Pics that make you smile

Can down dude. It's a fricken JOKE.

From the time of the Columbine High School massacre on April 20, 1999 and March 20, 2018, 274 students and teachers have died in school shootings with many more having been severely wounded and some permanently disabled. On a weekend when hundreds of thousands of young students all over the country feel compelled to demonstrate for common sense legislation to protect their safety in the classroom after another 17 people were murdered right before their eyes with an assault weapon you seem to think it's a good time to make firearms jokes. It's appalling! And it wasn't even a joke, it was merely another example of country hick's long history of trolling here on DCT, with Fox News and alt right style memes and talking points with the express intent of inciting an argument that nobody here will ever win. That's what internet trolls and their cheerleaders do.

There's a good chance I own more guns than anybody on this forum and I carry one every day, so I'm hardly someone who is against the Second amendment or the right to firearms ownership, yet I recognize the need for balance, restraint and common sense within a civil society. As such, I am a former NRA member who became sick and tired of the rabid and increasingly vicious rhetoric emanating from the organization, especially since Wayne Lapierre (who avoided military service during the Vietnam War) became their chief executive in 1991. My involvement with the NRA goes back to my boyhood when I was the recipient of numerous small bore rifle marksmanship awards at a time when the organization was all about firearms training, responsibility and safety. I've watched in dismay as it has devolved into a de facto radical hate group and high powered lobbying organization for the firearms industry. The result is that we now live in a country where in 2017/2018 almost as many people have died from firearms as from leukemia.

Anyone who thinks this is a good time to make "jokes" about assault rifles should be ashamed of themselves.
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Can down dude. It's a fricken JOKE.

Yes, of course it is, but it fits a pattern that country hick revels in and is a staple of alt right nut jobs ALL OVER THE INTERNET! I'm getting really tired of his crap. Mind you, there have been periods where he's managed to avoid the political nonsense and posted funny stuff we all can enjoy, but, sadly, he can resist only so long before he feels it necessary to p!ss in the pool and then sit back and chuckle at the sh!tstorm he creates. This tendency is bordering on psychopathy!

And, just to remind you I own guns and support the 2nd amendment so I'm not coming at this from the point of a gun grabbing liberal. Guys like country hick do us gun owners a disservice by making us all out to be crude and indifferent to folks that only recently fell victim to yet another mass murder. This sh!t needs to end!

5 people here got the joke 2 did not. I figure that is not a bad average.

That picture made me smile.
5 people here got the joke 2 did not. I figure that is not a bad average.

That picture made me smile.

The parents whose children where recently murdered with an assault rifle at Parkland are certainly not smiling.

Anyone who thinks this is a good time to be making "jokes" about assault rifles on a humorous picture thread here on DCT should be ashamed of themselves. :mad:
Being one of the worlds most unlucky fishermen if you factor hours spent Vs amount of Kg fish caught,,,,, then i can relate. :giggle:
Speaking of guns, the FX Dreamline got me fired up, as its no doubt a major step up from my FX Cyclone

Sadly even its cheapest version ( lego gun ) which i assume is the one pictured above will be out of my range.

At least my friend now have a new house, with enough land for our .22 airguns to really be stretched out VS the old garden where we pretty much filled a MAG of pellets thru the hole the first one made on 15 M or so.
I am looking forward to shooting some 50 - 80 M where environmental factors really will have to be factored in with the light pellets to get "a kill"
Guys lets stay off of any political discussions / country bashing. Also a reminder to keep posts (even pictures) PG-13.
The parents whose children where recently murdered with an assault rifle at Parkland are certainly not smiling.

Anyone who thinks this is a good time to be making "jokes" about assault rifles on a humorous picture thread here on DCT should be ashamed of themselves. :mad:
Anyone who is unable to see humor even in times of tragedy needs help.

My first amendment rights do not go away just because you do not like them.

The real shame is blaming an item for the failure of many government employees who could have prevented the tragedy.
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Anyone who is unable to see humor even in tragedy needs help.

My first amendment rights do not go away just because you do not like them.

The real shame is blaming an item for the failure of many government employees who could have prevented the tragedy.

The fact that you find any humor at all in this particular tragedy at this particular time tells us everything we need to know about who you are and what you are all about but, of course, by now this is nothing we didn't already know. There is a time and place for everything and this is not the time, or the place for such bottom dweller lowly behavior. No doubt, next thing you know we'll be hearing Holocaust, famine and cancer victim jokes from you. Your First amendment rights may be one thing but common sense, decency and conducting oneself with at least a modicum of dignity is another; all behaviors that are apparently alien to you.

There were many reasons for this tragedy for sure, but blaming "government employees" for what occurred at Stoneman Douglas High School without acknowledging the shooter's easy access to that kind of military firepower as if "the item" had nothing to do with what happened is the very height of ignorance, naiveté, and denial.

Hey man, nuclear weapons don't kill people, people kill people! :rolleyes:
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On a sad note, i heard Remington have filed for bankruptcy :( always sad to see venerable old brands fall to the roadside.

They made a few things over the years i would like to get my hands on.
The fact that you find any humor at all in this particular tragedy at this particular time :rolleyes:

I never said I found any humor in a tragedy. I did not equate a tragedy and that meme. If you did perhaps you need to rethink your inherent biases.
Sarcasm and irony dont do well on the internet i found, really too bad i like those.

As the Mohammed drawings indicated nothing here are sacred in any way, even our chain smoking queen LAMO when standup comedians give here a go.
I never said I found any humor in a tragedy.

What you actually said was, "Anyone who is unable to see humor even in times of tragedy needs help", to justify your untimely "joke" about assault weapons.

Your entire little theater piece here posting a so called "joke" meme about assault weapons or offering up comments like this is the classic trolling technique of "provoke & deny" - "wash & repeat". @Raptor1956 was exactly correct when he said that, "This isn't about whether guns are good or bad -- this is country hick p!ssing in the pool and then standing back with popcorn!"

At a time when our nation is still reeling from yet another mass murder of school children with severely wounded victims still recovering in the hospital, any suggestion that people who can't see humor in this horrific story need "help" is deplorably shameful. Certainly, none of the Parkland victims or their grieving and traumatized families, friends, schoolmates and teachers need "help" for not finding any humor in this particular, still raw tragedy.

Of course, no sooner than @DashCamMan cautioned members to lay off the political discussions in this thread, you went right back to this subject with the very next post.
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In 1999 writer David Gerrold was asked to write a brief "future of computing" piece for PC Magazine. David Gerrold is an American science fiction screenwriter and novelist known for his script for the original Star Trek episode "The Trouble With Tribbles" and for his novelette "The Martian Child", which won both Hugo and Nebula awards, and was adapted into a 2007 film starring John Cusack.

I'd say he pretty much nailed it. PITA indeed!



Proof cats are visually oriented, sit still and you are often good, of course unless its the predator ( alien ) or a predator drone that's after you with their thermal sensors.
