Pics that make you smile

Our tick warning.
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She turned me into a newt,,,,,,, a newt ??,,,,, i got better :D

I just cant find that heavenly place that Sir Galahad visit

castle anthrax.jpg
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Our president visited Putin and Trump recently.
Now the wife of our pesident is pregnant...:eek:
Former airforce airdrome Vandel, now a occasional playground for speed ( no its not open every day try once every month at best / average )
And it would seem host for a little solar array.

Dunno why the Swedes came over here to run their monster, they are a motorsport nation we cant even jump up and bite in the knees.
If you are strapped for time jump to 1:50
People change for two reasons.

Either they learned enough that they want to.
Or they been hurt enough that they have to.

Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret are stronger than gratitude.
She turned me into a newt,,,,,,, a newt ??,,,,, i got better :D

I just cant find that heavenly place that Sir Galahad visit

View attachment 33645

this is the closest thing i could find... and i have a feeling it's not quite the same as what you're looking for. it probably doesn't have a beacon that is grail-shaped.

There is a way to do something like this without incurring the risk of being charged with a false report but I won't post it publicly nor do I recommend it except in extreme cases. Almost always your best bet is honesty :D
