Pics that make you smile

Yes spin stabilized lead are bad if you are at the wrong end of it, even if you try to dress it up in a nice shiny coat of cobber. :D
If the web sites are to be believed, the only reason they put lead into TEL was because they could patent it and ensure profits, there were alternatives that did the job just as well.
Business has a long record of putting us at risk while taking our money. Legislation did a pretty good job of reining them in during the late 20th century, but thanks to globalisation I think we've taken a step back to the bad old days.
If you can only be competitive by doing bad things, then bad companies will thrive and the good guys will fall by the wayside.

Are you saying that the drop in blood lead levels caused obesity within just a few years?
We should bring the lead back

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It wasn't just the lead in the fuel which made it bad- it was more it's chemical form Tetra-ethyl Lead. In it's pure form TEL is deadly toxic to touch or inhale, and it's chemical make-up is such that animal tissue absorbs it almost instantly :( Once it went back into the ground, nature broke it down and removed most of it's toxicity save for the lead itself which was in the ground to start with. Now we have MTBE in our fuel which nature cannot break down, and it's already in all of our aquifers deep on the ground where it will remain toxic forever. That stuff reduces reproductive fertility, causes cancer, gets into the plants we eat, and in higher concentrations can alter DNA :eek:

Lead, like asbestos, isn't as bad as most folks think. It's damage was mostly to those who were exposed to high concentrations of it without protective measures in place over long periods of time who were harmed by it. The effect on the average person was so minimally proven that it would not be accepted as proof for other scientific purposes. It is only that we knew it was bad for us overall and that we had ways of mitigating it that got people so paranoid about it :whistle: Lead is still being spewed in the air by piston-powered airplanes. It's in your phone and computer. It's in batteries and most of the metals all around you. It's in most of the older municipal water supplies. In all the hundreds of years we used it without caution it didn't harm the human race so don't worry about it- just be careful with it and enjoy the benefits it brings us :cool:

Lead poisoning from rotating cylindrical objects coming toward you at high velocities is a whole different story and the most deadly of all forms of lead poisoning :whistle:


Lead is highly toxic and accumulates in the human body. Small concentrations can build up over time to cause devastating heath effects and long term low level exposure to lead may decreased lifespan. It has been shown to cause high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease and increases general death rates from all causes. Evidence also suggests that age-related mental decline and psychiatric symptoms are correlated with lead exposure. Cumulative exposure over a prolonged period may have a more important effect on some aspects of health than recent exposure.
I always wondered, those green jobs are that in the Army.
FWIW I'm sure to have had far more than an average exposure to lead. I've sanded leaded paints without a mask for decades and I was once a very active target shooter using mostly cast lead bullets. I've breathed soldering fumes since I was a kid. I have a very healthy heart, low blood pressure, and whatever mental function I've lost at 58 wasn't due to lead poisoning :whistle: Yes, lead exposure can be bad for you but it's not the huge evil monster you are being told it is, otherwise whole generations of us would have shown the effects they claim it causes and it is very clear that didn't happen :whistle: Ditto for asbestos. Ditto for cyclamates. Ditto for a whole raft of other things too :rolleyes:

Like kamkar1 says in his siggy, your brain is your friend (y) and if you couple it with your eyes you will see that there's a huge amount of supposed 'scientifically proven truth' which doesn't quite jibe with what we all see. Yes there are things which are bad for us but we always need to question what we're being told if it doesn't align closely with what we can see for ourselves :cool: Don't 'drink the kool-aid' anyone offers you no matter how good it sounds, and don't make your own for yourself either ;)

Question everything, even your own sanity.
...Ditto for a whole raft of other things too :rolleyes:...
I remember as a kid we used to have access to liquid mercury in school and would coat pennies with (with our bare hands) it in the hopes of passing them off as either nickles or dimes - didn't work. :(
You too :eek:

Later on we found much more potent ways to use mercury :whistle:
Kids today so protected and cocooned. and still they screw up even worse than we did.
I remember as a kid we used to have access to liquid mercury in school and would coat pennies with (with our bare hands) it in the hopes of passing them off as either nickles or dimes - didn't work. :(
Was this your little friend;)
My high school chem teacher would shoot little stuffed animals at kids who fell asleep in his class, using a potato cannon made from 4" PVC and fueled by hair spray. Nobody ever fell asleep twice in his class :D
FWIW I'm sure to have had far more than an average exposure to lead. I've sanded leaded paints without a mask for decades and I was once a very active target shooter using mostly cast lead bullets. I've breathed soldering fumes since I was a kid. I have a very healthy heart, low blood pressure, and whatever mental function I've lost at 58 wasn't due to lead poisoning :whistle: Yes, lead exposure can be bad for you but it's not the huge evil monster you are being told it is, otherwise whole generations of us would have shown the effects they claim it causes and it is very clear that didn't happen :whistle: Ditto for asbestos. Ditto for cyclamates. Ditto for a whole raft of other things too :rolleyes:

Like kamkar1 says in his siggy, your brain is your friend (y) and if you couple it with your eyes you will see that there's a huge amount of supposed 'scientifically proven truth' which doesn't quite jibe with what we all see. Yes there are things which are bad for us but we always need to question what we're being told if it doesn't align closely with what we can see for ourselves :cool: Don't 'drink the kool-aid' anyone offers you no matter how good it sounds, and don't make your own for yourself either ;)


I don't know how to respond to a post like this, man. Lead’s toxicity was recognized and recorded as early as 2000 BC. It is one of the most well documented environmental health hazards in all of human history. Suggesting that concerns about lead poisoning is drinking the Kool-aid" just sounds like tinfoil hat stuff, although denial and ridicule of scientific facts seems all the rage these days. Lead is a potent neurotoxin even a low doses and its effects, especially on children are irreversible even from minor exposure which often manifests in cognitive defects, a reduction in intellectual functioning, learning disabilities and memory loss. Such symptoms can make the causes difficult to diagnose. The health crisis that is unfolding in Flint Michigan with contaminated water will have healthcare consequences and projected costs in the billions for an entire generation of children (and some adults) who were unknowingly consuming lead contaminated water for an extended period.

Many of us including me were exposed to toxins like mercury, lead, asbestos and other substances early in life and we seem to have survived it. For most of us those exposures were short term events and we all probably dodged some bullets on way or another or perhaps experienced effects we couldn't notice directly. Whether we are experiencing any sort of long term health effects, we will never know for sure. But to suggest that lead in the environment is not a serious heath issue or that concerns over lead poisoning is some kind of "drink the kool-aid hoax sounds insane as does sanding leaded paints without a mask over a period of years. If you read the literature about lead toxicity you'll find out that there is still plenty of time for that to catch up to you. Lead is a cumulative toxin, it never leaves your body.
Global warning is not new. It is what ended the last ice age.

This is how global warming was looked at back then.

Global warning is not new. It is what ended the last ice age.

This is how global warming was looked at back then.


Oh, it's a global warning, all right.

The problem isn't "warming", it's CO2. Some places will get colder while the oceans get warmer and more acidic.
The oceans are getting dramatically more acidic because of increased carbon dioxide in the air.
Club soda (carbonated water) is acidic because it's full of carbon dioxide bubbles.
