Pics that make you smile





I think the guy make grills too.
Seem like Mobile providers are now at war over the customers again, this time the weapons are flatrate data ( 1 Tb / Mo - 20 Gb in EU ) and free speech / SMS/MMS.
Here is a commercial from Telia.
They say there are safety in numbers !

Tell that to 6 million Jews.
longest running one-man show in the history of theater ?


Victor Borge.
849 performances when "Comedy in Music" closed on 21 January 1956
Looks more like Avebury to me

Thats what i am thinking too. Not Stone Henge for sure many more smalle stones there.
Making me wonder if OP / pic maker know of the Carnac stones in France with a lot of stones lined up as opposed to being in a circle.


Funny fetish our forefathers had with stones, though at our level the Egyptians put us to shame.
yes, it's not Stonehenge, it's a Meme not a geography lesson ;)
Maybe it's a physics lesson. I can't help asking myself if that trailer could hold that stone without the wheels sinking into the grass. :unsure:
Next question was did they Photoshop or carefully position the trailer?
At least I laughed at the joke before analyzing too deeply. :LOL:
We have been told assault rifles are dangerous.
Is it true?


Ask the victims at Parkland HS -- oh yeah you can't, they're dead!

Once again country hick just has to pull the political stuff out of his, well, you know! Worse, of course, were the sick f'ers that labeled the kids the didn't die as "crisis actors". And the Alex Jones morons that said Sandy Hook never happened. There were and are nut that have attacked the families of those that died at Sandy Hook for being part of a fake news story. The sickness that infects these punks is unending!

Point of order -- I own 4 firearms and two of them are AR's so not a gun grabber.

So, country hick -- why do you ALWAYS pull crap like this?

All guns are dangerous.
Im on board with the good man to stop a bad man, problem being bad men will not turn in weapons if asked, i think this could also be seen in Australia after their massive turn in guns campaigns way back in the day.
But i also think there are room for good men to be a little better, and i personally wouldn't mind a longer waiting period if i was a American.
As a Dane the waiting period are at least 2 years as a active member of a rifle or pistol club for you to get permission to buy your own weapon, and as i recall even longer for you to take said weapon home after shooting.

You can get a hunting license and so buy a shogun ( only bird shot allowed and 2 PCS of ammo in the weapon ) but you can buy a big ass rifle that's meant for elephants though they dont live here, that's no problem at all,
So one of the bigger caliber rifle with a pretty decent long range capabilities, misuse of that is all open,,,, of course only as no one have not dont that yet here, the moment it happen only .22 rifler will be legal.
This isn't about whether guns are good or bad -- this is country hick p!ssing in the pool and then standing back with popcorn!

Thats why i illegally EDC a pocket knife, just in case my shadow get ideas cuz then i will pin it to the ground. :)