Out of focus (blurry) C600 dashcam videos and pictures.

It's not yet clear that @Sunny who has only been a member here a few days knows the difference between a 96220 and a 96650 but assuming for the time being that he doesn't, hopefully he will avail himself of the wealth of knowledge and information here on DCT and inform himself. Like many things related to new gadgets and technologies, it is a process and a learning curve.

I'm aware of the Novatek chips.
In fact, I have few DVRs with the NT96650 chip in my ebay watch list.
This one is for $37 shipped.
This one's little pricey with better chip but has great review:
@Sunny, my friend, you started this thread asking for help with a dirt cheap camera you purchased that has serious flaws. Somehow, you are still advocating the purchase of other low end, dirt cheap cameras you suggest buying from potentially dubious sources. Do you think you will end up with better results? One way or the other the chances are probably slim. Like I've already said, it is a process and a learning curve. Perhaps you just have to go through that but you could also consider profiting from the experience of others here on this forum where people are not looking for an argument but are genuinely attempting to be helpful and share their experience and knowledge. Again, best of luck to you.
@Sunny, my friend, you started this thread asking for help with a dirt cheap camera you purchased that has serious flaws. Somehow, you are still advocating the purchase of other low end, dirt cheap cameras you suggest buying from potentially dubious sources. Do you think you will end up with better results? One way or the other the chances are probably slim. Like I've already said, it is a process and a learning curve. Perhaps you just have to go through that but you could also consider profiting from the experience of others here on this forum where people are not looking for an argument but are genuinely attempting to be helpful and share their experience and knowledge. Again, best of luck to you.
You get what you pay for. Read up and buy from trusted merchants, the lowest price isn't always the best option, especially when it comes to dashcams.
I understand but if the description says it has NT96650, doesn't that imply that it'll have good quality?
Unless of course it is incorrect and it has NT96220 instead.
I understand but if the description says it has NT96650, doesn't that imply that it'll have good quality?
Unless of course it is incorrect and it has NT96220 instead.
People can lie.
Here is a night clip from my C600.
Change quality to 720p.

It is wavy and bad.

May be I'm expecting too much from this but the youtube videos I mentioned don't look this bad.
Are Foxoffer and aliexpress reliable sellers?
How about this dash cam for $69?

Edit: Forgot the link:
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Foxoffer is reputable based on purchasers feedback on the forum. Aliexpress has thousands of vendors. Some are reputable, some are not.
Another question about focus.
I read that car DVR's have fixed focus but my unit focuses on the dirt or scratches on the windshield when driving against sunlight and the outside is blurry.
When the light is not directly hitting the windshield, it focuses better on the outside. It's still bad quality but not as blurry as when it focuses on the windshield scratches or specks.
What do you say?
They're fixed focus
That's what I thought but my videos focus on the windshield dirt/scratches and outside is blurry.
When there is no dirt and light is not shining on the windshield, it focuses outside on the road as normal.
I'll post a clip later with blurred outside videos.

Edit: Here is a video that shows it's focused on the windshield. Outside is horribly blurred.
This was when I headed to work in the morning.

Watch in 720P mode.
Last few seconds also show how bad the sunlight makes it.

And here is another video on the same drive after around 45 minutes close to my work.
It's not blurry outside (even though it's bad anyways) as it's not focused on the windshield due to the driving direction and outside light.

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It's fixed focus, more likely the auto exposure is having problems
I added video samples. One with windshield focus and another outside focus on the same drive depending upon what direction I drove.
Please watch in 720P.

If it's auto exposure issue, how to resolve it?
I added video samples. One with windshield focus and another outside focus on the same drive depending upon what direction I drove.
Please watch in 720P.

If it's auto exposure issue, how to resolve it?
Mount it at a high point on your windshield and point your camera to show more of your hood/road and less of the sky.

Also, you can adjust the focus by disassembling the camera and rotating the lens until everything comes into focus.
Mount it at a high point on your windshield and point your camera to show more of your hood/road and less of the sky.

Also, you can adjust the focus by disassembling the camera and rotating the lens until everything comes into focus.

It is mounted as high as it can go right next to the rear view mirror mount.
It's not pointed down too much though.

The 2nd video is not too bad for a sub $10 camera. :)
It is mounted as high as it can go right next to the rear view mirror mount.
It's not pointed down too much though.

The 2nd video is not too bad for a sub $10 camera. :)
It's much better than my $30, that's for sure. I attached a wide angle lens to mine, so what I did was I pointed it until the bottom of the frame was the top of my radio and the top of the frame was a bit of the sky.
It's much better than my $30, that's for sure. I attached a wide angle lens to mine, so what I did was I pointed it until the bottom of the frame was the top of my radio and the top of the frame was a bit of the sky.
If I do that, it's even worse as the sun reflects on the dashboard and I see green/blue/purple lights on the video.
It's fixed focus, more likely the auto exposure is having problems
Here is another clip from this evening.
It started raining little bit and it focused on rain drops instead of outside.
Look how clear and sharp the rain drops look!
But outside is blurry, can't even read license plate right in front at the stop light as it's not focused on the cars outside.

If I don't have anything on the windshield, it focuses outside and video is not blurry as shown in the 2nd video I mentioned in earlier post and plates are readable at the stop light.

It's supposed to have fixed focus to infinity but it looks like it's changing focus like a video camera.
If that's the case, it won't be fixed even if I open and manually twist it as it'll still continue to focus depending upon what's on the windshield.
Is there a better firmware that may fix this???
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