the time and everything again and let it record for half hour and unplugged it, will try again in 2 days and see what happens.
but I have tried 2 different SD cards 32gb and 64gb same problem. I will try a different PSU next time. I got another 12v-5V @ 1.5A converter one here that I will connect to a 12V 8AH battery to see if that's any different.
interesting. I just left mine for 2 days again with capacitor in it, just hooked it up to my 5v convertor on a 12v8AH battery and it worked fine first go. may well be the 240v/5v phone chargers I got for some reason. they are labeled 1.5A at 5V, who knows.
so far soo good.
Mobius not recognised by PC.
I have been changing the settings for the last 4 days trying for some ultimate setting using mSetup exe.
Today I did a in camera format of my Kington 32 gb class 10 card and re upgrade FW to v2.18. While installing the FW, program freezed up. Waited for .40" and pointer still shows the hourglass. Now my PC (Window 7) cannot see the camera. Camera still shows steady yellow led on top and steady red led at back. I also did a reset on the camera.
Please advise what I can do. Thanks.
sounds like 'The Brick'. im sure isoprop can fix.