Pics that make you smile

If the web sites are to be believed, the only reason they put lead into TEL was because they could patent it and ensure profits, there were alternatives that did the job just as well.
Business has a long record of putting us at risk while taking our money. Legislation did a pretty good job of reining them in during the late 20th century, but thanks to globalisation I think we've taken a step back to the bad old days.
If you can only be competitive by doing bad things, then bad companies will thrive and the good guys will fall by the wayside.

That, my friend is the beauty of globalization -- you get to pit your workers against the Chinese and Mexican workers and dump regulations that limit pollution etc by saying, rightfully, that the Chinese don't abide by those rules so we need to copy them to compete. As they say ... a race to the bottom.

The Best Catfish Cooking Recipe (A traditional joke in the Southern US)

1- Nail a board to a tree.
2- Nail catfish to board through the head.
3- Clean entrails from fish.
4- Cut skin below the fishes head and peel it off with pliers.
5-Cut head off and remove from board.
6- Remove board from tree and eat the board because it tastes better than catfish!

That, my friend is the beauty of globalization -- you get to pit your workers against the Chinese and Mexican workers and dump regulations that limit pollution etc by saying, rightfully, that the Chinese don't abide by those rules so we need to copy them to compete. As they say ... a race to the bottom.


That is one approach, but when you take the longer view you will see that to win the race, all you have to do is be the last surviving viable competitor at the finish line :D The trick is that you must stay in the race viably until you reach that point, and that is where the US is failing :( We don't have to lower our standards to win, but we won't survive viably unless we change our race strategy, We can't 'bully' our way through anymore but we can still out-think the competition and win that way if we only will :rolleyes:

Now pumpkin BREAD, on the other hand... That's actually pretty good. My step mom made some once as an experiment. She had gotten a new bread machine and made what she thought was enough dough for 3 loaves. Turned out it was enough for 2.5 loaves. But she had extra pumpkin pie filling, so she mixed it with the remaining dough and baked it normally, and it came out really good! Now she does it that way on purpose every year.

The aeronautic definition of coming up short.
That's not a short landing, that's called VTOL! :D
STOL, which in Danish mean chair :D and you can argue the landing or take off from a chair are pretty short, so should make it easy for non Danes to remember how to spell chair in Danish.

The record appear to be like 11 feet ( i think that's a average of the landing and takeoff ), so give a Alaskan a 16 x 16 foot pice of dirt and he will call it a runway :) (y)
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The Best Catfish Cooking Recipe (A traditional joke in the Southern US)

1- Nail a board to a tree.
2- Nail catfish to board through the head.
3- Clean entrails from fish.
4- Cut skin below the fishes head and peel it off with pliers.
5-Cut head off and remove from board.
6- Remove board from tree and eat the board because it tastes better than catfish!

as a southerner (i grew up within walking distance of the beach in Mississippi) I am offended, and have never heard this joke before. growing up, they kept a pond stocked at the back of the neighborhood - lots of bass, brim and catfish. occasionally other stuff too but the catfish were easiest to catch and had the most meat. we had a board with a big clamp at one end to hold the tail, to make it easier to gut em before cooking. removing skin was only necessary if you were frying them. the skin was actually useful when grilling or baking since it kept it from sticking and burning.

fried is best though. i wouldn't be a very good southerner if i didn't think fried was best... ;)
Now pumpkin BREAD, on the other hand... That's actually pretty good. My step mom made some once as an experiment. She had gotten a new bread machine and made what she thought was enough dough for 3 loaves. Turned out it was enough for 2.5 loaves. But she had extra pumpkin pie filling, so she mixed it with the remaining dough and baked it normally, and it came out really good! Now she does it that way on purpose every year.

That's not a short landing, that's called VTOL! :D

I've always loved pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread and similar tasty treats and such things have been a staple since the colonial days here in New England but the pumpkin spice craze where they put that flavor into just about anything and everything just makes me ill.
as a southerner i am offended, and have never heard this joke before. growing up, they kept a pond stocked at the back of the neighborhood - lots of bass, brim and catfish. occasionally other stuff too but the catfish were easiest to catch and had the most meat. we had a board with a big clamp at one end to hold the tail, to make it easier to gut em before cooking. removing skin was only necessary if you were frying them. the skin was actually useful when grilling or baking since it kept it from sticking and burning.

fried is best though. i wouldn't be a very good southerner if i didn't think fried was best... ;)

Catfish is good eatin'! :happy:
That is one approach, but when you take the longer view you will see that to win the race, all you have to do is be the last surviving viable competitor at the finish line :D The trick is that you must stay in the race viably until you reach that point, and that is where the US is failing :( We don't have to lower our standards to win, but we won't survive viably unless we change our race strategy, We can't 'bully' our way through anymore but we can still out-think the competition and win that way if we only will :rolleyes:

...fried is best though. i wouldn't be a very good southerner if i didn't think fried was best... ;)
With a nicely seasoned corn meal breading and hot corn bread or corn muffins with real butter. (And I'm not even from the south - just acquired a lot of 'favorites' while traveling.)
That is one approach, but when you take the longer view you will see that to win the race, all you have to do is be the last surviving viable competitor at the finish line :D The trick is that you must stay in the race viably until you reach that point, and that is where the US is failing :( We don't have to lower our standards to win, but we won't survive viably unless we change our race strategy, We can't 'bully' our way through anymore but we can still out-think the competition and win that way if we only will :rolleyes:


WE or US are irrelevant these days, the folks pushing the agenda do not care about what country it is or what country succeeds or fails so long as they profit from it. Pushing manufacturing to other countries has hurt the first world nations, not just the USA, but the leisure class has profited form this. The only winners that matter to them is them.

Looking out for #1

I have seen a few companies outsource to eastern EU locations, only to Insource a little later.
And it is unbelievable what is feasible, for instance a company made huge steel constructions ( well parts for agricultural machines like harvesters ) those was then made in Poland, then trucked to Denmark for me to paint them, and then trucked back to Poland to be put together ( if i hadent scrapped them before paint due to obvious flaw's to them like missing holes / threads / weldings and so on )

Things like that are a slap to my face when companies claim "its so hard to make a buck, and we have to be financial responsible to our shareholders ASO"
Sure making stuff in Denmark is probably the most expensive place to do that, but then again there are also things in our society that should be attractive to outside companies, but then again not really, if you factor out parasite companies like Apple , Nestle and so many other that make business here but dont pay a dime in tax towards the society that support them.

Just the rumor of the fruit company being creative with their taxes, even if it isent really illegal and just maximizing the use of a country's lacking tax system, then its plenty for me to stay the hell away from such a company and recommend all other to do the same.
/me wonder if little dog have a highly metallic look in its original form.
/me wonder if little dog have a highly metallic look in its original form.
it's no coincidence that the name they used in the script for the T-9000 was Pomeranian. them little suckers are almost as mean as miniature and teacup chihuahuas. and it doesn't seem to matter how hard you kick them to make them stop biting your ankles - they just keep coming back!
Catfish is good eatin'! :happy:

Yes it can be- remember I said it was a joke ;) One of the best times of my younger life was when two friends and I would go catfishing early Saturday mornings in the summer then enjoyed them (fried in corn meal batter with butter of course) for lunch with some cold beer under the shade of an old oak tree. We knew where to go and how to catch them; it was nothing for us to have several dozen good sized fish within a few hours. One friend's wife loved cooking them and could do it to perfection- the meat always lifted cleanly off all the bones whole without crumbling, and anyone who has eaten much catfish knows that's not an easy trick :cool: One of my fishing buddies died suddenly which closed that chapter in life, and the other has kind of just disappeared, but even 35 years later I can say that I've never had a better Saturday lunch :D

