New msetup and firmware

i think that anyone that has the lens B (wide angle) can't go under 1.17 fw. isn't it?
i can't remember where i saw it.
@nir, I have the lens B version, bought two or three weeks ago (fw 1.20 installed). I installed both 0.59 and 1.13 with not a single problem. :D
With the older firmwares before they supported the b lens officially (ie compensating for the colour tone of the lens) do they use what is classed as wide (no pixel binning) or narrow (center of the CMOS)?

I love the time lapse features in v2.10 and not sure I could live without that but I'm going to go all the way back to 0.47 and work my way up to see what you're all on about!

And for the guys looking for the older firmware - they're all on this website :D
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Do you know where can i find older versions of mSetup, the GUI configuration tool?
Do you know where can i find older versions of mSetup, the GUI configuration tool?
The GUI seeming to go back to less options for when me added 0.59 back to Mobius.

So it was liking when I had older GUI version. But some say it forget setting in new GUI, maybe here or RC forum. Hope not.
1.13 to grainy at night and during day is really good. trying .53 tonight.
The GUI seeming to go back to less options for when me added 0.59 back to Mobius.

So it was liking when I had older GUI version. But some say it forget setting in new GUI, maybe here or RC forum. Hope not.
The latest GUI should be compatible with ALL Mobius FW versions that ever existed. In addition, bugs that were found in previous versions will have been corrected. Some tooltips my not be correct, since they apply to the latest FW versions
I would appreciate it if previous versions of mSetup were NOT posted. I appreciate the good intentions, but instead of doing someone a favor you may end up doing the exact opposite. Thank you for your understanding.

I am not aware of mSetup "forgetting" settings from previous FW versions, but I obviously can't rule this out. If a bug is found, please would you send me a detailed description together with the SYSCFG.TXT file. You can also post your findings here.
I tested mSetup v3.0.1.0 with FW 1.13 and found it to work as expected. I do not have the issue Adi posted yesterday, but without his SYSCFG.TXT file I don't know what settings he used.

There will, of course, be many, many, less options available if you revert to very early FW versions!

Once again, I must emphasize that I really don't encourage anyone to use an older version of mSetup, especially from the 2.x.x.x or earlier generations.
I love the time lapse features in v2.10 and not sure I could live without that but I'm going to go all the way back to 0.47 and work my way up to see what you're all on about!

I think (not sure) that you can have, say, v2.10 on one micro sd card & v0.53 on another, & swap cards on the fly when recording video clips. May help speed up the firmware comparison process?

It would involve copying the firmware .bin file to the card, then use part of Method 2 of the Manual Firmware Update process described in the User Manual (from 'turn on the camera & wait', etc). You also keep your settings in a read only config file in the root directory of the card (make it a 'read only' file by changing the file attributes with your PC).

So, you swap cards, then do a manual firmware update, followed by a manual config upload.

I'm sure @Isoprop will say if the above is incorrect.
I think (not sure) that you can have, say, v2.10 on one micro sd card & v0.53 on another, & swap cards on the fly when recording video clips. May help speed up the firmware comparison process?

It would involve copying the firmware .bin file to the card, then use part of Method 2 of the Manual Firmware Update process described in the User Manual (from 'turn on the camera & wait', etc). You also keep your settings in a read only config file in the root directory of the card (make it a 'read only' file by changing the file attributes with your PC).

So, you swap cards, then do a manual firmware update, followed by a manual config upload.

I'm sure @Isoprop will say if the above is incorrect.
Yes, that will work, but remember the Mobius will require an extra ~30 seconds to start. I would avoid using this method if you use auto-power-on :eek:, although no harm will be done if the update fails.
Also remember that the parameters will be reset to their default values every time the FW is updated. You'll need a separate card with an appropriate SYSCFG:TXT file if you want to use your own parameters. It's not possible to update the firmware AND the parameters using the same card if the FW file has the read-only attribute.
Meaningful firmware comparisons can only be done with two (or more) cameras recording the same scene at the same time from the same position with the same lens.
I was happy with the latest firmware and I'll 99% be sticking with it tbh.

Just waiting for it to go dark and try the old firmware against another new camera in my armoury :D
The latest GUI work absolutely fine on firmware 0.47 for me like isoprop said it would.

Couple of clips for those that want to see footage from 0.47 version using a B lens:

I ran this side by side with the latest super cheap camera and this slaughters it at night :)
@Isoprop, i think i found the issue with mSetup radio buttons start to act weird. I'm sorry, but for now i don't have time to upload the SYSCFG. this is the scenario:

1. Using FW1.13 and the corresponding mSetup GUI ( save a template of the camera settings
2. Upgrade to FW2.10, upgrade also mSetup GUI to latest version
3. From mSetup load the template saved before and save it to camera
4. Go to mSetup "Video mode settings" and change from 30 FPS to 60 FPS

look at the FPS radio buttons, when you change Mode1 FPS value, Mode2 FPS value changes also. also after setting the correct FPS value you want and reconnecting the camera, FPS values are not saved.
hope this scenario is detailed enough so you can recreate it.
The latest GUI work absolutely fine on firmware 0.47 for me like isoprop said it would.

Couple of clips for those that want to see footage from 0.47 version using a B lens:

I ran this side by side with the latest super cheap camera and this slaughters it at night :)
Are you also to trying 0.59FW? It has not failed me to start and also very nice pictures. I drove it at the night and was impressed very. :p

The picture is little orange hue but instead of natural tones that later FW tried for it makes reading of the plates numbers better in my thoughts. Better contrast.
@Isoprop, i think i found the issue with mSetup radio buttons start to act weird. I'm sorry, but for now i don't have time to upload the SYSCFG. this is the scenario:

1. Using FW1.13 and the corresponding mSetup GUI ( save a template of the camera settings
2. Upgrade to FW2.10, upgrade also mSetup GUI to latest version
3. From mSetup load the template saved before and save it to camera
4. Go to mSetup "Video mode settings" and change from 30 FPS to 60 FPS

look at the FPS radio buttons, when you change Mode1 FPS value, Mode2 FPS value changes also. also after setting the correct FPS value you want and reconnecting the camera, FPS values are not saved.
hope this scenario is detailed enough so you can recreate it.
Thank for posting your information. Unfortunately, I could not replicate your findings. Without having your syscfg.txt file or original mSetup.cfg file it's all but impossible. Everything worked fine on my tests using default values. However, I can well imagine that one or two parameters from your profile are not imported correctly because they no longer exist or are different in the latest firmware. When you upgrade/downgrade the firmware to a release with less/more parameters there is a warning message that tells you some parameters have been set to their default values. With some combinations it's impossible to evaluate the corresponding new value. All the same, that's not an excuse that there is an empty radio button or two buttons change together. If I could replicate your scenario I would correct it!
Once the GUI reads the parameters from the camera, you modify them, and then you save them, I'm sure you'll find they always 'take'. There is a lot of error checking done when saving the parameters and if a parameter is not saved correctly an error message showing the failure(s) will be shown. This is what's so convenient with the two-way USB communication and makes setting invalid parameters all but impossible.
The code for previous FW support is normally unchanged and is the reason you should always use the latest GUI version. Think of this as many different GUI versions combined into one GUI. The profiles obviously cannot be 100% compatible but will be updated when you quit the program.
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I've been running a number of tests at low frame rates to see the impact of the data rate as the frame rate drops from 30P to 20P, 15P, 10P & 5P. While my tests are still unfinished, it seems that the reduction in the data rate isn't as much as one might expect with a lower frame rate. Has anyone else been testing this?
Hi all,
uploaded a short FW comparison. sorry the videos are not in sync with each other, thats the best i can do.
This is the parking lot i park my car every day so the environment did not change in every recording.
you can see the big difference in quality between older FW and FW2.10. you can also see light flicker and video starts to play in slow motions when i go to -2 floor at around 0:39. this doesn't happen with older FW.

so, for now, ill stick with FW1.20 low light enabled.

I started to look at the data rate as the frames per second drops. Because there's less video data that needs to be encoded, you would think that a lower frame rate would result in a lower video data rate, BUT like many things, not so. If I shoot in time lapse mode at 0.25 seconds per frame or 4 FPS 1280x720, at medium data rate, the rate is 6,563 kbits/second. However because the action is sped up 7.5x, it's really 875 kbits/second. If I switch to 5FPS with audio, low data rate, the rate is 5,749 kbits/second not that much different than 30FPS at 5,755 kbits/second.

The lower frame rates are very cool and should allow you to store more video in a given space, but it appears that they forgot to change the compression ratio for the lower frame rates.
so, for now, ill stick with FW1.20 low light enabled.

Thanks very much for your comparison video. As a result of watching it, I will also stick with v1.20 with Low-Light enabled for the time being.