Pics that make you smile

Just googled myself for the first time, it seem like there is 2 people here with the same Name / sirname.
But as i was told there is nothing about me in the interweb files, or rather there is cuz major government files hosted by CSC got hacked a while back, thats why i strongly argue we all need new SSNs or something else to identify the individual Dane.

Those two names are just the malware starting to do its dirty work. You need to send me the money ASAP or things will only get worse! :p
Don't listen to the @Dashmellow person. He is a scammer and is only trying to steal your $350.00. Immediately cease all communication with him. To insure your safety send $129.75 to me and I will see to it. This amount is only to cover my actual expenses - nothing in it for me. ;)
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I recently discovered that there is a VISCOUS malware infection that has effected EVERY member here on DCT who has ever logged on in the last month or so.

For the modest cost of $350.00 USD per member I will be happy to provide comprehensive instructions for eliminating this problem if you simply PM me your PayPal account information. :cool::)
I will send you a check for $700.00 for you to deposit in your bank. Keep an extra $50.00 for being such a swell guy and send me the extra $300 back ;)
Saw this in a hotel toilet urinal. Great entertainment. The ball is actually hanging on a string.


left "Do not use"
right "Stop pissing about"

"zeiken" is dutch slang for urinating as well as nagging.

We actually hung a sign up there that said: "Can the colleague with the Prince Albert report to the cleaning lady?!" when there was a remarkable amount of splashing about.
Never understood ppl that put metal in all kinds of body parts, the ears i can accept but thats also it.
Never understood ppl that put metal in all kinds of body parts

My 82 year old aunt got a metal knee implant. Does that count. ;)
TSA give her a very hard time in the airport, even she got a big scar in the middle of her knee. She could only speak Danish,so she could not explain herself and nobody want to talk to me. I could translate form them.:(
TSA :rolleyes: i hear they give people a lot of grief.

The hidden agenda must be "Turn America into Denmark without a bloody revolution, cuz the old one was bad and a new one would be a slaughterhouse"
I recently discovered that there is a VISCOUS malware infection that has effected EVERY member here on DCT who has ever logged on in the last month or so.

For the modest cost of $350.00 USD per member I will be happy to provide comprehensive instructions for eliminating this problem if you simply PM me your PayPal account information. :cool::)
How viscous is this malware? Does viscosity increase when temps fall? Is there a safe range for optimum viscosity?

These, and many other questions, will be answered on the next episode of DCT.
How viscous is this malware? Does viscosity increase when temps fall? Is there a safe range for optimum viscosity?

These, and many other questions, will be answered on the next episode of DCT.

@sludgeguts, you obviously don't appreciate the seriousness of this problem but the dozens of DCT members who have already taken advantage of my generous offer do. While I haven't yet received your PayPal account payment information you may come to regret that you haven't taken the important steps to protect yourself before it's too late! There's still time to take advantage of my current discount program at $350 USD before the coming price increase to $500.00!

Really!, all seriousness aside, things could get very, very gooey for you! :cool::D
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