Pics that make you smile

Would sound good in French too :D

Legos are great for many purposes.

Have you been told to take a long walk on a short pier?
This is the pier to use.


Maybe this was really designed so people could walk away from the shore while keeping their feet dry?


The lack of railings tell us this is not in the USA.

Actually, here in the south west of the USA very little of the canyons and cliffs have any railing at all. You can walk right up to a 1000 foot drop off and there's no railing in sight.

Actually, here in the south west of the USA very little of the canyons and cliffs have any railing at all. You can walk right up to a 1000 foot drop off and there's no railing in sight.

Don't worry, there is ground down there, it will catch you if you fall.
Mother earth(y)
long walk on a short pier

My country again.
And i must say that annual sculpture by the sea are BS :mad::mad::mad: and who ever spend taxpayer money on that should be flogged to death.

One of the sculptures in 2017 was a car suspended from a crane with water coming out of it
Not sure why, but for some reason this made me smile last week.....


I mean, what's the point in telling us with what hand you drive....?!? :D

Look at this guy's bike, it has a turning circle of a train.... hahaha but what a noise.... Ooooh yeeesssss!!!


Don't worry, there is ground down there, it will catch you if you fall.
Mother earth(y)

The thing is, every year folks fall to there death in spite of being made aware of the lack of railing. I've made some videos in these places and have mentioned this fact just in case someone wanting to come here didn't know there would not likely be railings or any other safety devices in most places. Scary when you see kids running about and parents oblivious to the risks...
