Pics that make you smile

That guy have been eating some high sugar leaves, and for a long time. :giggle:
I like to beat on the little guys, bigger chance of winning, but it dont go down well with many people.

Aside for a football kicker, there are few famous Dane in the US looking like that.
Only one that come to mind are Sven Ole Thorsen a lifetime friend of "Arnold"

Still "SOT" was never Lou Ferrigno size

Actual vikings.
I kid you not, moving for my nice yesterday her BF and his little brother both in the very early 20 ties, they was moaning and panting like i would if i had helped with that part of the deal.
BUT ! i was on installing light detail ( electrics ) and shortening up window blinds to size, both things that would take a old school man and not a new school man to be done.
But i have to admit i was thinking " OMG what pussies "

So that mannequin are not wrong in any way as i see it.

"Bornholm is as the only Island in Denmark, nominated by the travel magazine Travel + Leisure for "Worlds best awards""

Now English are my #2 language but i understand this as Denmark only have that one Island.
But we have 323 uninhabited islands and 75 inhabited, we even have the worlds biggest island Greenland a place that literally dwarfs Denmark, and a lot of other countries.

Greenland are 2,130,800 Sq/km in comparison Great Britain ( England - Scotland & Wales ) are 209,331 Sq/km