Pics that make you smile

Yeah with the superficial relationships people have to our common laws set forth to make sure our society do not spin out of control, and also personal safety and who is in charge of that being in place.
Then its no wonder a lot of people die or get hurt where they shouldent be, and since it dont take a masters degree to keep up with such things then i cant see society should bother too much with such things.

Then again maybe here under the current system we should, cuz as you know we have full public health care here, so the more that get hurt for no reason the more expensive that health care system will be.
Actually sports injuries from people playing soccer or what ever in their free time is a pretty large percentage of the expenses, but there is no talk about having a sports tax on the people doing that, but in other places there is taxes in place cuz the people causing the expense off course also have to be the ones that pay ( a departure from our "for the horde" mentality thats otherwise the norm here )

Actually people doing sport on a elite level is often subsidized by gooberment or Team Denmark as its called, my tax money going to some dumb ass throwing a steelball on a chain or whatever.

One would assume the good people of Houston have gotten used to the metro rail system by now, after all it have been in place for a while now.

But then,,,,,, people would be wrong :rolleyes::D
If these devices turn people into Zombies, why do they called them "smartphones"? :D

Where I live they outlawed the use of hand held devices while driving just over two years ago. Yesterday, driving home in a snow storm at dusk I was almost hit head on by a guy talking on his "smartphone".
Yeah the smart part of modern phones got to go, or people using them need to get a moniker of their own.

I do wonder what people say 1 - 200 years from now will be thinking looking back o_O

Off course by then people do actually need to walk to power their devise and rebreather as lithium and what not is long gone and just big stinking piles of E-waste.
If these devices turn people into Zombies, why do they called them "smartphones"? :D
The "smart" prefix is modifying the word "phone".
Smartphones, dumbusers.

Note that this was posted from my smartphone... While sitting at my desk. :p
One would assume the good people of Houston have gotten used to the metro rail system by now, after all it have been in place for a while now.

But then,,,,,, people would be wrong :rolleyes::D
One might think people have gotten used to "red light = stop" since it's been that way since before anyone alive today was born. But then you'd be wrong.
If you ever see a post of mine with a signature say "posted on my UMI Z" then you have my blessing to send me a virtual kick in the ass.
Proud dumbphone here. :)
Me too :D

They are called "smartphones" because their users are too dumb to function without them :eek: Don't believe that? Just watch the next person you see whose phone has died.; they will be totally lost and totally useless :p At least I'm smarter than my phone and I can function very well indeed without it :cool:

Me too :D

They are called "smartphones" because their users are too dumb to function without them :eek: Don't believe that? Just watch the next person you see whose phone has died.; they will be totally lost and totally useless :p At least I'm smarter than my phone and I can function very well indeed without it :cool:


How many times have you been over at the fence.:D I assume you have been there, with that statement.

My next door neighbor raises Alpacas. If you walk up to the fence they'll come over and spit at you!
How many times have you been over at the fence.:D I assume you have been there, with that statement.

Well, when you walk by the property the fence is right there by the side of the road. Children always run right over. The funny thing is that for some reason the Alpacas are more likely to spit at the adults than the kids. Maybe they know something? :D

And yes, I guess I've "been there". They are as I say, the next door neighbors. In this case, that means a rural property about a third of a mile away, but just over the fence.
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A batch of new pokemons was just released into the wild, so expect higher than normal zombies out there.
When you see people like these in the video, you know there are still hope for the world.
Can you imagine more advanced low tech, that can help more people.