Pics that make you smile

Many chiese believe westerner ppl are brain-washed by propanda in every way (television, news papel...) (read the comment in youtube link) lol
I have long said democracy is flawed, that dont take a masters degree to see.
But what truly scare me is i seem to be just about the only one here that can see that, and when i mention it i am at once branded a lunatic.
We really need to move on to democracy 2.0 as quickly as possible, cuz 1.0 have caused us western countries nothing but problems for decades.
I have long said democracy is flawed, that dont take a masters degree to see.
But what truly scare me is i seem to be just about the only one here that can see that, and when i mention it i am at once branded a lunatic.
We really need to move on to democracy 2.0 as quickly as possible, cuz 1.0 have caused us western countries nothing but problems for decades.

Democracy IS flawed. It always has been and that fact has been recognized for a long, long time by scholars and citizens. The bottom line is that flawed though it may be, it is still the best system of governance that civilization has yet devised.
Indeed i would not be without it, other ways i find even more scary.
But there seem to be a prevailing complacency about our current systems, and that bother me as little simple fixes to our current systems ( constitutions ) would go a long way.

We still need systems by the people - for the people, but there need to be fail safes in regard to the people, cuz we are really not that smart and need protection against ourself.
Limitations on how long a person can serve his country will go a long way, cuz lets face it many people vote on so and so cuz thats what mom and dad always did, or people can manage to find someone to vote for them self, but then for unknown reasons they keep voting for the same.

I myself have never voted for the same party 2 times in a row, whish are easy here as we have about 10 to choose from, with a few being ( dont even go there ) like communists and religion based parties and so on.

My ideal party would sideline itself at least every 2 decades, cuz that party will ask so much of its voters they might go elsewhere.
Parties that have been in existence for decades on end bother me, like our Social Democrats for instance, they use to be "the" party for the regular working Joe, but really they are not even more so now where their policy are quite conservative.
We do NOT have a democracy in the USA. We have a republic.
Not knowing that difference is part of the reason for the problems we have today.
I have long said democracy is flawed, that dont take a masters degree to see.
But what truly scare me is i seem to be just about the only one here that can see that, and when i mention it i am at once branded a lunatic.
We really need to move on to democracy 2.0 as quickly as possible, cuz 1.0 have caused us western countries nothing but problems for decades.
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter" Winston Churchill
for all the negative press communism gets I have to say having lived in China before it can be frustrating sometimes but overall it's not as bad as some people might think, to be fair there are negatives and positives to any system of government, none are anywhere near being close to ideal for everyone
I have long said democracy is flawed, that dont take a masters degree to see.
But what truly scare me is i seem to be just about the only one here that can see that, and when i mention it i am at once branded a lunatic.
We really need to move on to democracy 2.0 as quickly as possible, cuz 1.0 have caused us western countries nothing but problems for decades.
one thing i know: in westerner country, if you dont like the way goverment run your country, you can write about it, you can talk about it, you can go to the protest about it. In vietnam, if you go to the protest about party, you are going jail. In china, by going to the protest, you are going to disappear. Your organs will be sold to the black market too.
i agree: nothing's perpect but there is a thing's more perpect and the other's less. The more avantage seem not to be invented.
Yeah commies do get a lot of flack, all the times i was in eastern Germany as a kid i never once save people line up for hours to buy a loaf of bread or anything else for that matter.
But maybe eastern Berlin had all the people removed while we 50 or so commie Danes with family was visiting.
But i dont like that system on the grounds of its dictatorial nature where a smell elite decide whats best for the rest, okay the current Danish system are much like it as it is also just the same grouping of people, only difference being after a elections the majority might lean more or one side or the other.

I really dislike these old men and parties, i would much prefer some newbies trying to do the right thing and maybe stumble along the way.
But the old entrenched parties and people,,,, those i dont like.
for all the negative press communism gets I have to say having lived in China before it can be frustrating sometimes but overall it's not as bad as some people might think, to be fair there are negatives and positives to any system of government, none are anywhere near being close to ideal for everyone

I have been working with people from all around the world. One time I was together with a Russian & American guy, that talk about there political system.
The Russian guy descried in this way:
By default in Russia, we are not allowed to do anything, but you can't live in that way, so there make a law so do this and that.
By default in USA you are free to do what ever you want, but you can't live in that way, so there make a law so you can't do this and that.
At the end we can do the same, in both place.
when did porsche switch to using lucas electronics? that's the only explanation i can figure makes sense here...
You guys obviously don't drive open cars.

for all the negative press communism gets I have to say having lived in China before it can be frustrating sometimes but overall it's not as bad as some people might think, to be fair there are negatives and positives to any system of government, none are anywhere near being close to ideal for everyone

Tell the people who died in the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 when the Chinese government mobilized 300,000 troops against its own people demonstrating for reforms that, "overall it's not as bad as some people might think".
My wife hails from a country that was communist until she was 14. Granted that is a bit young to fully understand the situation but she says that was much better than the capitalism there has been since.
They didn't have much but they were happy and safe
It's no longer 1989, I lived there a lot more recently than that

China has literally erased the incident from their history books and the internet to the point where many younger people don't even know it happened. It is still the same government. Don't think for a minute that Tiananmen Square couldn't happen again.
Go to Tiananmen now and see what your chances are of starting something, there's a very strong police presence there still to this day
It's no longer 1989, I lived there a lot more recently than that

Ask the Tibetans or the Uyghurs or the Falun Gong how they're doing since 1989. According to Amnesty International, throughout the 1990s more people were executed or sentenced to death in China than in the rest of the world put together.
I still say it's not as bad as people perceive, if you want to buck the system you won't get far, break the rules in your own country and you're not going to have a great time either, same applies for any country
I still say it's not as bad as people perceive, if you want to buck the system you won't get far, break the rules in your own country and you're not going to have a great time either, same applies for any country

China has an abysmal record on human rights abuses. You can chose to ignore this elephant in the room if you wish to.