Pics that make you smile

Some of it are really nasty indeed, make the 10 % horse meat in beef beat or the cheap illegal candy with rat poo in it cuz its stored illegally look like a cakewalk.
The challenge back then must have been being able to real all those small letters with the resolution of the time :D
A new thing with the telephone scammers here in the US has been phone number spoofing....
For the last few months I've been getting calls from 'spoofed' numbers that are always the same area code and exchange as my cell phone. I'm guessing they think that I'll think it's a close friend or neighbor - it doesn't work.
For the last few months I've been getting calls from 'spoofed' numbers that are always the same area code and exchange as my cell phone. I'm guessing they think that I'll think it's a close friend or neighbor - it doesn't work.

Yes, that's the same phenomenon I'm talking about except that in a small town you'll inevitably see local names of friends, acquaintances or neighbors on the caller ID which can be challenging 'cause you don't know if its a real call or not.
Yep, the robo-dialer program knows what number it's calling so it just spoofs the area code and exchange. It's not real sophisticated because about a year or so back I actually got a call from myself on my land line. :rolleyes:
No it do sound like normal i know, but if she got to have half of yours you should have half of hers, and in the situation i wonder why not as things at this time are pretty much balancing on a knife edge.
I would ask for half her sh,,,, stuff, if not for anything else then to burn it while i dance naked and drunk out of my brain around the fire while i howl at the moon.
Hehe as you can infer from my statement above, that whole relationship thing,,,, well i dont have much experience with that other than from movies :D
Yep, the robo-dialer program knows what number it's calling so it just spoofs the area code and exchange. It's not real sophisticated because about a year or so back I actually got a call from myself on my land line. :rolleyes:

I received a series of cell phone voice mail messages from a local woman desperately wanting to know why I kept calling her over and over and hanging up. I finally called her back and explained that it wasn't me and proceeded to educate her about the phenomenon of phone number spoofing for which she seemed very grateful. She was basically relieved to find out that some local person wasn't harassing her for unknown reasons. The thing that freaked me out at first was that she knew my first name when she called until I finally realized she got my name from my voice mail greeting.
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I have not heard of phone spoofing going on here, but we Danes are slow to catch on to such things it seem to me.
I am however extremely happy those auto dialer are not allowed over here, i think i would loose if if in these election times i was phoned up again and again to find form recording telling me about the merits of so and so candidate, i have enough problems dealing with the damn posters in every light pole.
K.I.S.S :)
How do they send a false ID number? I once received a call on my cell phone. ID number show it's from my home phone. Wife and I are the only ones staying in our house and she's with me in our car so I didn't answer.
I'm wondering if the spoof can be reversed. I'd pay a robo-call service to call their number back constantly to tie up their phones with incoming calls in revenge :cool:
