Pics that make you smile

I think back in the day i might have owned something like 500 MB on floppy disks :giggle:
Kids today should be forced to jump thru the same hoops to get on facetwitt, i bet that would cure at least some of them.
I actually staied with DOS untill i finally got on board with windows with WIN 98se
These are waiting the day i will need them (y)
A guy that moved in next door this summer spent days in the back yard fashioning furniture out of old pallets.
Some times seeing what the world have turned into ( like Sabes post above ) i just want to die by cop.
Yes can you imagine ww11 veteran do that.

If there are any period its the Tulip period, but that was those zany Dutch people, and ever since wall street took that to the next level we have been good.
like TV.
What if your house is secretly rigged to spy your activities:eek: i mean, how can you know:unsure:
If you leave the realm of consumer grade stuff, you can get some really interesting things.
It is just to bad no one use those on the so called leaders where they live, though we Danes are now #2 less corrupt country in the world, then i am sure in the homes and offices of our leaders here a lot of WTF is going on.
I for one have 0 trust in the current leadership here, and thats from top to bottom and coperate and government alike.
ever installed Windows from floppy and remember how laborious a task that was, imagine having to do that now with today's bloatware operating systems
Please insert disk 387 of 402....
Error. Unable to read disk. Please insert disk 1 to try again.
At least the floppy disk was a big step up from the C64 tape station.