Pics that make you smile

By that reasoning we should adopt Vulcan measurements, as it is the Vulcan survey ship Tplana-Hath that first detect the warp signature of the Phoenix on April 5 - 2063 in Bozeman Montana..
( First contact day )
By that reasoning we should adopt Vulcan measurements, as it is the Vulcan survey ship Tplana-Hath that first detect the warp signature of the Phoenix on April 5 - 2063 in Bozeman Montana..
( First contact day )

Oh great! With Vulcan vs Klingon measurements we'll be right back to a new version of the metric vs inches vs Imperial thing again. :giggle:
Perhaps it is prudent to say now that i am in no way a trekkie.
I leave such things to the like of Sheldon Cooper and his peers.
By that reasoning we should adopt Vulcan measurements, as it is the Vulcan survey ship Tplana-Hath that first detect the warp signature of the Phoenix on April 5 - 2063 in Bozeman Montana..
( First contact day )

Perhaps it is prudent to say now that i am in no way a trekkie.
I leave such things to the like of Sheldon Cooper and his peers.

You seem to know a lot about this stuff for a guy who purports not to be a Trekkie. ;):p
I remembered the first contact movie, but i had to look up the specifics, so its just google smarts and not fan smarts.

And as i also remember in 2063 the world are recovering after something horrific, cant remember if it was yet another war or what.
So we might be heading for dark times if we are to go by Star Trek timeline.
I remembered the first contact movie, but i had to look up the specifics, so its just google smarts and not fan smarts.

And as i also remember in 2063 the world are recovering after something horrific, cant remember if it was yet another war or what.
So we might be heading for dark times if we are to go by Star Trek timeline.

Lately, it feels like the dark times are already upon us. Maybe it's time for some comfort food like a nice bowl a Gagh.

Funny and interesting considering he comes from a country where they:

Buy milk and beer by the pint, and buy orange juice and paint by the litre
Buy petrol by the litre, for cars that do 30 miles to the gallon.
Weigh themselves in stones and pounds, but buy potatoes by the kilo.
And, best of a 3 metre length of 2" x 4" timber!!!

(Sent to me by a friend who lives in the UK.)

There are some conflicts for sure, even in the most entrenched metric countries.
I did once ask for 2 X 4" at a lumber yard, but they just looked at me as if i just fallen out of a tree.
The US construction industry will by necessity have to keep it's standard dimensions although the nomenclature could change. That change will have to be forced into place at near-gunpoint though as most of us know nothing else :whistle:

I was with a company building a factory back in 1982. All the dimensions were Imperial except for the machinery mounting pads and bolts which were metric because the machines were from Europe. Everyone dreaded the upcoming chore of converting the dimensions from Metric to decimal English then to fractional equivalents. An error would cost thousands of dollars and involve breaking up and re-pouring a whole lot of steel-reinforced concrete :eek: Nobody wanted to be the one responsible for making the conversion calculations :rolleyes: I became the 'hero' when I showed up with a Metric/English tape rule which back then were nearly impossible to find here. The usual supply points could order them in Engineer grade for like $80; nothing else could be had. We had the Field Engineer verify the accuracy of mine and it was used to lay out all the machinery points perfectly. I found that one at the local independent five-and-dime entirely by luck and chance :cool:

It will not be easy for us to go Metric and it will never get easier so we might as well do it now and get it over with. It is a far superior system, easier to learn and to use. Whoever forces this to happen will be widely hated today but hailed as a hero 50 years from now. Such is the plight of being a genius in a rather stupid world :cry:

The US construction industry will by necessity have to keep it's standard dimensions although the nomenclature could change. That change will have to be forced into place at near-gunpoint though as most of us know nothing else :whistle:

I was with a company building a factory back in 1982. All the dimensions were Imperial except for the machinery mounting pads and bolts which were metric because the machines were from Europe. Everyone dreaded the upcoming chore of converting the dimensions from Metric to decimal English then to fractional equivalents. An error would cost thousands of dollars and involve breaking up and re-pouring a whole lot of steel-reinforced concrete :eek: Nobody wanted to be the one responsible for making the conversion calculations :rolleyes: I became the 'hero' when I showed up with a Metric/English tape rule which back then were nearly impossible to find here. The usual supply points could order them in Engineer grade for like $80; nothing else could be had. We had the Field Engineer verify the accuracy of mine and it was used to lay out all the machinery points perfectly. I found that one at the local independent five-and-dime entirely by luck and chance :cool:

It will not be easy for us to go Metric and it will never get easier so we might as well do it now and get it over with. It is a far superior system, easier to learn and to use. Whoever forces this to happen will be widely hated today but hailed as a hero 50 years from now. Such is the plight of being a genius in a rather stupid world :cry:


Your post jogged my memory about the time back in 1999 when the Mars Climate Orbiter was lost because engineers failed to convert from English to metric measurements when exchanging vital data before the craft was launched.

"A navigation team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory used the metric system of millimeters and meters in its calculations, while Lockheed Martin Astronautics in Denver, which designed and built the spacecraft, provided crucial acceleration data in the English system of inches, feet and pounds."
Hehe yeah that was a big old mess.

And its not like you can say the guys at JPL are a bunch of drooling idiots, they have made and done some great stuff there, i for one would be proud to work at JPL.
Same goes for Lockheed, they wrenched up some really nice stuff too.

A expensive case of " you are not supposed to think something are so and so, you are supposed to know"

In normal day metric world the millimeters are hardly ever used, centimeters and meters / kilometers on the other hand are.
The millimeters and fractions there of are mostly used in the industry, but funny thing is working in the metal industry its all mm, so you dont go 100 CM or 1M,,,,,,, that's 1000 mm in the metal industry, even if its a measurement with no tolerance attached to it, and even if its really long like say a 4 M / 4000 mm long pice of pipe.
Other industries mostly work in Cm as their measuring tool are a tape measure.

So when we are putting up a fence its 2 M 20 Cm / 2.2 M tall and made up of 1 M & 80 Cm or 1.8 M long boards, typically 15 mm thick and 110 mm wide as a fence have no load bearing it just have to keep eyes out.

Some would say a 1.5 CM thick and 11 CM wide board, but on the lumber yard they will be using the mm for that "small" stuff.
But in general CM and M do fine for general size among us metric guys, and only adding the kilo suffix if its really long or the mili if its really small.

I dont say i am 1900 mm or 190 CM tall i say i am 1.9M tall or "1 meter & 90" in Danish ( the 90 being Cm as that's the next scale down, no one will ever misunderstand it and think i am 1 M and 90 mm tall )
So the consensus are to try and keep the measurements / numbers as small as possible to facilitate comprehension.
But size in passports are listed in Cm.

A 1/4 mile race are 402 M, so funny as i am i call that form of racing for 402 race or 402 dash, but that's just me, i also call gasoline for go juice and every one here go WTF is that.

Even in metric it cam appear to be a big old mess too for a outsider i recon, but once you get on board with it then it become quite natural.
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I wonder did anyone ask for that position:sleep:
Haha Loaders / laofers make me thing of the 5 mini diggers that was stolen here a few days ago, they was probably in some obscure southern or eastern EU country in a matter of 12 hours.

Its not just rat sized rats we have problems here, there are some really nasty ones coming to prey on us too, its like the Mexicans of the EU but they just dont originate from 1 place and most are EU members so you cant keep them off your "ship"
The Metric system is outdated anyway, it's founded on the base ten counting system which is arbitrary and clumsy. If we want a claim to be truly logical we need to switch to using binary /hex.

Besides, our new digital overlords won't give us any option in the matter.

Sent from my SM-G903F using Tapatalk
...we need to switch to using binary /hex.
Octal is easier to deal with than either binary or hex - but anything is better than bi-quinary.
Queue the "there are only 10 types of people" jokes...

Course, I own this shirt:

I think we have all worked at a place like that.



The life of a dashcam capacitor.


Chinese are actually good at insults.

As i have told a long time ago Slut means the end / done in Danish.
but caption say "when your dishwasher are mad at you"

This guy know " dont get mad, get even"

Snake eyes playing erotic dice with wife / GF


Stan are loosing it.
I got a similar note when they wanted to upgrade my meter because of my dog inside her fence. Had they looked closer they would have seen the fence ends at the side of the house so they can get to the meter. Access wasn't a problem for them and no note was needed the four times those idiots pulled my meter by mistake when my account was paid up to date :mad: Maybe I can get someone to ship me some of those deadly Aussie spiders to keep the idiots at bay :devilish:
