nanoQ 0903

So should Diggcams but they don't mate.

I am going through PayPal now trying for a refund but all I get from the seller is please return it for a full refund ( At my cost ) which is uneconomical and to be honest again being punished for the manufactures mistakes and I agree fully it should be withdrawn from all the shops as its obvious it needs a lot more work on this particular camera to make it work IE ..GPS etc.
It certainly does not seem to be fit for sale. I would have thought that the loss of credibility and damage to teh brand would out weigh the few sales they make.
Obviously dealer credibility takes a hit as well.
It certainly does not seem to be fit for sale. I would have thought that the loss of credibility and damage to teh brand would out weigh the few sales they make.
Obviously dealer credibility takes a hit as well.

really I never understood why people salivate over new releases of these given the track record, it's like the dashcam equivalent of Stokholm Syndrome
Its like anything, latest iphone, latest whatever... Lots of people follow their chosen product passion. Way back in the day, mine was HiFi.
Its like anything, latest iphone, latest whatever... Lots of people follow their chosen product passion. Way back in the day, mine was HiFi.

with some products I get the fanboi following and how people constantly upgrade, this is like lining up to get sucker punched though, I don't get the attraction
I am one of them who is looking up from the canvas as we speak. Already got the 0806 which is a bag of crock and should have walked away then but no the 0903 looked very promising with it's new sensor and chipset, how wrong could I have been.

Shame really as it does have the potential to be a good camera if the issues was fixed and tried and tested before they sent them out to retailers.
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For the cost of the constant upgrades you might as well buy a Blackvue or something else really expensive that actually works.
That's what I was originally looking at but the Nano sounded pretty good and worth a look. However now it appears to be just another Chinese PoS.
Make it down as lesson learn. It will cost me $40-50 to return from US to estore. What a hassle.
Think thats what of Chinese sellers rely on. Simply too much hassle and cost to return.
And no sign of Rayman Chan even after E-mailing , sending pm's and posting on his threads. I always find it amusing just before the release you notice they are spamming the forums with glossy advertising ( False at that ) of the release of a fabulous camera and everything is perfect.....which is far from it and in this case a step backwards.

Maybe one good thing has come from this in that Rayman and his Dashcam Company has been exposed and not in a good way and would take a lot of trust now to get back on course from other potential buyers or should I say Guinea Pigs.

I personally think Rayman Chan should offer me a full refund, I would be happy to keep the camera and when new parts are available I would be happy to install test and report back all at my own time and cost.
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**Update** I have received a Full Refund from Diggcams who I can't praise high enough as he has been more than helpful through out.

I still have the camera sat in the cupboard and if Rayman Chan Solves the Issue with the GPS and he wishes to send me the parts then I would be more than happy as above to post back on the thread with the outcome.
Just had some News from Rayman Chan that he has sent me the new housing and PCBA

Hi Andrew,

Finally, we send out the new housing yesterday, the tracking number is RS02173****CN.

When install the PCBA into the housing, please take care not to short the circuit as the inside surface of the housing is conductive. Please shield the RTC battery with dielectric film.

I am really sorry to keep you waiting so long.
Good news, hopefully the shielding will not kill wi-fi signal as I would like to use it in the future.
I'm sure Rayman Chan must have tested this before he sends out and I am not sure which part of the PCBA he is sending.
I'm waiting for the next production before I make another purchase.