Pics that make you smile

I would just love to see / hear / feel a MOAB going off, and i find the Russian 2S4 Tulipan ( Tulip) self propelled motar pretty cool, not least the Ziiiiiiing when it launch :D

Now if that's not a admission of me being a gun freak, not least remembering the type number of a Russian motar system i dont know, and me thinking i wonder how heavy a shell i can launch how far with oxy/acetylene ass propellant as i am too lazy to start cooking black powder like when i was a kid.
Just making fun on the fair sex, not being misogynistic.

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I know plenty of grown men who can't even park properly in a parking lot or even their own driveway, nevermind trying to parallel park. Incompetence knows no gender/race/age/etc.
Bonus material on the DVD from the excellent 2008 Danish carton Journey to Saturn.

PS. unless you are very liberal you better not let the kids see that cartoon :eek:
Russians are effective but indians make it look good.
I do hope those Swedes dont get angry with us again, they would cream us in no time.
not as offensive as their previous effort where people thought they were running the tourism campaign for the Northern Territory government

they are in the business of selling T-Shirts and seem to get sales with their official looking marketing I guess
not as offensive as their previous effort where people thought they were running the tourism campaign for the Northern Territory government

they are in the business of selling T-Shirts and seem to get sales with their official looking marketing I guess

The ARSE site is funnier at least and the T-shirts are amusing without being offensive.