nanoQ 0903

Bloody Hell!
There'd be a lot of investors becoming a bit anxious...

will they deliver, not sure all of these kickstarter deals turn out well

I did a trial of Kickstarter once just to see how it all went, bought into a $25 item knowing it might never happen but only $25 so wasn't concerned, really just wanted to see how it played out, project got funded and I ended up getting the item as promised about 10 months later, a Chinese knockoff of the same product was being delivered six months before I got mine and $20 cheaper

I'm familiar with lead times, production costs etc and I can tell you a lot of these projects stand out as being from people that are good at marketing and have great ideas but know nothing about making products, how long things take, how much things cost etc
From the lack of nanoQ activities it looks like this cam is all but dead.
It would be nice if @Rayman.Chan would post a quick update.
Hi all,

Newbie here :) Just bought the 0903 from Amazon (first ever dash cam), mainly due to the form factor whilst still being high spec. Overall I'm pleased, however I've noticed that the video is very over exposed and not overly sharp. Reading through this thread there seems to be a bunch of new firmware updates and other elements which should be set up to optimise camera use. Also I've seen people have stated certain CPL filters do not fit. So....

Which firmware is the best to use for this cam?
Can anyone recommend an appropriate CPL filter which fits?
Any other settings I should configure for optimum use in the UK?

This will be a very neat cam if I can get it working correctly. Many thanks!
Congrats on your new toy. The latest FW is 2.0 from nanoq website. However, no wifi with latest FW. Gps is iffy. Focus issues is rampant with this model. I hope your unit is good. Have fun and good luck.
I am having problems with motion detection. It seems to work fine, but resets to OFF when power is restarted. Tested on 3.14 and 3.29 version (20M)
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I am having problems with motion detection. It seems to work fine, but resets to OFF when power is restarted. Tested on 3.14 and 3.29 version (20M)
Yes, I see the same "feature" with parking mode.
Hello all,

This my first post on this forum :)

I 'm looking for information, which fimware is the latest for 0903 ?
In my camera I have firmware 903_96655_20160620_V1.8.

Anyboy know what is it? :)

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I was interested in the NanoQ and it seems like a good cost effective camera. I was looking all of the posts and it seems like there was a lot of issues.
Is this still a good camera to get?
Are all of the bugs worked out by now or should I still wait to purchase this camera?
How is the image quality as I know there was production problems with image quality is this fixed with the newer cameras?
I was interested in the NanoQ and it seems like a good cost effective camera. I was looking all of the posts and it seems like there was a lot of issues.
Is this still a good camera to get?
Are all of the bugs worked out by now or should I still wait to purchase this camera?
How is the image quality as I know there was production problems with image quality is this fixed with the newer cameras?
There are many problems with this model - most of them unresolved. Read this forum before purchase.
In my camera I have firmware 903_96655_20160620_V1.8.
I have the same version. Wondering if this is a test/dev version or quite stable, since I cannot find any info about this version.
Seems it was released Jun 20, 2016.

Is there any firmware that works well?
I've got yesterday my 0903 also with 903_96655_20160620_V1.8 inside.
Not sure about video quality, looks good. But the GPS are crazy. All of the video files have different time length.
Will try to turn off the GPS and see how it's going.
Is it any firmware version that fix the GPS?
GPS works better in mini0903-20160329-test20M.7z ? :)
Not sure about the file lengths but 0903 has known problems with GPS performance. These are hardware related - there is nothing a different firmware can fix.
I've got yesterday my 0903 also with 903_96655_20160620_V1.8 inside.
Not sure about video quality, looks good. But the GPS are crazy. All of the video files have different time length.
Will try to turn off the GPS and see how it's going.
Is it any firmware version that fix the GPS?
GPS works better in mini0903-20160329-test20M.7z ? :)
Mine came with this version as well I believe, but I tried some of the other versions hoping it would fix a few issues, and instead made everything worse. I'd now like to go back to 903_96655_20160620_V1.8, but have no idea where to get it from. 903_96655_20160620_V1.8 was the only version where motion detection worked/stayed on properly. Ideas?