
... the wide angle lens ("B") can't read the license plates as well as the regular lens ("A")...

You could also say that a regular lens can't read the license plates as well as a telephoto lens. We all know that the wider the lens, the smaller the objects within the image at any given distance. I have no trouble reading plates, even on a 9.7" iPad (Retina) screen
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My mobius lives in a car. Recently I thought it have failed. It stopped auto recording.
When driving it only keeps charging (green light on). First thing in my mind was to update FW and check the usb wires because I am using an extension cable but decided to try another 1$ dual usb charger which I use for a rear cam and it started auto recording straight away.
P.S. i checked the SD card and the last record was made NOV 6. My mobius is mounted the way it is hard to see the recording indicator blinking I am now thinking about mounting solutions I seen in another thread
P.P.S the failed dual usb charger works fine on rear cam.
Hey, does anyone have or know of a video recorded on the Mobius B lens using the small AOV? The videos I have seen are all recorded using the Large AOV
Bought one of these to mount on my bike helmet. Not a bad device at all, although the packing left something to be desired - the envelope hadn't been sealed! Everything was there, so I I guess I got lucky.
Maybe the customs or postal employers were searching about some battery which is forbidden to transport with some shipping companies.

I don't think so. There's no customs fees payable on such an item where I live, every item is X-rayed to see what it is, and the flap of the envelope was completely untouched - it simply hadn't been sealed to begin with. Like I said; just dumb luck it was all there. Maybe I should leave neutral feedback because of that point.
You got everything so be happy with that outcome. :)

I've had parcels arrive from O/S damaged and with nothing left inside the packaging.... Not happy!
Niko posted different results than you with the B lens and FW 0.59.
I have yet to review my A lens night footage using FW 0.59
So I have just got back home and reviewed my Mobius nighttime footage and was disappointed, very green and orange and quite dim, so I compared it to a few weeks ago on firwmare 0.57 along the same route........

...It apears that the nighttime footage on FW 0.57 is far Superior to the latest 0.59. :eek:

I even loaded the old firmware and tested with just the tv on in my bedroom as backlight and the difference was quite drastic.

This is with WDR on and with my B lens.

Does anyone else find this or am I a special case (that's what my psychiatrist says about me anyway). :p

Can you share RAW fikes of v0.57 and v0.59 of your Mobius B lens.
My camera has 0.47, should I wait for more fixes OR should I upgrade to the latest version?
Re the first 2 images in Post #496...

Sunset (London, UK) on 24th November was at 4pm. Video shot at 5pm.

Sunset on 13th December was at 3.51pm. Video shot at 8.11pm.

The first video was shot 1 hour after sunset. The second more than 4 hours after sunset. Is it reasonable to suggest that the night was 'darker' when the second video was shot, therefore, the Mobius had a tougher task to capture the video?

Perhaps your headlights were dirty when the second video was shot? Plus other variables I haven't thought of.

Re the 3rd & 4th images in Post #496, is this a realistic simulation of dashcam performance on a public road?

A real comparison needs 2 Mobius 'A' or 2 Mobius 'B' cameras recording at the same time on the same night on the same stretch of road, one with v0.57 & the other with v0.59. I've only got one Mobius, so I cannot do it myself. Anyone up for it?

For the moment, I would say that the evidence against v0.59 is inconclusive. At least it doesn't suffer from the pulsating / flashing that some experienced with v0.57, when passing street lighting & oncoming headlights.
Jim, thanks for "highlighting" the night time recording issues. Hopefully the developers will take note and be making improvements to the firmware.

As you mentioned I certainly don't regularly review the recorded footage. It's handy having people post examples (like you've done) as it allows other people to evaluate which firmware version suits them best. (I won't be updating mine, as night time clarity is important to me.)
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I am not a lens specialist, but...
In the FW059 pictures I see also some vertical stripes which I consider are coming from the CMOS image surface which is not perfect neat (polished). I am not blaming the sensor here, but my idea is that when the brightness is added too much by the firmware we will see that lines in dark conditions. I remember I saw lines like that in a korean camera called Livue LB100 which is supposed to have some better korean CMOS lens module.

My idea is that even the firmware can add brightness, the lens to be japanese, if the sensor is not good for low light conditions is not so much to do regarding the night mode.
I expect bigger sensors to have tiny stripes to make them almost invisible.

As a developer I would pay more for a bigger sensor than for japanese lens which is expected to be expensive, but using some good quality taiwanese lens. I think even iPhone is using taiwanese lens on its camera.

I consider for dashcams at least 1/2.7" CMOS sensors to be used, because we need details like characters from car number plates which are already smaller because of marketing wide lens used.

I am not a lens specialist, but...
In the FW059 pictures I see also some vertical stripes which I consider are coming from the CMOS image surface which is not perfect neat (polished). I am not blaming the sensor here, but my idea is that when the brightness is added too much by the firmware we will see that lines in dark conditions. I remember I saw lines like that in a korean camera called Livue LB100 which is supposed to have some better korean CMOS lens module.

My idea is that even the firmware can add brightness, the lens to be japanese, if the sensor is not good for low light conditions is not so much to do regarding the night mode.
I expect bigger sensors to have tiny stripes to make them almost invisible.

As a developer I would pay more for a bigger sensor than for japanese lens which is expected to be expensive, but using some good quality taiwanese lens. I think even iPhone is using taiwanese lens on its camera.

I consider for dashcams at least 1/2.7" CMOS sensors to be used, because we need details like characters from car number plates which are already smaller because of marketing wide lens used.

Both the lens and the sensor have to give the best performance when used as a pair. Using a cheap sensor and a good lens or a cheap lens and an expensive sensor will never yield good results.
The developer has tested many, many combinations of modules/lenses and the combination currently used in the Mobius is the best solution he has found. He has NOT been concentrating on finding the best low light combination, but rather the best all-round solution. If you want a camera that performs well in low light but not so well in 'normal' conditions, then the Mobius is not for you!
The whole charm of the Mobius is it's excellent video quality and tiny size. You, may however, be able to get better low light video with the upcoming firmware version where you have full contrast and color control.
You, may however, be able to get better low light video with the upcoming firmware version where you have full contrast and color control.

This what we all have been waiting ;)
A while back someone asked about how the view looks at 720 with the "B" Lens. Here are 2 stills taken today:

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