Pics that make you smile

I call gasoline Go juice.
The Nimbus are like the Ford model A, you can fix most of it with 3-4 simple tools and a little steel wire.
I once read about a guy touring UK and Scotland on a nimbus, not long into the drive 1 cylinder quit on him, but he just finished the tour on the remaining cylinders.

Im not into those modified ones, and the girl are too "painted" for my liking.
Quite a kit those Saturn 5, im just a sucker for those F1 engines
Sure, it's British racing green, but it's an ugly color for that bike. Course I personally don't find anything attractive about that bike. But then I've never driven a motorcycle outside of a parking lot - not really my thing.

I think if you're going to just have a motor, wheels, and just enough of a frame to hold it all together, you might as well put your *ahem* parts on the handlebars and go all out.

Would be pretty awesome to go into the VAB with a vehicle inside!
Yep, I'd travel half way across the country and pay an admission charge for the experience.
The Nimbus are like the Ford model A, you can fix most of it with 3-4 simple tools and a little steel wire.
I once read about a guy touring UK and Scotland on a nimbus, not long into the drive 1 cylinder quit on him, but he just finished the tour on the remaining cylinders.

Im not into those modified ones, and the girl are too "painted" for my liking.

I like the originals better too, but it's nice to sometimes have some "alternative" idea's, without really having to actually do it....

I wonder though, the line setup cilinders, are they middle ones not getting too hot on longer trips? They might get cooled a little less than the outer ones...
Yep, I'd travel half way across the country and pay an admission charge for the experience.
i can't wait to see falcon heavy launch. will supposedly have elon's tesla roadster as cargo, and if it actually flies, that roadster will be put into martian orbit. to do it right though, it would need to be outfitted with lunar rover style mesh wheels, and also be carrying a big array of solar panels and a supercharger station. (yes, i know gen1 roadsters can't supercharge)

also eagerly awaiting the Big Falcon Rocket
Nice !
Now go make something that enable many people to drive their car like a sane person.