Pics that make you smile

Only interaction i ever had with 5.25" floppy's was on technical school when we should program pre CNC machines in the mid 80ties, and before that 4 year apprenticeship was over we even got real CNC machines to deal with too.
Not that i bothered much with that was it was not something you got tested in, and i have always been more of a hands on craftsman type.
While i do recognize the sweetness of CNC machines it was never something i wanted to work with as,,,, really its not work just pushing buttons.
I still have my BASIC airline ticketing computer project from tenth grade on 5.25 floppy disks somewhere. :D
I just love it when people nerd out on something fairly simple, or maybe a should say mundane materials.
I linked to the wintergatan marble machine pages back.

I would like a shop with a lathe and a mill, cuz if i was to nerd out it would be with metal.

Like this 3D printer work too.
They must have been in a real rush for their first drink... or their tenth?

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By simple reasoning i deduct that that liquor store have a lot of truck driving customers.
If not a lot of arrivals in regular cars will be walking home, or park the car down the street when it overheat.
I am sure seeing the picture wiped that smile off his face, and probably the notion of ever letting any animal climb onto him.
I am sure seeing the picture wiped that smile off his face, and probably the notion of ever letting any animal climb onto him.
I just can't imagine that if the animal was that kind of "excited", that it was sitting still. Seems it would be making certain motions that would get the guy's attention in a big hurry.

I call shenanigans. :P
Indeed, male mammals do tend to go overboard with the pelvis thrusting now and then.
Kind of a trademark move of us, at least the ones that do or can to some degree walk on 2 legs.
I like that tweet firing Ma duce :)