Pics that make you smile

Old people on pension here have been known to eat cat food as its all they can afford after a long life working hard and building this society, and why should we spend money on such people if we can spend them on a person thats not even Danish or living here. :rolleyes:

you can earn more having a paper route than you get in pension here :oops::(:mad: and thats after 50 years of hard work, and maybe more if you was one of the old school kids that got put to work by your parents on the farm as soon as you could walk.

Argh foul taste in mouth again :(
Actually, I would eat just about anything - I did try the cat food didn't I? o_O

OK! So then now it's time to try the new flavors! :D
Then again, the Salmon Florentine cat food has greens in it and not everyone likes to eat their greens. :(
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I think America is first just because they invented the air. If Romania invented the water, can it be the second?

So its Dracula now and not Vlad Tepes, but okay maybe it need to be dumbed down for Donald to get it :D
I've wondered what it's like to eat raw meat.
You can always try these ;) I find them very yummy :D

There are pabulums in some country that we cant even eat. It tastes very bad. But with ppl from this country, it's delicious. So our tastes can educate. Even now, we eat many thing unhealthy because it's tastes. Taste is a habit.
I think raw meat is healthy if we has a right preparing. In the ends, ppl eat raw meat not some centuries but milions years ago. And we only eat meat cooked after they found how to creat fire: 56k years ago.
For who there need to know what triad nuclear is and what the different between local weather and global warming is.
For the rest of us, just skip it. Its just some boring stuff you already know.
I only drink water in Denmark as out tap water is from deep within the ground, most other places it s a liquid fish are having sex in, so im not drinking it or eating them swimming around in their own,,,,, stuff.

I might take it if its been filtered thru a cow, then i can also fantasize about having my lips on the cows,,,,,,, things :D
For who there need to know what triad nuclear is and what the different between local weather and global warming is.
For the rest of us, just skip it. Its just some boring stuff you already know.
That John Oliver fellow seems awfully familiar.

You are a city boy, i hope you can spot the difference between a cow and a bull:rolleyes:
Here's a short educational video. NSFWish.

I remember being impressed that this SWF fitted on a 1.4MB floppy.

Here's fun fact, animal sex is not criminalized in finland:eek: