More info on this camera?


New Member
Dec 4, 2014
Reaction score
I've seen this WiFi camera on several different places on the net but I don't know if it's any good or what brand it really is. I like the size, the WiFi ability and the fact that it is a dvr.

On DX they call it
MEIEGO M10 720P.

Does anyone have any more info or know if this is a good camera or does anyone have video sample?

Looks like the Cobra CDR-900, maybe rebranded:

I have a 90% complete very comprehensive video review that I did back in July, but just haven't had a chance to finish the last bit to publish it. I will make a point of it to do so over the coming holidays as I will have plenty of free time.

In short, the CDR-900 is not worth its $250 price, not even at $100, imo.

Edit: Nevermind. Upon closer look, these appear to be two different cameras.
mspin, yes it's a different camera. This one is a lot simpler with only 720P. I should have posted a link i my first post... :)

Link to the cam on DX

I'm looking forward to your review anyway!
Now I've spent a few more hours trying to find more information. Here's what I've found out.

The brand seems to be Relee and the model is RL102 or RLC-08WF

Other names:
Defender Multicam WF-10HD
Unieye Multifunction camcorder
HP f150
Aiptek Mobile eyes HD
Rollei Mini WiFi Camcorder 1
Highscreen Black Box Connect

Video Samples:
(in the end of this review)

There's even a kickstarter project that seems to be about this camera:
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