Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

Sorry to bring this to an un-illuminating conclusion, but I've just heard from the ebay vendor, who's asked me to return the camera for a refund. With that in mind, there doesn't seem much point in risking my other working Mobius by stealing components out of it for transplanting & testing.

At the same time I'll order a replacement, as these are great little cameras, and tremendous value (when they work OK). The first one I bought has never missed a beat (after I fitted the delay relay to stop it powering on during the glow-plug warming cycle of my diesel car).

For the record, my SD cards (both Kingston 32GB) both tested OK (thanks for pointing me at that tester program wozzzzza), and the third card that I stole out of an old smartphone (Sandisk 4GB) did not solve the problem either. I'm convinced there was something about the power connector / circuit that didn't let the camera know that power had been applied. But I still can't think why the first start of the day would be harder than subsequent ones.

Thanks for the advice everyone, this is a terrific forum.
I have two Mobius cameras -- I run them both in my Car off proper 5volt USB. Everything worked flawlessly for 4 months or so.. Then I started having issues with the Data/time being lost. It didn't take long to realize the battery was not working.

No big deal I thought.. I ordered a replacement. Changed it out.. Everything was fine. A month goes by and my second mobius had the same problem. I replaced that battery with a new one. Problem solved.

Now it's been maybe 4-6 weeks and a battery is not working again. Something is wrong somewhere, I just don't know what it is exactly.

The only variables are I've updated the firmware as time has gone on this year...

No other variables have been present.

I've "revived" some old batteries by swapping batteries from one cam to the other..

Before doing this I will unplug the batteries of each and try for a long time to get it's own battery to work.. or even charge. When trying to charge when the battery stops working.. The green LED will come on sometimes and stay on for a few seconds or sometimes a few minutes then go off. (I only mention that I unplug and such as I've done a lot of reading on how to get things working again... and that is sort of one of the first things to try.)

Both cameras always work fine .. never had a problem with them having external power -- it's just something with the batteries getting fried,.. even new ones (identical new batteries, same part number, etc..).

Anyone heard of this? If this was just one camera I would think it was a bad Board, or some such and buy another.. but this is two cameras bought 6 months apart or so .. from different vendors.

I have one camera hardwired to the car.. and use a 12v to 5v converter that outputs to a female USB (very good part) that goes to the Camera 1 (behind rear view mirror as dash cam) -- Camera two I move around sometimes.. and it's further back in the car and is powered off an expensive Accessory USB charger that is rated at 1-2 amps (plenty to power.. it's not being under powered). This occurs with both cameras and the cameras are never "Switched" as I have them marked for their purpose.

I wouldn't care that much about the date/time for my purposes,.. except that I use the date/time markers to splice the two cam's video files together for video creation. When the date/time is the default 1/1/2012 and 12:00am,.. I have to go through hours of footage to find items.

Any ideas?
During my escapades, it did cross my mind that my Dad's car wasn't supplying enough juice and the camera I'd bought for my Dad was going flat & failing. But in my case I rejected the idea, as my own camera from my car could be swapped for it, and didn't misbehave. Basically my 'bad' camera's problem moved with it from car to car, and no matter what cables were attached and no matter what SD card was in it - so I decided the problem lay somewhere inside the camera (hope that was right, embarrassing if it's not).

Is it worth getting one of those dirt cheap USB testers from ebay to establish the integrity of the power supply? Maybe you could leave it plugged in & keep one eye on it during a drive..? You can get them for peanuts - I think I'll order one just to have it around. Is it possible your car's wiring dips in its supply at some point that you're not aware of?

Or maybe ask a friend to fit the camera in their car & run it for a few days to see what happens?

It's a drag if the time stamp's not right, and could even undermine the footage's value as evidence in the event of it being needed.
Is it worth getting one of those dirt cheap USB testers from ebay to establish the integrity of the power supply? Maybe you could leave it plugged in & keep one eye on it during a drive..? You can get them for peanuts - I think I'll order one just to have it around. Is it possible your car's wiring dips in its supply at some point that you're not aware of?

Makes sense. I'm leaning towards, .. the same "root" cause.. the Power supply. Power holds steady in the cars system in general.. I have monitors on the accessory ports and the voltage is steady at 13.7v -- That's 12v,.. but the issue could be anywhere from the wiring at the fuse box area.. the routing up A pillar, through headliner,.. to the L adapter I use so it will fit behind the rear view mirror and be "hidden" so to speak and dead center on the "high" side for the best dash cam view.

I suspect the DC camera.. and not the one coming off the accessory slot for that reason.

The wiring I have up at the rear view is USB mini size.. what type of "tester" would you recommend.. or is there any way to test it over time to see what the power is doing?

I know the camera remains functioning/recording the whole time.. so it seems odd the battery would be dieing on me -- I thought the Mobius had a reasonable in built protection where if the voltage wasn't within specific criteria it wouldn't work ?

What about testing the batteries themselves? What should they read dead with a multimeter? Perhaps a resistance reading? or another to see if they are shot? If it's getting 5v, and it definitely is or the Cameras would be fried by now,.. I still don't really see how a brandy new battery could be getting killed within weeks time. It runs off the car constantly,.. and I don't utilize the batteries at all except for them to hold the charge while the car is off to keep the time/date locked. I probably remove the cameras from the car entirely to get footage 4 days a week, and then use the GUI to "set parameters" each time before putting them back in to ensure they are synched exactly. (As even 10 seconds difference can make it tough when working with two cameras that power on at the same precise time (and working with both cameras video files synching video from both,.. and using audio from only one of course)

It's a drag if the time stamp's not right, and could even undermine the footage's value as evidence in the event of it being needed.

Yup. the major impact of the time/date is above with the video editor.. but the dashcam is there for my "protection" should an accident, etc occur and the video evidence is key.

The gadget I'm intending to buy is meant for testing a full-size female USB socket:

...which is fine for the dashboard / adaptor, but no use up on the windscreen as you point out. Like you, I'd be wondering about the integrity of the cable that I'd spent hours lovingly concealing in my headlining! I can't see anything ready-made on ebay, but I guess the above gadget could be adapted with the addition of these:

...but that's a pretty ugly Frankenstein combo of cheap ebay components! I'm sure we'd both worry about if all those connections were doing their job, and if we were getting a true result...

How about simply connecting the camera direct to your 12v-5v adaptor with a short USB lead (even if that means the camera's lying on the passenger seat, recording nothing of interest). If the battery still runs down, at least you've eliminated the long USB lead as the culprit..?

I'm afraid I'm not qualified on the other questions you raise about directly measuring the battery & its performance over time, but hopefully someone cleverer than me will be along in a minute. I'd be very interested to hear the answers if there are any. Good luck & I'll keep my eye on this thread!
Well.. I did more battery switching -- Then I forced it on in standby mode with a portable DC powersupply with the 5v cable that comes with the mobius accessory package -- and just left them both for hours.. Now they work.

Soooo.. is there some reason my batteries are getting used up? If it's on while driving... and never in "standby" mode just On recording.. or off completely.. is that not allowing the battery to charge? I swear I've taken these things apart so many times now I can do it in my sleep in seconds. ;)
I think Isoprop has mentioned that they're really dependant on a stable power source - maybe the sources in car are getting noisy as they are getting older?

If it's not supplying enough power when the camera is on then it could totally be killing the batteries and it is sounding like this is what is happening here.

I have a couple of the Scosche USBC242M and they've been totally reliable so far.
Hrmm.. I don't mind replacing the batteries every 3-6 months to be honest.. but taking them apart every few weeks is a bit much. How to get to the root of this,.. need some way to measure over time and the right specs of what would be too much low/high in power variation for the Mobius.
Which exactly are the hardwire and cigarette adaptors you're using please?
For the Dashcam up front I am using a
DROK™ 3A/15W Power Converter DC 8-22V 12V to 5V USB Connector Adapter


The second camera I run off an accessory/cig outlet with
Scosche IUSBC2M powerPLUG Pro - USB Car Charger

I've done extensive wiring in this vehicle, custom built audio system, etc.. So I do my best to use quality parts and have in-line line conditioners as well to prevent any alternator whine after the Pre-amp going to the various speakers I've installed. (I'm very "ocd" or picky about clean installs).

I can test the usb adapters with a multimeter,.. and look at pin configuration and test the mini USB for dashcam .. What voltage range is ideal.. ie: From X - Y (DCV) is where you want to be.. if above Y, or below X then there is an issue when it comes to the mobius.. (and/or voltage stability range).

arg this is so frustrating

I have 2 mobius.

My first one, every once in awhile it just wont auto record. The red light flashes 3 times and then the light is solid. I have to power cycle it numerous times. Once it does record, it is good to go for quite sometime. Now, One time I fixed it by reinserting the memory card. This time, that did not get it going. I took another memory card and put it in, it fired up no problem. put the old card in, 3 red lights and no record. I kept swapping them, the second card worked no problem while the first did not work once in about 10 tries. I figured it MUST be the card.

I grab my second mobius, the card that did not work in the first mobius (but does work sometimes!) worked first try in the second mobius

Arg, what is going on. My trust in this thing is getting lower. I needed it earliar in a hurry and it would not record.

When winter came I noticed a very bad problem: all my records became dark. Here is the link to the example:
The record starts after I turned the Mobius on. At the first moment all is ok but in next second the image becomes dark. And it is dark during the whole trip. The temperature in the car is about -3 or -4 Celsius.
If to record at the night time the picture is just as usual night picture.
Firmware 2.25. On the previous firmware the same situatiou.

Please help!
arg this is so frustrating

I have 2 mobius.

Arg, what is going on. My trust in this thing is getting lower. I needed it earliar in a hurry and it would not record.

Get a card that works and/or update your troublesome Mobius to the lastest firmware.
Get a card that works and/or update your troublesome Mobius to the lastest firmware.
Solid advice but not relevant to my issue.

Besides the latest FW 2.25, my mobius was up to date. I've had this issue through the last couple updates.
The card works.

When winter came I noticed a very bad problem: all my records became dark. Here is the link to the example:
The record starts after I turned the Mobius on. At the first moment all is ok but in next second the image becomes dark. And it is dark during the whole trip. The temperature in the car is about -3 or -4 Celsius.
If to record at the night time the picture is just as usual night picture.
Firmware 2.25. On the previous firmware the same situatiou.

Please help!

It happens in both "narrow "and "wide" modes?
Solid advice but not relevant to my issue.

Besides the latest FW 2.25, my mobius was up to date. I've had this issue through the last couple updates.
The card works.

But one card worked better than the other. Maybe you have a flaky card?
But one card worked better than the other. Maybe you have a flaky card?

Depends on what you mean by flaky. The card itself works fine. I have been trying to figure this out for awhile. It my cell phone I have no issue with it. Running speed test on it, the card is perfect.

I did notice, the second card I have ...the one that worked while the first did not, is a tad thicker. Perhaps it is a connection issue with the mobius? The thicker one has a better connection perhaps
Depends on what you mean by flaky. The card itself works fine. I have been trying to figure this out for awhile. It my cell phone I have no issue with it. Running speed test on it, the card is perfect.

I did notice, the second card I have ...the one that worked while the first did not, is a tad thicker. Perhaps it is a connection issue with the mobius? The thicker one has a better connection perhaps

Possibly (hardware). And all these cards have a small "firmware" built into them. Some may not play nice ( or even self-destruct under certain conditions! ) .
I'm with the card being the issue. They aren't all built the same.. This card is one that is the most reliable 32GB card I could find :
Good price.. good reviews.. lots of research led me to buying a few of those when they were more expensive..