Pics that make you smile

I miss those days when it was easy to be a hero:)
How'd they do that? If it's stop motion it must have taken forever! Worth it though. :D
It's explained in the very title of the video. The camera's shutter speed is synchronised to the rotation of the rotor. So every time a frame is captured, the blades have made a full rotation and are back in the same position.
this is vietnam. It's my beautiful coutry :D
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Yeah video removed by user, i guess it was too strong medicine to share after all.
My first interesting bit caught on my camera. That's a cat next to the curb and the light brown spot to the right is a fox. The cat ran like hell as soon as I stopped next to them at the sign. I'm guessing that he was breakfast if the fox caught up to him. :eek:

Since Trump has got so close to the Russian, It's good to know there not doing it to well either, if there should decide to pass by.
There is English sub-title.
It seem navigating by roads is not unusual over there, have seen a few videos of helicopters and even jets flying low over roads.
General aviation ( private owner/operators) pilots flying VFR REGULARLY use landmarks for navigation!
I would not want a chopper pilot in my army needing road guidance! Russian?
The radical dems with help of obama radicals and the NYT all the news UN fit to print cooked up a plot to slander the President!
Julian Assange/WIkI Leaks have announced a new doc.dump that will expose obamgate for the fraud It is!
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Old people on pension here have been known to eat cat food as its all they can afford after a long life working hard and building this society, and why should we spend money on such people if we can spend them on a person thats not even Danish or living here. :rolleyes:

you can earn more having a paper route than you get in pension here :oops::(:mad: and thats after 50 years of hard work, and maybe more if you was one of the old school kids that got put to work by your parents on the farm as soon as you could walk.

Argh foul taste in mouth again :(

KamKar1 have you ever thought about immigrating to the US? With your knowledge and friends in the US I wouldn't think you would have any trouble. I'm very serious.
My first interesting bit caught on my camera. That's a cat next to the curb and the light brown spot to the right is a fox. The cat ran like hell as soon as I stopped next to them at the sign. I'm guessing that he was breakfast if the fox caught up to him. :eek:

View attachment 29548

Foxes are pretty cool animals. I've been seeing quite a few around my property lately, both gray foxes and red ones. This red fox was looking back at me from about 100 yards out. I see him almost every day and he knows me by now. He has an exceptionally gorgeous tail.
Foxes are pretty cool animals. I've been seeing quite a few around my property lately, both gray foxes and red ones. This red fox was looking back at me from about 100 yards out. I see him almost every day and he knows me by now. He has an exceptionally gorgeous tail.
There's one that cruises by my house early in the morning sometimes. It's interesting to watch him make his rounds when I see him. I never thought about them eating cats but it makes sense.
Cats can hold their own against foxes. They develop an understanding, and each goes after easier prey.
We have foxes in the area, but my cat has only fought against other cats, I'm sure.

The foxes usually pick fights with cars and lose.

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I have ! and the Americans and America are my kind of crazy/country for sure :cool: but to be honest if i was to win some money that would let me get out of here and was enough to tie me over for the rest of my life, then i think Australia ( north end ) or new zealand ( south end ) would be it.
Not that a little house in Montana dont sound good to me, and i would take that too if it was possible, i would still like to travel a lot but for a year or 2 the US / Canada would have no problem holding my ass down.
But then i am sure other people and countries would start to pull me, but off course that would be a good way for a high temperature lover to spend winter in Montana ( being out of there )

But i would very much like if i was able to visit the US very often, maybe spend the summers over there and get under the skin of people.
Summer on the northern hemisphere and "winter" on the southern hemisphere ( also summer ) would suit me just fine :cool:

To be honest i know other nice places too, but then there will be a language barrier to overcome, and as i would off course not move to a new place and expect to make do with English, that i would see as a insult to that country.
And while i am good with languages i cant really be bothered with learning a new one at my age.

But it is all out of my hands as i have spent most of my life making the wrong decisions and being stupid :( and now i am too old / weak and have no money of my own.
So moving to a new place and work is out of the question :(
But i regularly pray to the lotto gods to take pity on me, even if it wont let me move out of here, a little money to distance myself even more from the other Danes would be nice too.
And if there was a surplus of money to do some traveling my ass would be out of here ASAP, in a month or so as the US start to bloom and that would give me some months there before falling temperatures would force me to go south and get under the skin of the Aussies and their fine country.
And then home and look for a little isolated house in the Danish badlands, isolated here is like 1/4 mile to the next house/farm at best, but that should be enough to make sure no one are dropping in unannounced.