My law blog regarding dashcams

This thread has been inactive for a long time but here it goes anyway

I just gave my son a dash cam. He lives in South Carolina with his wife and they both move in NC, SC and VA. What's the legality of having such a device in those states? Any known restrictions?

He's not a US citizen and don't want him braking the law in any way.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
This thread has been inactive for a long time but here it goes anyway

I just gave my son a dash cam. He lives in South Carolina with his wife and they both move in NC, SC and VA. What's the legality of having such a device in those states? Any known restrictions?

He's not a US citizen and don't want him braking the law in any way.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
Recording video is legal in all states so that's not a problem. Recording audio varies from state to state and there are discussions in other threads about that. If audio recording is turned off he should have no problems anywhere.
Check to find out of your state is a one party or a two party consent state.
I am in a one party consent state and I give myself permission to record all the audio I want to record.

In a 2 party consent state you have to obtain permission from the other parties although the 1st amendment may be implicated in that decision.
I'm glad you can use dashcams in the uk though twice I have been asked by cops to turn it off, I declined both times and they went away, saved me from getting nicked for using mobile phone, I wasn't but cop said he heard me speaking into phone, it was a dictaphone and dashcam audio would have confirmed this as well as phone log showing no calls
Check to find out of your state is a one party or a two party consent state.
I am in a one party consent state and I give myself permission to record all the audio I want to record.

In a 2 party consent state you have to obtain permission from the other parties although the 1st amendment may be implicated in that decision.

These laws can also vary in the more minor political subdivisions such as cities and counties; the various State laws may or may not permit them from enacting such laws. My recommendation for the US is audio off for the cams, and If you so wish to, use a separate hidden audio recorder at your own risk. That way your dashcam recordings cannot potentially be denied use as evidence because of illegal audio recording being an inherent part of them ;)

These laws can also vary in the more minor political subdivisions such as cities and counties; the various State laws may or may not permit them from enacting such laws. My recommendation for the US is audio off for the cams, and If you so wish to, use a separate hidden audio recorder at your own risk. That way your dashcam recordings cannot potentially be denied use as evidence because of illegal audio recording being an inherent part of them ;)

That is an interesting perspective, and perhaps I should lookup what the laws are in Canada. I usually have the audio on as I want to show I have honked, had my turn indicators on have done everything I could to prevent an accident. However, video without audio is better than not having video at all.

I turn the audio off when my wife or other passenger is present as what to be a in a position to submit unaltered video if I have to. Some of the conversations we have ...:rolleyes:
Some of the conversations we have ...:rolleyes:

Lol, some of the conversations I have with myself! :p I positively do not want my verbal comments on the other drivers appearing in court as most people would not understand that my verbal venting is how I deal with idiots instead of doing something physically instead ;) And truth be known, if i call them a stupid blanking idiot then they most certainly are one, which the video will show all by itself without me needing to tell that to someone else watching it. Far more satisfying to watch them reach the same conclusion on their own :cool:
