Pics that make you smile

I can see this happening soon.
toss his kid up to the air always has many rick: slipping, heart attack for kid.....
if anyone want his kid is absolutly safe, don't toss his kid.
Yeah, everthing seems legit :)
new picture:

Thats the picture ( or similar staged ) everyone should send to their counsel when they complain about potholes.

Maintaining roads seem to be less popular here
That picture is actually proof of global warming. That poor Eskimo has been fishing in that ice hole for months and caught nothing! [emoji2]

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Just read we passed the point of no return, so carbon levels will never drop below 400 ppm again :oops:

Only thing to smile about for me is i have no children to deal with the mess i leave behind, and even then that's not really something to smile about for a person that call himself enlightened. :(

Perhaps i should learn to go more with what other people say about me than what i think i am myself.
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Now there is a van that will put a smile on your face, and a opposite on the face of many a petrol head at the intersections in town.

PS: i think i need to bleach the hell out of my teeth too :rolleyes:
Captured this painters van today, i know its a wrap so not the best commercial on wheels.

But still, much better than a 1 color van with a name and phone number on it :cool:

here is a dashcam feature we need :)

Anything is better with jet power, except maybe the relationship with your neighbors as you take off at 4 AM for a run to the corner store.
haha nice sign, thats the kind of balls we need over here.
We even elected a clown for our Parliament once, that "hint" to the other established / entrenched people did not even register o_O
And sadly we done little since then, its still the same old ppl / parties + a few newcomers thats no way better than whats already up for vote.

I wonder if that clown now collect the lucrative parliament pension while laughing all the way to the bank.
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