Pics that make you smile


:giggle: Occasionally...
Maybe already been posted...
Swedish Television aired that show yesterday!! Hahaha.. I have started watching it on svtplay... To bad it probably only is watchable from Sweden there.
I think there are more successful towers for storage of cars, but for secure long term storage that might be the best one.


At Dock 1 on Aarhus harbor we have a fully automated parking garage.
APP using Darwin candidate.

Sort of explain the many firearms accidents i assume Americans have every year.

No, I'm afraid that one doesn't have much of anything to do with firearms accidents. Since I happen to live in the same state where this happened I'm pretty familiar with this sort of thing. Every year we get quite a few people from out of state (like in the article) who follow their GPS units into some sort of harrowing but often absurdly funny circumstances. Usually, they'll follow the GPS instructions down some country road that turns into an old logging road that goes nowwhere. For some odd reason a surprising number of people just keep driving into the forest even though there isn't any road in front of them anymore just because the GPS tells them to keep going. Eventually, it dawns on them that they have driven their cars deep into the wilderness and have no idea where they are or how to get back to civilization. One guy with kids in the car and a pregnant wife got his car stuck between several trees and he couldn't turn around or back out. They had to send a crew into the woods to extract his vehicle. And like in the article you linked, sometimes they drive right into some body of water because the GPS said to. :)

Anyway, the firearms accidents involve a completely different level of idiocy that is always entirely self inflicted without any help from technology. :jawdrop:
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Thats a lot of NO for sure.
I would probably bypass such a place as i am a yes man.
Ever wonder what happen if you bite into a lipo battery ?

I've stuck my tongue on a 9V battery, I know where to draw the line.

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