Mobius Waterproof Case

Not Spam, I just give more Alerts to Mobius Actioncam readers in the forum to be aware of the bad product, those underwater video may be from other action camera such as GoPro, when buyers receive the Joovuu waterproof case and the instruction states that buyers have to test the case for leaks and seller Joovuu has no garantee or responsible for buyer's camera being damaged

Sorry about this if you think this is a scam posts

if you got a bad one take it up with them, no need to spam the same post all over the forum
heard you the first 4 times, they sell 1000 of them I guess they're going to get a couple of duds, sorry you got one but posting the same stuff over and over doesn't fix that
That Joovuu waterproof case is not waterproof...

Ffs, you had to post about this in 4 threads? One is plenty. What you've done just annoys people, & undermines any credibility you might otherwise have had. I hope @DashCamMan deletes the other 3 posts.
Viewers/Readers can see here is the hardwork/fixed of my own

From this seller:

To this of my own retrofit:

Thank you for looking DO-NOT-BUY from this


Its totally wasting your own money.

Cheers :)


Ffs, you had to post about this in 4 threads? One is plenty. What you've done just annoys people, & undermines any credibility you might otherwise have had. I hope @DashCamMan deletes the other 3 posts.
Well I can say for sure the Porto Santos video you linked too were definitely filmed with my Mobius in the JooVuu waterproof case and it survived - heck the camera even survived an external trip stuck on the car roof in the middle of a rain shower and it still works now!
Are you saying the case is not water proof?
If not what are you saying.
########### A hard work ############

3 ATM or more :)





Not waterproof at all

Speaking frankly Joovuu or whoever engineer this waterproof case is a very good design concept at first but still lacks of few important sealing aspects and not a good quality when it is moled/alumcasting from the MFG

As viewers can read on line when this Joovuu owner keeps telling/saying around n around "I fired my customer support guy", in fact he is a customer support and book keeping/banking etc....

I wish he can offers PayPal so I can have a money back rather than my MaterCard



Are you saying the case is not water proof?
If not what are you saying.
Well if you used it correctly and it did not work, you are entitled to get your money back.

Disclaimer or not, a water proof case should be doing what its name implies.
You have a true statement but not quite true when Joovvu states that customer have to pay shipping back to Joovuu for a refund but not guarantees if lost

Can you figure out the cheap trick ? for not refund buy the seller and the product is so bad looks like had been used buy someone to return/now resell to other customer

The Joovuu owner now read theses posts and he for sure knows who Am I

Once in awhile I still so stupid to buy from idiot smart sellers. PayPal/Ebay is best choice to buy online for full refund


Well if you used it correctly and it did not work, you are entitled to get your money back.

Disclaimer or not, a water proof case should be doing what its name implies.
they've sold 10,000 of them, guess you're going to get some percentage of failures no matter what you do
Viewers/Readers can see here is the hardwork/fixed of my own

From this seller:

To this of my own retrofit:

Thank you for looking DO-NOT-BUY from this


Its totally wasting your own money.

Cheers :)


Hi @HHope
Thank you for taking our name on blogspot, it's most helpful, if you could run our blog for us, that'd be fantastic?

Regarding your problem as @jokiin stated there are bound failures sadly, we have sold actually closer 13,000 cases and our faulty percentage is less than 2% (we miscalculated our sales before and as such our faulty percentage was closer to 2.5% but after going through every sale we're down to about 1.8ish%)

I'm sorry this case failed you - if you drop us a message at I'll get this chased up.

I genuinely also really like your modification to the case and I think you're right, it could help a lot, so please contact us as I think we could use your improvements if you would be okay with that?

Kind regards,

I have a number of things which are quite 'fiddley' to use correctly, and if you try to force them or don't get things just right something will go wrong when you persist going forward. I'm not into diving but as far as I am aware of, nobody who makes waterproof cases for anything guarantees the item being enclosed. You're always on your own with this, and if you value the object inside you're going to test the enclosure very carefully and very often. In that initial testing you should easily see if it is something which works well for you, and if it isn't then that is the time to see if the seller will RMA the enclosure, remembering that unless you can prove the product defective they do not have to do this. If you weren't certain that you should buy it you should have checked their 'buyers remorse' policy beforehand.

I see JooVuu has just posted above me and I think you can now set your mind at ease. I plan to try one of these myself oneday for 'rainproof' work and even after researching and understanding the problems some have had, I feel confident that I'll be fine too.

I see on another thread you've made that JooVuu is willing to work with you regards your problem. It is a discourtesy to everyone to make multiple threads on the same topic- one is enough.

Do whatever you can say Dan as yours is good "we have sold actually closer 13,000 cases and our faulty percentage is less than 2%"

I am your buyer and I have a very-right to speak, so do you but not cheat n lies

Look at all pix i posted that shows your Mobius waterproof case is so badly made, grinding marks, aluminium casting is so dark as being used for sometime by hand touching or had been submerged for testing and being returned then you re-sell it. When I open the shipping package to see that Joovuu waterproff case for Mobius, I was shocked by 220 volts AC because it looks so bad. Where is your QA ?. Do you accept those bad prototype batch and sell it ? as a new Mobius waterproof case ?


Read my your JooVuu/Dan ticket to me and the Refund issue from your Web/Link, you are a very a cheater seller, a one man JooVuu operation Seller/Web aka Customer Service aka Responder aka Owner .... of everything to make $$$$$

You can copy my modification to your product and be free to take it if you think its OK

Again, your JooVuu Mobius waterproof leaks like hell

For the Joovuu ticket issue, I stated this case is closed

On here is just an Alert and Opinion toward anyone's/SELLER products that failed



Hi @HHope
Thank you for taking our name on blogspot, it's most helpful, if you could run our blog for us, that'd be fantastic?

Regarding your problem as @jokiin stated there are bound failures sadly, we have sold actually closer 13,000 cases and our faulty percentage is less than 2% (we miscalculated our sales before and as such our faulty percentage was closer to 2.5% but after going through every sale we're down to about 1.8ish%)

I'm sorry this case failed you - if you drop us a message at I'll get this chased up.

I genuinely also really like your modification to the case and I think you're right, it could help a lot, so please contact us as I think we could use your improvements if you would be okay with that?

Kind regards,

Hi @HHope from the clear hypocrisy in your post I can see you are very angry and disappointed and clearly do not want a resolution to this situation except to try and harm us. Which is absolutely fine. You are free to do what you want and so are we. If you would like to work with us and help us improve you know where to find us, if you don't (which at the moment you seem to have no interest in) then that's fine.

You know where to find us.
