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Amazingly Maine has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the country and low crime including murders.
Compare to Chicago with draconian gun laws and the hundreds who die from gun shots there.

More guns=less crime and deaths.

It's more about culture than availability of weapons. The UK is doing real peachy right now, barely a week goes by without someone getting stabbed to death in London, and now acid attacks are just as frequent. Latest example was a 15 year old spraying numerous people with a noxious substance in the small hours of the morning. Oh, and yes, we do have shootings too. Isn't diversity great! (Yes, I'm saying this is down to foreign cultures being allowed equal standing to our own - what's left of it.)

London / the UK has been very violent through the centuries, but the 2nd half of the 20th century was very civilised. Schoolkids weren't stabbing each other, starting criminal careers, or joining hardcore gangs. But then we were told we had to respect other cultures - and a key aspect of culture is the shared view of what's right and wrong.

30 years ago I'd have never believed schoolkids here would so routinely be killing each other. But we didn't stand up for our way of life by insisting newcomers adapt to our ways, and this is the result. As is the case with most things, give them an inch and they'll take a mile.

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...As is the case with most things, give them an inch and they'll take a mile....
+1. As you said, it happens everywhere - and it makes no difference what group it is.

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Maybe worst part of going in jail would be that this kind of criminal masterminds are your cellmates.
I installed one of these for a customer several months ago at their business. Theirs works OK though they did have to get a better wifi so it would connect reliably. At first my customer used that function to answer the door when away, but after maybe a month now they ignore it because it was continually interrupting them :ROFLMAO: Like the old hardwired bell it replaced, now they only use it when they are in the office :p

I remember thinking that it was not very sturdy and the mounting holes required precision layout and drilling- more precision that the average DIY type can easily do. Ditto on the face-to-backplate fitting- very fiddly and not strong. I left the old button wires accessible because I know I'll be back there putting the old doorbell back into operation someday ;)

I wish i could get a peep hole camera to replace my peep hole, i have seen some nice ones but all analog cameras, i have not been able to find a IP camera.
So now i just use a 30 mm pinhole lens as that ( minus 1 mm ) slide perfect into my peephole, but this give me a very close up capture of who ever pass by or stop in front of my door, and i would like a wider FOV and without modifying my door.
Aside for maybe remove the old peephole hardware, that i can do no problem, but i cant drill a larger hole or anything like that.
How can anyone be injured or killed by something that does not exist in that location?

If no gun is in the house the gun can not be used.

Some gun owners always keep their weapons loaded. They know empty guns kill accidentally more often than loaded ones do.
Amazingly Maine has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the country and low crime including murders.
Compare to Chicago with draconian gun laws and the hundreds who die from gun shots there.

More guns=less crime and deaths.

OK, you're actually TRYING to obfuscate here...

Of course you're not going to be killed by a non existent gun but that's not what you're pushing with your poster. The point of the poster is to suggest that having guns in places like schools would make schools safer and that's pure BS. And, as I pointed out with the example of the home when a home has a gun the chances that someone in that home will die by a gun INCREASES not decreases. The increase comes from the factors I've already mentioned yet you're playing stupid semantic games rather than address the issue. Hey, someone didn't agree with your position and that makes you so mad you have to play footsie with words. Pathetic!

As a gun owner it pisses me off that so many other gun owners act so frickin irresponsibly they risk my right to own. A couple years back some dim wits went to the public shooting range on the west side of Utah Lake and were shooting incendiary rounds and started a wildfire. After putting out the fire it was announced that the public shooting range was closed and has never reopened. Too many of the gun crowd live in an alternate universe where what they THINK should be good must be good and facts be damned.

One last time ... the presence of a gun INCREASES risks because there are many people with various grudges or mental problems or in the heat of anger reach for it and before they can think the trigger is pulled and someone dies. The most common cause of death by gun is suicide and as I mentioned before it's not uncommon for a husband, in the heat of the moment, to kill his wife and then, when it dawns on him what he's done, turn the gun on himself. Accidents are also a major factor particularly with kids finding there dads gun and, well, the upshot of that is terrible. Guns in the home do occasionally stop intruders but the odds are greater that that gun will be used on a family member than an intruder.

Really, you need to stop with this BULL SH!T!

This is funny, bulletproof and missileproof military helicopter downed by plastic drone:)
Drones in flight airspace can be a huge problem and it is only a mater of time before we see a catastrophe :( The better drones with GPS have software which can keep them out of controlled airspace :) but not all flight occurs only in controlled airspace, so that is only a partially effective solution. Same as with firearms it is up to the owner/user to do everything safely to minimize risks, but not everybody can or will do that which in the end has an adverse effect on all those using safe practices too :eek: If they can identify the owner of this drone, some poor slob will be getting a humongous bill which will educate them on how expensive helicopter flight and maintenance really is, and it could result in criminal charges too :rolleyes:

Whatever you do, do it safely and keep on mind what other less safety-minded people might do :cool:
On average i am fine in regard to weight.

But only as i was severe skinny until 5 years ago, and then i gained 1/3 of my weight in a short time putting me in at least the overweight category.

When i was 25 i was 65 kilos / 1.9 M tall and now i am 110 - 120 kilos, and 6 years ago i was 70 - 75 kilos.

So i have gone from one extreme to the other, and either way my doctor couldn't care less. :cautious:

I just read a newspaper headline, it seem one in three doctors here getting their authorization revoked are import doctors, that are lucky that malpractice lawsuits are not really going on here due to the unique way Danish society are put together. :confused:
Seem like we cant even import the people we need in this country, and we need doctors badly, or at least doctors willing to practice in other towns than the largest ones.

I could fix that doctor problem easy if i was in charge, but my logic are too strong for Danes to handle.
Of course you're not going to be killed by a non existent gun.

One last time ... the presence of a gun INCREASES risks because there are many people with various grudges or mental problems or in the heat of anger reach for it and before they can think the trigger is pulled and someone dies. Guns in the home do occasionally stop intruders but the odds are greater that that gun will be used on a family member than an intruder.

By this logic we should not allow the presence of kitchen knives and rocks. In anger either of those could be used in the same way.
By this logic we should not allow the presence of kitchen knives and rocks. In anger either of those could be used in the same way.

You know, I own a small arsenal of firearms and I even carry one everyday but this remark is nothing more than the usual dumb logic we so often hear from standard issue hard core "gun nuts" with their heads stuck in the sand. Guns are tools but they are tools literally designed to kill people or animals. They require an awesome responsibly and acute awareness of their owners regarding how they can be used or misused with the gravest of consequences. Nobody is ever going to walk into a movie theater, a church, a post office or a bank and commit mass murder with a rock or a knife. Some people have been known to do all kind of crazy sh*t in the heat of anger using anything at hand, like a broken beer bottle or a two-by-four but comparing such behavior to what can happen with a firearm is a false equivalency indulged in by idjits!
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You know, I own a small arsenal of firearms and I even carry one everyday but this remark is nothing more than the usual dumb logic we so often hear from standard issue hard core "gun nuts" with their heads stuck in the sand.
It's called a Straw Man argument.
Nobody is ever going to walk into a movie theater, a church, a post office or a bank and commit mass murder with a rock or a knife.

Are you that ill-informed? Mass knife attacks have already happened.
Here are a few examples.
Knife-wielding attackers kill 29, injure 130 at China train station.
Japan knife attack: At least 19 dead
China knife attack: 18 injured in mass stabbing, suspect shot and arrested.
Affidavit reveals what suspected UT killer told police soon after stabbing rampage

Kendrex White, a junior UT biology student, was charged with murder, accused of fatally stabbing Harrison Brown, 19, a first-year UT student, in the chest and injuring three others. Police said White chose his victims apparently at random in a crowded East Campus area
Dealing with Mass Knife Attacks: A CCW Perspective

Whether fueled by mental illness or terrorism, mass knife attacks are becoming more common these days—and with the increased media coverage, I suspect additional copycats are inbound. We’ve talked about how to handle a mass shooter or a terrorist attack, but looking at the many tragic examples of mass knife attacks from the last few years, it becomes apparent to me that mass knife attacks present some unique challenges that we ought to examine in greater detail.

First off: mass knifings seem to be most common in places where people don’t suspect violence—schools are unfortunately popular—or places that are crowded with tourists and visitors. Needless to say, we should all be extra cautious in those environments for the time being. This isn’t to say that I want us to live in fear, but we need to understand what the threat environment is. <snip>