Pics that make you smile

Ya don't say...
HAHAHAHAHA! If it was here in Portugal the sign would read "This product may contain traces of peanuts." :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Middelfart is a Danish town.
Funny thing is in Danish fart means speed.
We just got a little snow here - only happens about once every 10 years in Houston. It didn't stick here at my house but just a few miles up the road in chappel Hill, it did... And it's apparently still snowing:
View attachment 34927

Edit: just let the dog out before going to bed, and it's still snowing here, and actually sticking!
View attachment 34928

That's nothing! We got two feet of snow! :D
Smug but not happy at all... :


And accross the line!!!


...... about two weeks late ......
I think he are pretty chuffed, the damn thing dident explode with him in it. :D
How about this guy (N0 5) starting last and pissing of everyone else in the battle with his old twin Jawa, gotta love that....! Hehe.... :eek:

Very cool, that guy could ride. Looked like he had football protection equipment on under his jersey. He sure pissed off those other riders on their more modern rides. Loved it!
I really should have watched Top Gear more often. Maybe I'll check out their Grand Tour series on Amazon Prime.
He got snow - I didn't.

We got a dusting where i live tonight, but nothing worth speaking about for us northern folkes.

Actually it is snowing right now i see on my CCTV

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