Pics that make you smile

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I have no idea how many times I've seen holy grail, plus loads of clips from their old TV show, and went to see Spamalot when it was in Houston. but I've never actually seen life of Brian yet. I even have a copy, just haven't found time to watch it, since I'm pretty sure it's not appropriate for kids... And by the time they're finally asleep, I'm dead tired myself.

Back in the day when I and other friends of mine could recite long passages of Python skits I ran into a friend that was, well lets just say, very Christian. I'd just recently seen Life of Brian and I was reciting one of the lines:

NISUS: Good. Out of the door. Line on the left. One cross each. Next. Crucifixion?

MR. CHEEKY: Ah, no. Freedom.


NISUS: What?

MR. CHEEKY: Eh, freedom for me. They said I hadn't done anything, so I could go free and live on an island somewhere.

NISUS: Oh. Oh, well, that's jolly good. Well, off you go, then.

MR. CHEEKY: Naa, I'm only pulling your leg. It's crucifixion, really.

NISUS: Oh, ho ho.

MR. CHEEKY: Heh heh heh hehh.

NISUS: I see. Uh, very good. Very good. Well, out of the door. One--

MR. CHEEKY: Yeah. I know the way. Out of the door.

NISUS: Line on--

MR. CHEEKY: One cross each. Line on the left.

NISUS: Line on the left.

MR. CHEEKY: Heh heh.

As I'm going over this bit my religious friend looked like he'd seen a ghost -- ah the joys of trolling the religious...

They do but they get stolen to the tune that now you have to slide in a 10 DKkr coin to free one trolley from the others, and then you get the coin back when you park the trolley.
I've only seen that sort of system (pay to take cart, refund when returned) at airports. And more than once I've taken abandoned carts, used them, then got the money back. But now that a lot of them use credit cards for payment, I don't return them anymore - just leave them right next to the machine for the next person to use for free.
The Broni surname is apparently Italian and has associations with the municipality of Broni in Italy. Your theory may well be correct too. Dunno. I'm more interested in the Emoji translator thing.
My point was that bronies are a very millennial thing. And I wouldn't put it past an "emoji translator" to change his last name to something like that... In case you had any doubt of his mental condition...

Also, is it just me, or does it look like he could be this guy's son?
The local Aldi has the rental shopping carts. Insert a 25 cent piece and it releases a small chain from the stacked cart in front of it. When done, return the cart to the stack and insert the chain to release your coin. No more stolen carts and no need for an employee to collect loose ones :D Never saw anything like that before but IMHO somebody was pretty smart to figure out such a slick way to end all shopping cart problems in one stroke except the wobbly-wheel syndrome :mad: They also do not supply free shopping bags but you are free to use any left-over boxes they have. If you need bags bring your own or they are 5 cents each, paper or plastic at your choice ;) Again it's a pretty slick system: bags no longer cost them but make a profit, and they have almost no cardboard waste to handle and pay for the disposal of :cool:

All the time and effort involved is supplied by the customer who is happy to do their work for them for free to get the savings- even PT Barnum couldn't top this! :ROFLMAO:

The local Aldi has the rental shopping carts. Insert a 25 cent piece and it releases a small chain from the stacked cart in front of it.

most of the supermarkets here have had these for the last 5 or so years, the ones that don't are employing people to drive around picking up trolleys
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Vancouver, Canada, it's a "Looney" (C$ 1.00 coin) to release the chain to take the cart. On return, insert the chain and get your Looney back. It's everywhere except Costco.

I'd say it's a toss up! A school where many teacher have guns would probably stand a better chance of dealing with a school shooter, however the presence of all those guns gives a disturb child or adult that many more opertunites to find and use someone else's gun. The chance of being killed by a gun is higher in homes that have guns.

Even during the days of the wild west where almost everyone had guns they made sure that certain places they were not permitted -- going to a saloon and combining alchol and guns is a very bad combination.

And, before you jump to conclusions I own 4 guns and reload!

I am trying to figure out how you could be killed by a gun when no gun is present to be killed with.
That statistics sounds 100% reasonable as no guns=no bullets fired.

What are you talking about? If a gun is present in the home or at school or anywhere else that gun can be used to kill someone. Yes, it would have to have bullets, but what would be the purpose of having a gun to defend a place if that gun has no bullets.

A gun at home increases the probability that someone in the home will be killed in several ways: first, suicide is just about the most common outcome from a gun; second, a child may find it and kill them self or someone else by accident; third, a domestic violence incident can result in one family member killing another -- often resulting in two deaths when the shooter kills them self (murder/suicide). It is quite likely that having a gun in the home reduces the chance of being killed by an intruder but significantly increases the chance of death for the reasons listed above.

Getting back to the sign you posted with a school being the implied location -- if lots of teachers have guns it will likely reduce the number of people/kids that might be killed by an active shooter, but it will also increase the chance of a shooter. Similar to the home situation above. In net this would likely result in MORE dead kids.

I believe in guns but this makes me wonder is a teacher really right person to carry a gun, you (in usa) have tons of trigger happy/scared policemans and they use gun too easily, and they have some kind of training for guns and violent situations.
But i dont know how to solve these problems, is armed guard the answer? Humankind now remainds me that famous rat experiments where they put too many rats in a community and rats started to kill each other when stress goes up and resources down. So maybe guns are not the real problem finally.
In Texas, any school staff (and students in the case of colleges) who want to carry on campus must first be licensed by the state, which includes background checks, fingerprinting and training. Staff who want to carry must also go through specific training, which I think is either dictated by the county or the school district itself.

That said, my kids have "lockdown" drills at their elementary school, and any time outside morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal, the building is locked up tight. You can't get in without an access card or being buzzed through after getting your ID checked at the front desk. And you can't get to the classroom area without going thru the front desk. It's actually kinda like a prison in that respect.

First time I had to deal with it, it was a bit of a shock, since schools were wide open when I was a kid.
Meanwhile this is a little more on topic. This pic makes me smile because I haven't done any PC modding in years. No, I'm not doing LEDs or other stuff like that, just putting a motherboard from a Dell small form factor pc into a mid tower case so I can have a bigger power supply and full size video card. And because of the way the heat pipe/fan assy attaches, I have to add some supports to the case. Because I'm too cheap to go buy a new heat sink. Plus I like how quiet this one is.
Just like in good old days;)
What are you talking about? If a gun is present in the home or at school or anywhere else that gun can be used to kill someone. Yes, it would have to have bullets, but what would be the purpose of having a gun to defend a place if that gun has no bullets.
How can anyone be injured or killed by something that does not exist in that location?

If no gun is in the house the gun can not be used.

Some gun owners always keep their weapons loaded. They know empty guns kill accidentally more often than loaded ones do.
Amazingly Maine has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the country and low crime including murders.
Compare to Chicago with draconian gun laws and the hundreds who die from gun shots there.

More guns=less crime and deaths.