New Range

understand the reasoning, vehicle speedos aren't accurate, the examiner should be well aware of that, auxiliary displays is something I've been working on recently so the inaccuracy of the speedos is something I'm used to seeing


I am aware of the speedo issues of not being 100% perfect, but showing 27mph in a 30mph zone looks a hell of a lot better than showing 24mph in 30mph zone ;)

Ooo that’s a nice looking display tho
Since your feedback has already changed so many things for all users:

High and Low resolution option to remove from addition to 412GW and 512GW.
No logo firmware for every model.
Editing on the App.
And lots more :)

@NextBase Tiffany Where is the option in the firmware R12.4, for the 412GW, for the High and Low resolution option. I can see it on the 512GW.


So that I am clear of what you'd like here @MiK-DCT :

You'd like a setting that would amend the speed display feature to +3 from GPS calculated (or maybe a percentage?) for say a driving instructor mode?
Yes Tiffany but not just a fixed 3pmh as that might not work for other cars but just mine :) so maybe being able to tweak 0.5 MPH per click or be able to set a -/+ 0.5, 1.0, 1.5,2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 or 5.0. I think a maximum of 5 should cover most cars

Here is the pdf from the Heman GPS speedometer it explains how to match speeds

On my Corsa it needed only slight tweaking (2 clicks) to correct, but in my Clio it needed more (4or5 clicks)
driving instructor mode?

Funny you should mention it, i see a lot of driving instructors with dashcams now.
Not sure if the footage are used in the process or not, i assume if you use the manual event button to pinpoint things you can take footage from the camera quick and evaluate it.
But most driving instructors go from one learner to the next, but maybe now they can fit in some video evaluation too, but in the old days you often drove for 1 hour and often picket up the learner taking the wheel after you.
but maybe now they can fit in some video evaluation too, but in the old days you often drove for 1 hour and often picket up the learner taking the wheel after you.

Yes I did that on my lessons, took the previous learner home :D

I do speak to quite a few instructors now who like to send the file of the error to the student so they can see what they did wrong.
Yes Kamkar1,
I use mine all the time and if a pupil does something wrong on lesson and the dash cam covers it then it’s helpful for my pupil to see the error as a learning aid. I also record any driving test (sound has to be muted - DVSA rules on data protection) but again if a pupil fails a test it’s good for the pupil to be able to see right away - the NB Cam Veiwer app works a treat on the iPad Pro for easy watching.
As they say a picture is worth a thousand word but a video is worth even more :)
Yes Kamkar1,
I use mine all the time and if a pupil does something wrong on lesson and the dash cam covers it then it’s helpful for my pupil to see the error as a learning aid. I also record any driving test (sound has to be muted - DVSA rules on data protection) but again if a pupil fails a test it’s good for the pupil to be able to see right away - the NB Cam Veiwer app works a treat on the iPad Pro for easy watching.
As they say a picture is worth a thousand word but a video is worth even more :)

Fantastic - That is really great to see it is good for professional uses as well as leisure.
Yes I did that on my lessons, took the previous learner home :D

Personally I don’t like that practice as some of the female pupils might not like having a male pupil in the car with them or knowing where they live (or vice versa) and secondly I believe if a pupil is paying for my time and service then the whole hour or two should be totally for them and not to squeeze time from them or someone else, but hey that’s just me :)
Surely you would need a percentage 'faster than GPS' setting as cars' speedos are usually a percentage fast. They are permitted to be fast (about 10%, IIRC) but not slow.
Changing the tyres from worn to new would affect the reading with the new tyres making the spedo indicate less than the worn tyres. And if you go changing wheel size/tyre profile, there are sites that will calculate speedo errors introduced.
Surely you would need a percentage 'faster than GPS' setting as cars' speedos are usually a percentage fast. They are permitted to be fast (about 10%, IIRC) but not slow.
Changing the tyres from worn to new would affect the reading with the new tyres making the spedo indicate less than the worn tyres. And if you go changing wheel size/tyre profile, there are sites that will calculate speedo errors introduced.

Personally I’ve always had to add onto my Heman GPS speedometer but I just didn’t want to think about me but to cover the bases for everyone - just in case someone has a wonky needle or something where it always read slower or faster or whatever.
Making it a set percentage is dangerous IMHO as 10% at 30 MPH is only 33MPH but 10% at motorway speeds of 70MPH is 77MPH which is either asking for trouble or asking to get a ticket ;) My Dash says 70, my Heman says 70 but my 512 say 67, but as I have mentioned above it’s not about helping me as I use my cars speedo whilst driving but to help my pupils going on test and the slower speed where it currently doesn’t look good if a nervous Pupil on test (and we all remember those nerves) might just go a little under the speed limit actually looks really bad 36 in a 40 but dashcam shows 33 ;)
I got my Clio last July/August 2017 and I had to tweak the Heman to get it to match from the previous car but up until last week when my car went in for repairs I had done around 18000 miles and the Heman still matched my cars digital display (its numbers not a needle like jokin’s Images) but if I changed cars again to a new one or new model ofc I would reset it to match, the Heman seems to do a solid and constant job as that’s all it does shows a speed into your window, maybe I/we are asking too much of a dash cam to be “a jack of all trades but a master of none” ?
As soon as I my Clio back I will do a little film of the speeds in my car and the Heman and Dashcams display’s - just hoping the garage doesn’t take toooooo long
When i got C / CE license a few years back i was the teachers pet, or favorite as he could just lean back and enjoy the ride, and the drive test was fine too as police man was a old fishing friend of mine so we talked fishing while i drove around town for a little while, normally the cop say do this and do that, but i just drove around as i pleased and back to the center and reversed around the corner and the test was over.

For car back in the day i failed the driving test while i nailed the theoretical part which back then was done in front of a cop on the police station, and the guy even raised his voice at me but still passed, and failing the first driving test i did not expect,,, but i did.

I have never been good with tests or for that matter competition pressure, i normally say i perform at least 30 % worse when the test / competition element are in play, at least thats how it was playing darts and billiards.

Back in the day my friends father getting license, he got in car drove thru 2 intersections, turned around and was back in less than 10 minutes, and everything in his license was stamped.
But this was back in the shadow of ww2 :) but nice to get trucks & trailers - motorcycle and taxi ASO all for a short drive in a car.
Speedo's and GPS displays with roadside speed cameras is often discussed but nobody can seem to give a definitive answer... If your GPS says 30mph as you travel over the road markings that measure distance and speed, the speedo will no doubt read 33mph or 34mph... But I know of nobody that has risked the GPS readout going through a UK speed trap...
I do. The guidelines for speed FPN prosecutions is 10% + 2MPH. So 36 in a thirty will get you as will 80 in a seventy zone. Below those GPS speeds you should be safe Here's what the Crown Prosecution say about it. Derived from the ACPO recommendations. HERE (scroll down to Speed Enforcement)
I do. The guidelines for speed FPN prosecutions is 10% + 2MPH. So 36 in a thirty will get you as will 80 in a seventy zone. Below those GPS speeds you should be safe Here's what the Crown Prosecution say about it. Derived from the ACPO recommendations. HERE (scroll down to Speed Enforcement)
I still wouldn’t gamble going on my GPS speed and since the numbers are guidelines and to quote ACPO recommendations ”These are guidelines only and a police officer has discretion to act outside of them providing he acts fairly, consistently and proportionately.’ we in the UK know how imbalanced the enforcement by different police forces can be :eek:

I definitely don’t suggest to my pupils to trust anything bar the cars speedometer - I just want things to match to help my peeps :)
When I was learning my instructor had a GPS speedometer on the passenger side only because from where he was sitting he could not see the speedometer. (It was a 2016 Ford Fiesta)

His car's speedometer would make the speed seem higher than the GPS one, but in my experience with my own car (2003 Volkswagen Polo) its actually pretty much the same as the GPS speedo.
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When I was learning my instructor had a GPS speedometer on the passenger side only because from where he was sitting he could no see the speedometer. (It was a 2016 Ford Fiesta)

His car's speedometer would make the speed seem higher than the GPS one, but in my experience with my own car (2003 Volkswagen Polo) its actually pretty much the same as the GPS speedo.

Exact same reason why I got my Heman GPS but it was a 2014 Fiesta - shocking design by Ford tbh