Pics that make you smile

i'm liking the look of the 2nd gen tesla roadster. specs are insane (really? 10,000 NM of torque?) and the range is, too... then again, 1000km range is proabably when babying it everywhere. driving it as you SHOULD drive a sports car, i'm sure range will be much less.

the reveal was kinda funny - they're doing the public unveiling of their Semi trucks, and "oh yeah, this one has some cargo in it... yeah, we're gonna build a new roadster"

and something i just noticed - at 0:08 you can see a rock or something under the left rear tire. sure, it's a prototype, but i'm surprised it doesn't even have a parking brake or that they couldn't think of a better way to keep the car in place.
just watched the full live stream:

got a good laugh at how he said something like "i dunno how many of you ever watched Spaceballs, but if you did, you know there's only one speed higher than Ludicrous... and that's Plaid" and then he went over the numbers of the new roadster. :D
Atlas has learned some new tricks!

And the new SpotMini is pretty creepy!

i thought the first version of the 4-legged one was WAY more creepy. looked like an actual animal w/ all its "saddlebags", not to mention the sound of those little 2-stroke engines it had to provide enough power for everything. now that battery (and other) tech is a lot better, the dog bot can be nearly silent and much smaller. so for me, it's LESS creepy. the slim yellow one looks kinda cool to me.
i thought the first version of the 4-legged one was WAY more creepy. looked like an actual animal w/ all its "saddlebags", not to mention the sound of those little 2-stroke engines it had to provide enough power for everything. now that battery (and other) tech is a lot better, the dog bot can be nearly silent and much smaller. so for me, it's LESS creepy. the slim yellow one looks kinda cool to me.

I think they're ALL creepy! :D But I love this stuff!
I fell over this news this morning, and it did crack a smile on my face as its not here.

Linking side wrote "When it rains it pours on government ineptitude. How the heck do you leave this much data just laying around for anyone to find? Tax dollars at work........"

On that pic above where are the safety officer and government rep ?
Dude ! you was just overtaken by a 8 year old kid :eek:

Boston Dynamics are just so,,,,,,, DUDE :eek:
And there are a little LOL in the end.
August 29th 1997, Skynet became self-aware. It's not really taken 20 years to get to this stage, the growth is exponential. I suspect we have another couple of years before we see the launch of the 'T' series!:eek:
Well i am just as slow that time of the day, its only the prospect of making money that get the speed up.

But i still need 1 hour in the morning to get to grips with the idea of working, and for the coffee to kick in, for the most of my life i have gotten up at 5 in the morning, then i can speed up until 6 and then i most often had a 1 hour commute to work.
And for the most i have gone to bed around midnight.
Yeah we have a stake in the possible oil to be found up there, only problem being that when we can finally get at that oil people have stopped using it.
Which are pretty much how things often work here.

I can see the top are pretty flat, maybe we should have a soccer match over ownership :D

Actually i am pretty sure that "soon" ( 2050 )
Denmark will be on 100% renewable energy, while we will be selling oil and gas to the other countries we point our fingers and and mock for not being green like us.
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Me a Dane watching the Australian rally on a Swedish TV station, life are wonderful when you are multi-linguistic. :)
I am sort of glad some of the old Danish dialects are dying, cuz even in this little country there was areas with local dialects where speaking to the locals you would have to say " excuse me" just about every time they opened their mouth.
The northern and southern parts of Jutland being the worst, and not forgetting our little Baltic island Bornholm south of Sweden where the local dialect are some bastard mix of Swedish and Danish.

I dont know if i am growing out of it, but Rally seem less and less cool to watch when you can remember the exiting days of Group A & B cars, i also think its the way the events are filmed now, in the old days you have cameras along the stage and that was it, today you have a lot of helicopter shot and the only plus being on-board cameras.

Could also just be its me getting old and boring.

I must say rally spectators o_O:rolleyes::cautious: talk about death wish.