Mobius support thread and Tech Guide (post all problems/help requests here) Read posts #1-8 first

I think I got yet ANOTHER faulty SANDISK card. 32gb class 4 card I don't remember where I got it from I have had it a while.
that is why i think I am having issues with the camera not recording some times. I have tried an 8GB class 4 card and it is working perfectly. I get my other sandisk card back from warranty next Monday its due so will try that one again.
ran test on it twice, twice failed.

Error reading file 'J:\2.h2w', offset 0x33700000.
(The system cannot find the file specified. Code 2)
Writing speed: 4.39 MByte/s
Reading speed: 20.1 MByte/s
H2testw v1.4

Error reading file 'J:\9.h2w', offset 0x14900000.
(The system cannot find the file specified. Code 2)
Reading speed: 20.1 MByte/s
H2testw v1.4

contact SanDisk, if your card is genuine, they WILL replace it.....
I'm not aware of any night quality issue. The firmware does all that's possible with the given DSP/sensor/lens so you can't expect better low-light video with these components.
If low-light exposure is increased then other problems occur. For example black frames like in v0.59 or thin phantom lines or flickering exposures.
Some problems only occur under very specific lighting conditions so it's difficult to test and find the sweet spot. We've tested many versions since the last release but sometime the tweaking just has to come to an end.
In general I find v2.25 performs a little better in low-light than in any previous versions. However, there will always be a frame or two that may be better exposed in another version. You have to compare an entire clip with different scenes.

2.25 seems to produce more grain / noise than 2.18?

When winter came I noticed a very bad problem: all my records became dark. Here is the link to the example:
The record starts after I turned the Mobius on. At the first moment all is ok but in next second the image becomes dark. And it is dark during the whole trip. The temperature in the car is about -3 or -4 Celsius.
If to record at the night time the picture is just as usual night picture.
Firmware 2.25. On the previous firmware the same situatiou.

Please help!

Try using a different firmware, also check your power adapter and that it is at least 1 amp and NOT DUAL or 2 amps dual

Here in Canada it is -20 C and it is running fine.
Try using a different firmware, also check your power adapter and that it is at least 1 amp and NOT DUAL or 2 amps dual
Here in Canada it is -20 C and it is running fine.
Hi dashtalk. Hi all.

The problem is both on 2.18 and 2.25 firmware.
The cam works with power adapter (1A) and without it. No difference at all. In a second after turning on it becomes dark.
After a few days of investigations: Temperature was till -5 C. Usually On the mobius day was dark and night was Ok.
Here is an example of night record - comparing to the day record it is perfect. lol.
But once in the morning I have caught this:
The darkness came at 2.31 after cam started recording. Temperature was... may be -1 C or -2 C.
And from the beginning the record is a bit darker - it's like an early morning but on the street it is lighter than it appear on the record.

Settings are WDR off + Narrow and WDR on + wide. No difference.
But it seems to me that the problem is in some kind of WDR - because as you see at night the record is perfect.
Hi dashtalk. Hi all.

The problem is both on 2.18 and 2.25 firmware.
The cam works with power adapter (1A) and without it. No difference at all. In a second after turning on it becomes dark.
After a few days of investigations: Temperature was till -5 C. Usually On the mobius day was dark and night was Ok.
Here is an example of night record - comparing to the day record it is perfect. lol.
But once in the morning I have caught this:
The darkness came at 2.31 after cam started recording. Temperature was... may be -1 C or -2 C.
And from the beginning the record is a bit darker - it's like an early morning but on the street it is lighter than it appear on the record.

Settings are WDR off + Narrow and WDR on + wide. No difference.
But it seems to me that the problem is in some kind of WDR - because as you see at night the record is perfect.
I've never seen that happen but I would suspect a CMOS (lens module) problem rather than a camera problem.
If the camera is fairly new you should be able to get it replaced on warranty. Otherwise I would first try replacing the lens module. It's pretty much trial and error I'm afraid and I could be wrong.
The worst part is the long wait for the items to arrive. I'm sorry I can't give you a definite answer on what's wrong.
Hi dashtalk. Hi all.

The problem is both on 2.18 and 2.25 firmware.
The cam works with power adapter (1A) and without it. No difference at all. In a second after turning on it becomes dark.
After a few days of investigations: Temperature was till -5 C. Usually On the mobius day was dark and night was Ok.
Here is an example of night record - comparing to the day record it is perfect. lol.
But once in the morning I have caught this:
The darkness came at 2.31 after cam started recording. Temperature was... may be -1 C or -2 C.
And from the beginning the record is a bit darker - it's like an early morning but on the street it is lighter than it appear on the record.

Settings are WDR off + Narrow and WDR on + wide. No difference.
But it seems to me that the problem is in some kind of WDR - because as you see at night the record is perfect.

Did you mess around with the advanced settings? If not then best what isoprop said.
Did you mess around with the advanced settings? If not then best what isoprop said.
Hi all.

The support asked me to send them advanced image settings. I opened this settings and... Sharpness -85, Exposure -85. :D
And I remembered that I changed these settings a long time ago when wanted to make a timelapse of a night city. And I thought that these advanced image settings related only to the Photo Mode...
Now I changed Sharpness and Exposure to zero. From the first view in the room the image became lighter as earlier. I will try it on the street later.
Hi all.

The support asked me to send them advanced image settings. I opened this settings and... Sharpness -85, Exposure -85. :D
And I remembered that I changed these settings a long time ago when wanted to make a timelapse of a night city. And I thought that these advanced image settings related only to the Photo Mode...
Now I changed Sharpness and Exposure to zero. From the first view in the room the image became lighter as earlier. I will try it on the street later.
I'm very interested if your settings were indeed the cause of the problem. If they were, then it's definitely something that needs to be included in the next user manual update.
Hello again.
So seems the problem was exactly in my Sharpness and Exposure settings. (May be only from Exposure but I have not yet investigated more). I set them to zero and the picture became perfect as earlier - not dark and so on.
Thanks to everybody :)
Isoprop, I think that it's better to include this into the manual or may be add these settings to every cam mode separately.
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Perhaps the submission of the SYSCFG.TXT data should be a mandatory aspect of any request for assistance?

Not that I like studying SYSCFG data ... it induces a mild form of dyslexia in me.
Perhaps the submission of the SYSCFG.TXT data should be a mandatory aspect of any request for assistance?

Not that I like studying SYSCFG data ... it induces a mild form of dyslexia in me.
I agree about the dyslexia!
What I do in these cases is let the camera set the parameters using the config file and then connect the camera to mSetup. The program will show the settings in a more readable fashion. I then save the parameters with a meaningful profile name so I can easily retrieve them later.
I'll definitely include the original problem in the manual, but it will most likely be quite some time until the updated manual is made available.
So I tested the firmware 2.25 and while going underneath a bridge it performs horribly.

They do actually both say they're the manufacturer so there's a good chance and they both have the ele bit - maybe it's one way of making people think they're getting a deal by having one store cheaper than the other at certain times? eletoponline365 has sold almost ten times the items in total.
I made a comparison video a week or two ago showing the differences in low-light comparing v0.59 and v2.25. V2.25 clearly produced better overall video material. From the few people who posted their thoughts no one thought v0.59 was better.
It seems as though the myth that v0.59 is better in low light is still around, but if people would take a video using two separate cameras at the same time and from the same position I'm sure they would realize that v2.25 is better overall.
I'm not saying v2.25 is better in ALL low-light conditions. There may well be one or two conditions where v0.59 performs a little better but I have not yet seen these conditions. What I have seen is a single frame or two from a video sequence which is better and that's why a single frame comparison is worthless. You should always judge a short video clip of a few seconds. In v2.25 you can almost indefinitely tweak the advance settings to get the best video which suits your needs under specific lighting. You can't do this in v0.59. V2.25 also has a WDR low-light setting which is missing in v0.59.
Speaking for myself, I would never go back to v0.59, but everyone's free to use which firmware he/she considers best.
You must also remember the Mobius is not designed for low-light conditions. That would require a different sensor as a minimum.