Pics that make you smile

Are you that ill-informed? Mass knife attacks have already happened.
Here are a few examples.
Knife-wielding attackers kill 29, injure 130 at China train station.
Japan knife attack: At least 19 dead
China knife attack: 18 injured in mass stabbing, suspect shot and arrested.
Dealing with Mass Knife Attacks: A CCW Perspective

Whether fueled by mental illness or terrorism, mass knife attacks are becoming more common these days—and with the increased media coverage, I suspect additional copycats are inbound. We’ve talked about how to handle a mass shooter or a terrorist attack, but looking at the many tragic examples of mass knife attacks from the last few years, it becomes apparent to me that mass knife attacks present some unique challenges that we ought to examine in greater detail.

First off: mass knifings seem to be most common in places where people don’t suspect violence—schools are unfortunately popular—or places that are crowded with tourists and visitors. Needless to say, we should all be extra cautious in those environments for the time being. This isn’t to say that I want us to live in fear, but we need to understand what the threat environment is. <snip>

Yes, I was waiting for that argument from you and almost mentioned it in my post. Such attacks do happen periodically, especially in certain Asian nations but the fact that you continue to try to press on with this stupid logic only confirms my original contentions about you. Next you'll be scouring the internet to find reports of people being stoned to death.
We are facing a future filled with people's dangerous mentalities that want to kill others. Whether that comes from mental illness or from radicalization does not matter. How can I protect myself from an armed invader trying to kill me when I am denied the ability to protect myself?

An armed society is a polite society. The founders were in favor of an armed populace. When the police have no duty to protect us, when seconds count, when the police are minutes away, why do you want to deny us the tools required to protect ourselves?

When I was in school kids parked their pickups with rifles and shotguns in the rear window in the school parking lot. That was not a problem then. I do not see it being a problem today.
We are facing a future filled with people's dangerous mentalities that want to kill others. Whether that comes from mental illness or from radicalization does not matter. How can I protect myself from an armed invader trying to kill me when I am denied the ability to protect myself?

An armed society is a polite society. The founders were in favor of an armed populace. When the police have no duty to protect us, when seconds count, when the police are minutes away, why do you want to deny us the tools required to protect ourselves?

When I was in school kids parked their pickups with rifles and shotguns in the rear window in the school parking lot. That was not a problem then. I do not see it being a problem today.

You sound like one of those misguided individuals who should not be be permitted to own a firearm. ;)
You sound like one of those misguided individuals who should not be be permitted to own a firearm. ;)
I guess my owning rifles, shotguns, and pistols for many years without shooting anyone or anything accidentally is a fluke?

I am a U.S. Marine Corps veteran. I suspect the US government would disagree with you.
Yeah the knife attacks seem to be on the up, but not here as Terror seem to bypass Denmark though i an sure "they" know we are the infidel Americans lap dog wrapped in bacon who dare draw pictures of the prophet :D

Instead we have a lot of shootings, but that's gangs fighting for the drug market and expanding, this year 7 non related people have been gunned down to some degree.
Cuz you see these parasites here cant even tell who the enemy is, so they just drive around on a scooter or in a stolen car, and if some one look "gangsta" and are not a part of their chew, then bullets will fly.

Okay a few days ago some guy was attacked with a axe while waiting for the bus, but as far as i have gathered the perp was a mentally sick person the cops well know and now are looking for.
Cuz you see the Danish welfare model are under such pressure even our mental sick we cant even deal with properly anymore, so they to a large degree just roam the streets, and then things like that happen.

I have carried some form of weapon most of my life, and i have never stabbed or shot anyone, i did make a mock attack on a idiot with my 12" combat knife once when i was young and dumb and drunk, that ended up as one of the reasons i stopped drinking alcohol.
The idiot almost wet himself, and that was also the plan as he was a bully and just loved to be a pain for little kids, and i once before straitned him out. to the tune that he and his older brother was forbidden to hang around me, which was easy as i was hanging with,,,,,, " those other people"
Here's why guns shouldn't be in schools- well at least during Homecoming :p
comes down to mental state of those involved and what they have at their disposal

It does, but the vast majority of killings by magnitudes involve firearms, especially in the USA, unfortunately. Most of the incidents cited in your link have little or nothing to do with the typical kinds of gun violence we have been discussing here but I agree that mental state is at the core of the whole thing regardless of the weapons involved.
Had a Cutlass many years back, Strong and solid V8 rear wheel car. Not like cars now.

I once had a Cutlass wagon and while they looked very similar, the much more popular Vista Cruiser wagon had different doors and fenders o_O Finding good used body parts was nigh on impossible :( Over-revved the old 330 and spun the main bearings- Sayonara station wagon :p Back then I killed cheap used cars about twice a year. I rarely spent more than $200 for a drivable car :D Ah, the Good Old Days :cool:

i'm curious what he chained it to in the garage! certainly not the studs in the wall - that probably wouldn't have held. all i can figure is he drilled something into the slab to chain to.