
Sorry for the offtopic: it seems it's a Chrome "feature" to protect the innocent users. It happens to me also if I download from your site using Chrome v.30, but it also happens for some pdf files downloaded from my company internal sharepoint site :)
The notification has a "learn more" options which directs to this address:
More info I found here:!topic/chrome/r-9JQIboUmc
I don't know what anti virus program you are using, but it's showing you a false positive.
Agreed, the program contains some pretty low-level USB routines and also connects to the internet if you allow it to, but there is no assembler or disk manipulation code whatsoever.
I also don't have the time or the money to digitally sign a freeware program, so it's obviously not signed!
My development PC is used for development only. It's not used for surfing and no email client or java is installed. It is also protected by an external hardware firewall and there is no Wireless LAN or connection to drop box and co.
So long as you are the only person receiving the message and you download from the official site you are safe.

No worries, I always scan first any downloads. Just wanted to draw attention so you can explain from your side to other people who will have same warning message. Now they do not have to ask and can securely download.
Still i always recommend to scan any downloadable files, just in case for extra precaution ;)
I will be very interested if we still see horror pictures of molten Mobius when powered by Supercaps. The Supercaps should generate no heat when running, unlike LiPos, and there is more space inside the casing for air to circulate.
Isn't the Australian summer coming up soon? :)

More on charging...
Another important factor for dashcam use is the charging cable. It should be a thick cable and of high quality. Poor quality and long cables reduce the voltage significantly. Don't use them. The car charger and the 3M USB cables sold by the Chinese sellers have been tested with the Mobius and are known to work properly.

Are usb extension cables generally safe to use?
Are usb extension cables generally safe to use?
I use extension cables a lot during testing. Some work perfectly, some don't work at all and some work intermittently! You can't generalize. If the plugs aren't soldered properly, you'll have problems. Maybe not immediately, but problems will appear sooner or later. I have not found a reliable way to check if the soldered joint is good or bad. If the cable (internal wires) is too thin you'll also get intermittent results while the USB drivers try to synchronize properly. I don't recall that I have ever had a problem with high quality (expensive!) extension cables. In general, these are also much thicker than the cheap extension cables purchased thru eBay. I have thrown away dozens of USB cables, both extension and normal, that haven't worked properly. Long cables have a larger internal resistance than short cables so they should be thicker than shorter ones.
There are various symptoms of a bad cable. The most obvious is that your device isn't properly recognized by Windows. The less obvious is when USB communication is much slower than normal.
My advice is to only buy quality extension cables. Buy extension cables on eBay at your own risk. I have used 3m quality extension cables without any problem.
Best choice using shortest cable, if you can ( want ) hard-wire to reading light 12v loom using 12v to 5v converter.
I use extension cables a lot during testing. Some work perfectly, some don't work at all and some work intermittently! You can't generalize. If the plugs aren't soldered properly, you'll have problems. Maybe not immediately, but problems will appear sooner or later. I have not found a reliable way to check if the soldered joint is good or bad. If the cable (internal wires) is too thin you'll also get intermittent results while the USB drivers try to synchronize properly. I don't recall that I have ever had a problem with high quality (expensive!) extension cables. In general, these are also much thicker than the cheap extension cables purchased thru eBay. I have thrown away dozens of USB cables, both extension and normal, that haven't worked properly. Long cables have a larger internal resistance than short cables so they should be thicker than shorter ones.
There are various symptoms of a bad cable. The most obvious is that your device isn't properly recognized by Windows. The less obvious is when USB communication is much slower than normal.
My advice is to only buy quality extension cables. Buy extension cables on eBay at your own risk. I have used 3m quality extension cables without any problem.
Quality of the cable is the issue that is accentuated with longer cable lengths, too much CCA cable in use instead of decent copper cable
As I pulled out of a side road, a speeding car came around the bend about 200yds to my left and drove so close behind me that I could not see the front of it in my mirror. After a short time he decided to overtake and cut in so close that I had to brake. As can be heard I am having a problem at the moment with my mobius audio and as I also get a loud hum going under power lines makes me think it needs some kind of shielding.
Checking my previous mobius video's I never had any hum when going under power lines.

p.s. Just tried recording on internal battery away from car and am still getting the same noise.
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Lens cap....

After misplacing it several times, I found dental floss makes a nice lanyard for it. I tied it to the slots for the straps on the cradle.
I don't like the videoclip overlapping feature of Mobius. For the 3 mins. setting, the videoclip length is 3:01 minutes which means 181 seconds = 5430 frames. 30 more frames than needed.
If I want to make some video about some nice trip I need to cut every clip before joining it and this is very time consuming. I understand that 30 more frames are added because some video buffer is needed for slow SD Cards. I tested the Mobius also with an old 2GB MicroSD Card and the video clip lenght is still 3:01.

Editing every time some long trip is destroying the experience.

Also there is a duplicate frame at every 14 seconds but this is invisible for normal viewing.
If somebody wants ever to remove this duplicate frame can use an avisynth script with a line like this:

Chrome file warning - is generated because the. Zip file contains an unsigned executable.
It can be wrapped in self-unzip/unrar or an installer like NSIS, but it just unnecessary. Simple is better.

Id also be for removing any duplicates including overlapping frames so long as we dont loose any information.